Maine Legislative Indexes 1826-1830. Subjects Beginning with "J". Courtesy of the Maine State Archives Subject: JACKSON PETITION SIGNERS Link: 544780 Year: -0- Description: See Waldo County 1827 PL 45-31 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JACKSON, ELIAS AND OTHERS Link: 544781 Year: 1827 Description: Report on the petition for a Lottery to aid them in erecting a stone bridge across the Androscoggin River at South West Bend between Durham and Lisbon Type: GY Access #: 50-18 Subject: JACKSON, SAMUEL AND OTHERS Link: 544782 Year: 1827 Description: Report on the petition for an Act in support of county workhouses Type: GY Access #: 46-23 Subject: JACKSON, THOMAS AND OTHERS Link: 544783 Year: 1826 Description: Report on the petitions of, for leave to build a bridge over the Kennebec River at Gardiner and the remonstrances of Stephen Pilsbury and others Type: GY Access #: 40-1&2 Subject: JACOBS, SAMUEL AND OTHERS Link: 544784 Year: 1827 Description: Report on the petition to repeal the Act passed March 25, 1821 for the regulation of Innholders, Retailers and Common Victuallers, regarding tax on the sale of spirits Type: GY Access #: 50-33 Subject: JAILS Link: 544785 Year: -0- Description: See Prisoners 1830 PL 62-4 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JAMES, BENJAMIN AND OTHERS Link: 544786 Year: 1828 Description: Report on the petition to be set off from the Town of Dearborn and annexed to East Pond Plantation Type: GY Access #: 51-8 Subject: JAMESON, CHARLES Link: 544787 Year: -0- Description: Name changed from Winborn Adams Wiggins Jameson 1828 PS 54-107 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JAMESON, WINBORN ADAMS WIGGINS Link: 544788 Year: -0- Description: Name changed to Charles Jameson 1828 PS 54-107 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JAY Link: 544789 Year: -0- Description: See Oxford Bridge 1827 PS 47-52 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JAY Link: 544790 Year: -0- Description: See Canton 1830 GY 61-17 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JAYNE, JOHN ALTAMONT Link: 544791 Year: 1829 Description: Name changed to John Clark Jayne Type: PS Access #: 60-92 Subject: JAYNE, JOHN CLARK Link: 544792 Year: 1829 Description: Name changed from John Altamont Jayne Type: PS Access #: 60-92 Subject: JEFFERSON Link: 544793 Year: 1829 Description: An Act to annex part of Patricktown Plantation to the Town of Type: PS Access #: 55-19 Subject: JEFFERSON Link: 544794 Year: -0- Description: See Boundary Lines, Town 1828 PS 53-92 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JEFFERSON Link: 544795 Year: -0- Description: See Clark, Elisha and others 1830 GY 62-31 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JEFFERSON Link: 544796 Year: -0- Description: See Dinsmore, Asa 1829 GY 56-34 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JEFFERSON Link: 544797 Year: -0- Description: See Dyer's River Fish 1828 PS 52-81 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JELLISON, BENJAMIN AND OTHERS Link: 544798 Year: 1826 Description: Report on the petition of, that Plantation 14 (Waltham) and part of Mariaville may be incorporated into a town or plantation Type: GY Access #: 41-19 Subject: JENKINS, CHARLES Link: 544799 Year: -0- Description: See Chaplains 1830 RS 30-47 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JENKINS, ISAIAH AND OTHERS Link: 544800 Year: 1827 Description: An Act to set off, from Litchfield to Wales Type: PS Access #: 44-4 Subject: JENKINS, ISAIAH AND OTHERS Link: 544802 Year: 1828 Description: An Act in further addition to the Act setting off, from Litchfield to Wales Type: PS Access #: 53-86 Subject: JENKINS, ISAIAH AND OTHERS Link: 544801 Year: 1828 Description: An Act additional to an Act setting off, from the Town of Litchfield and annexing them to the Town of Wales Type: PS Access #: 49-20 Subject: JEREMY SQUAM ISLAND Link: 544803 Year: -0- Description: See Edgecomb 1828 PS 50-29 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JEWETT, CALEB AND OTHERS Link: 