From Reverend Melvin Sherburne Hutchins, pastor of the Congre-gational Church, Phillips, Maine: Sprague's Journal of Maine History Vol. 6 August September October 1918 No. 2 page 56 From Reverend Melvin Sherburne Hutchins, pastor of the Congregational Church, Phillips, Maine: "My Dear Mr. Sprague:- Just a word to tell you that I thoroughly enjoy your Journal, and consider your work in publishing and editing such a periodical to be most important for our State. I was, very much disappointed not to be able to attend the Congregational Conference at Dover and Foxcroft this week, I had hoped to look you up and make your personal acquaintance. My vocation is preaching the Gospel but I intend my vocation to be Maine Historical research. If I can ever be of any assistance to you please consider me at your service."