SPRAGUE-HOWLAND CEMETERY at Avon, Maine Contributed by George & Janet Thompson Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm Leave Phillips On Route #149 South Toward Strong, Maine Go 2.6 Miles, Cemetery Down Over the Banking On Right In Pasture of "Old Voter Farm" Dates after 1986 taken from Franklin Journal Information in ( ) with -ed are added by us, the editors (flag) denotes a military affiliation This record is set up alphabetically by Surname, not by row or lot as the stones appear in the cemetery. Copied August 26, 1986 by George & Janet Thompson GORDON Sophia, wife of Ithial Gordon d. 01-23-1849 age 29y HOWLAND Elijah, d. 07-18-1855 age 91y 3 1/2m (flag) Mary, his wife d. 11-24-1830 age 68y Molly, their dau. d. 08-16-1840 age54y .......... Lydia, dau. of Elijah & Mary Howland d. 1876 HOWLAND Elijah, Jr., d. 08-12-1836 age 40y 9m (flag) Asenath, his wife, d. 09-14-1843 age 43y 9m Wm., their son, d. 08-02-1825 age 22m HOWLAND Isaac, d. 05-17-1873 age 72y 9m Jane C., his 1st wife, d. 03-21-1844 age 33y8m Abigail S., his 2nd wife, d. 05-23-1877 age 73y 3m 4d Andrew B., son of I. & J. C. Howland d. 04-16-1840 age 2y 3m Geo., son of I. & J, C, Howland d. 01-21-1868 age 27y 6m HOWLAND Oliver, d. 02-01-1880 age 68y Emily, his wife 09-14-1814 - 01-03-1906 Myra A., their dau., d. 03-17-1852 age 14y 9m HOWLAND Capt. Zebuland, d. 02-19-1824 in the 86th year of his age. formerly of Bristol (flag) SPRAGUE Jesse, d. 07-15-1868 age 50y 4m 13d Mary, his 1st wife, d. 08-27-1850 age 31y 7m Asenath F., his 2nd wife, d. 06-09-1898 age 75y 10m 13d Mary E., dau. of J. & A. F. Sprague 11-11-1857 - 03-08-1920 SPRAGUE Samuel, d. 04-18-1845 age 56y Rhoda, his 1st wife, d. 05-29-1844 age 52y Mary, his 2nd wife, d. 01-06-1850 age 39y 8m 13d Rachel L., dau. of S. & R. Sprague, d. 04-07-1837 age 17y Names of persons appearingon stones but not buried there: GORDON Ithial ******************************************************* e-mail George & Jan Thompson and or visit for HTML format of this file. (c) 1997 * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.