544804 Year: 1828 Description: Resolve in favor of Type: RS Access #: 23-36 Subject: JEWETT, GEORGE AND OTHERS Link: 544805 Year: 1826 Description: Report on the petition for a lottery to aid in building free bridges across the Cathance River and the Androscoggin River Type: GY Access #: 42-8 Subject: JEWETT, JOSEPH S. Link: 544806 Year: -0- Description: See Militia, Major General 1829 GY 57-46 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOHNSON, RALPH C. AND OTHERS Link: 544807 Year: 1827 Description: Report on the petition to grant a lottery in aid of the Belfast East Bridge and the remonstrances of Ephraim McKeen and others Type: GY Access #: 46-22 Subject: JOHNSON, THOMAS AND OTHERS Link: 544808 Year: 1827 Description: Report on the petition that the choice of School Agents for the Town of Dresden may be confirmed Type: GY Access #: 50-52 Subject: JOHNST0N'S ISLAND Link: 544809 Year: -0- Description: See Bremen 1830 PS 63-19 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOINT STANDING COMMITTEES Link: 544810 Year: 1826 Description: Order appointing the Type: GY Access #: 45-4 Subject: JOINT STANDING COMMITTEES Link: 544811 Year: 1827 Description: Order appointing the Type: GY Access #: 49-31 Subject: JOINT STANDING COMMITTEES Link: 544812 Year: 1828 Description: Order appointing the Type: GY Access #: 51-16 Subject: JONES STREAM Link: 544813 Year: -0- Description: See Shaw, Samuel and others 1828 GY 52-23 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JONES, ANDREW PAUL Link: 544814 Year: 1830 Description: Name changed from Jonathan Jones Type: PS Access #: 66-60 Subject: JONES, AUGUSTINE THOMAS Link: 544815 Year: 1829 Description: Name changed from Thomas Jones Type: PS Access #: 60-92 Subject: JONES, BENJAMIN Link: 544816 Year: -0- Description: See Hogan, Charles and others 1829 RS 25-14 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JONES, JAMES AND OTHERS Link: 544817 Year: -0- Description: See Reid, George and others 1829 GY 55-19 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JONES, JONATHAN Link: 544818 Year: 1830 Description: Name changed to Andrew Paul Jones Type: PS Access #: 66-60 Subject: JONES, JULIA B. Link: 544819 Year: 1829 Description: Resolve authorizing, to convey real estate Type: RS Access #: 25-2 Subject: JONES, THOMAS Link: 544820 Year: 1829 Description: Name changed to Augustine Thomas Jones Type: PS Access #: 60-92 Subject: JORDAN, BENJAMIN AND OTHERS Link: 544821 Year: 1827 Description: Report on the petition that Ellsworth may be a half-shire town of Hancock County Type: GY Access #: 47-18 Subject: JORDAN, JOHN C. AND OTHERS Link: 544822 Year: 1830 Description: Report on the petition for the incorporation of a new Town called Hanover Type: GY Access #: 64-3 Subject: JOURNAL, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Link: 544823 Year: 1826 Description: House Journals, Minutes and proceedings from January 4, 1826 to March 8, 1826, 6th Legislature. 1 Volume Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOURNAL, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Link: 544824 Year: 1827 Description: House Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 3, 1827 to February 26, 1827, 7th Legislature. 1 Volume Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOURNAL, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Link: 544825 Year: 1828 Description: House Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 2, 1828 to February 26, 1828, 8th Legislature. 1 Volume Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOURNAL, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Link: 544826 Year: 1829 Description: House Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 7, 1829 to March 6, 1829, 9th Legislature. 1 Volume Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOURNAL, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Link: 544827 Year: 1830 Description: House Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 6, 1830 to March 19, 1830, 10th Legislature. 