Hancock County ME Archives History - Businesses .....Sullivan 1883 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/me/mefiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher sdgenweb@yahoo.com July 16, 2007, 1:36 pm SULLIVAN. Thirteen miles S. S. E. of Ellsworth. On shore stage-line from Ellsworth to Cherryfield. Indian name Wakeag, signifying a seal. Once called New Bristol. Settled, 1762. Incorp. Feb. 16, 1789, and named for one of the original settlers. Population-1840, 649; 1850, 810; 1860, 862; 1870, 796; 1880, 1023. Valuation, 1860-Polls, 207; Estates, $135,994; 1870-Polls, 210; Estates, $141,954; 1880-Polls, 245; Estates, $193,477. Postmasters-Eugene Simpson; Hast, S. S. Hanna; West, George W. Pettengill. Selectmen-B. B. Havey. Nathaniel Noyes, George W. Ash. Town Clerk-*Nathaniel Noyes. Treasurer-Jabez S. Foster. Collector-Fred A. Noyes. Constables-J. W. Hill, B. C. Baker; East, H. O. Johnson; West, O. B. Ingalls, A. Hackett, Charles Dyer. School Committee-Joshua B. Johnson, G. E. Simpson, Chas. P. Simpson Clergymen-John Johnson, Bap; J. H. Bennett, Meth; East, C. L. Banghart, Meth. Physicians-Nathaniel Johnson, Thom.; Frederick W. Brigham, All. Notary-Cyrus Emery, Aug. 23, 1877. Justices-Oliver P. Bragdon, Jan. 26, 1881; Gilbert E. Sampson, April 10, 1882; F. A. Noyes, Feb. 28, 1879; Cyrus Emery, Aug. 23, 1877; Thomas J. Hodgkins, Feb. 14, 1883, Quorum: George C. Lyman, April 21, 1880, Trial. Merchants-Eugene Simpson, Ambrose Simpson jr., Dunbar Bros., general stores; Cyrus Emery, coal; East, J. T. Wallace jr., Geo. S. Bunker, Geo. W. Ash, Noyes Bros., general stores; Mrs. Lizzie Dunbar, millinery; Fred A. Noyes; paints and oils. West, G. W. Pettengill, Crabtree & Harvey, Simpson & Abbott, general stores; Everett Gordon, confectionery. Manufacturers-Geo. C. Lyman, wheelwright: C. H. Preble & Co., smiths; D. S. Wilson, Aaron Graham, coopers; White Bros., D. Wilson, Wilson Bros., concrete paving; Geo. C. Lyman, grist mill. East, Reuben Smith, satinet cloth and dressing; J. T. Wallace jr., lumber; Hermon Smith, grist mill; Fred. A. Noyes, painter; Geo. W. Ash, Sidney S. Bunker, butchers; Edward Noyes & Co., bricks; Eben Preble, W. J. Lord, J. B. Wilkinson, M. M. Urann, smiths; Smith Bean, shingles; James Ash, shoes; Sidney S. Hanna, harnesses. West, Stimson Granite Co., John H. Stimson prop., paving, random, and all kinds of granite; Crabtree & Havey, general dealers in granite; Abbott Quarry Co., Simpson & Abbott, props., all kinds of granite; Joseph H. West, paving and edgestone a speciality; George W. Pettengill, general dealer in granite; Charles A. Watts, Wm. McKusick, H. H. Colson, Wm. P. Goodwin smiths; A. T. Tundy, shoemaker. Barber- West, Everett Gordon. Insurance Agent-Thomas J. Hodgkins. Land Surveyor and Conveyancer-Gilbert E. Simpson. Livery Stables-Herbert L. Cleaves; West, Charles H. Dyer. Mining Companies - Milton Mining Co.-William D. Lewis, president; Horace T. Starr, secretary; John Shoenbar, superintendent. Pine Tree Silver-John M. Corse, New York, president; W. O. Arnold, Bangor, secretary. Sullivan Mining Co.-George B. Brown, Boston, president; Charles L. Perrin, West Sullivan, secretary; M. S. Norton, superintendent. I. O. G. T.-Eagle, No. 117; East, Union, No. 114. Hotels-Waukeag House; Sullivan House, John U. Hill; West End Hotel, O. B. Ingalls; Robertson House, Mrs. George S. Robertson. Additional Comments: Extracted from: MAINE STATE YEAR-BOOK, AND LEGISLATIVE MANUAL, FOR THE YEAR 1883-84, FROM APRIL 1, 1883, TO APRIL 1, 1884, BY EDMUND S. HOYT. PREPARED PURSUANT TO ORDERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. PORTLAND: HOYT, FOGG & DONHAM, 193 MIDDLE STREET. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/me/hancock/directories/business/1883/sullivan312gms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/mefiles/ File size: 4.1 Kb