1 Volume Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOURNAL, THE SENATE Link: 544831 Year: 1829 Description: Senate Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 7, 1829 to March 6, 1829, 9th Legislature. 1 Volume Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOURNAL, THE SENATE Link: 544832 Year: 1830 Description: Senate Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 6, 1830 to March 19, 1830, 10th Legislature. 1 Volume Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOURNAL, THE SENATE Link: 544830 Year: 1828 Description: Senate Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 2, 1828 to February 26, 1828, 8th Legislature. 1 Volume Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOURNAL, THE SENATE Link: 544829 Year: 1827 Description: Senate Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 3, 1827 to February 26, 1827, 7th Legislature. 1 Volume Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOURNAL, THE SENATE Link: 544828 Year: 1826 Description: Senate Journals, Minutes and Proceedings from January 4, 1826 to March 8, 1826, 6th Legislature. 1 Volume Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JOY Link: 544833 Year: 1826 Description: An Act to change the name of the Town of Type: PS Access #: 39-4 Subject: JUDICIAL COURTS Link: 544834 Year: 1828 Description: An Act additional to an Act defining the powers of the, in granting reviews and for other purposes Type: PL Access #: 50-35 Subject: JUDICIAL COURTS Link: 544835 Year: 1829 Description: An additional Act defining the powers of the, in granting Reviews and for other purposes Type: PL Access #: 59-77 Subject: JUDICIAL COURTS Link: 544836 Year: 1829 Description: An additional Act respecting the appointment of Clerks of the Type: PL Access #: 57-50 Subject: JUDICIAL COURTS Link: 544837 Year: 1829 Description: An additional Act respecting the appointment of Clerks of the Type: PL Access #: 61-104 Subject: JUDICIAL COURTS Link: 544838 Year: 1829 Description: Resolve requiring returns from Clerks of the Type: RS Access #: 27-50 Subject: JUDICIAL COURTS Link: 544839 Year: 1830 Description: Returns of Clerks of, made to the Office of Secretary of State pursuant to Resolve of March 5, 1829, Chapter 50 Type: GY Access #: 60-5 Subject: JUDICIAL COURTS Link: 544840 Year: -0- Description: See Witnesses 1828 GY 54-17 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS Link: 544842 Year: 1828 Description: An Act additional for the settlement of certain equitable claims in real estate Type: PL Access #: 53-93 Subject: JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS Link: 544841 Year: 1826 Description: An Act additional to an Act regulating Type: PL Access #: 43-102 Subject: JUDICIAL PROCESS Link: 544843 Year: -0- Description: See Judicial Proceedings 1827 PL 46-48 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JUDICIAL PROCESS AND PROCEEDINGS Link: 544845 Year: 1829 Description: An additional Act regulating Type: PL Access #: 59-78 Subject: JUDICIAL PROCESS AND PROCEEDINGS Link: 544846 Year: 1830 Description: An additional Act regulating Type: PL Access #: 64-36 Subject: JUDICIAL PROCESS AND PROCEEDINGS Link: 544844 Year: 1827 Description: An Act additional to an Act regulating judicial process and Type: PL Access #: 46-48 Subject: JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Link: 544847 Year: 1826 Description: Order for message to be sent to the Senate informing them the House has appointed a Type: GY Access #: 44-36 Subject: JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Link: 544848 Year: -0- Description: See Books 1826 GY 45-7 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JUDKINS, JOHN AND OTHERS Link: 544849 Year: 1829 Description: Report on the petition that provision be made for the erection of Houses of Correction within the several counties Type: GY Access #: 56-8 Subject: JUDKINS, SAMUEL Link: 544850 Year: -0- Description: See Sewall, Oliver and others 1826 GY 37-4 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JURORS Link: 544853 Year: 1827 Description: Report on the order to raise fees of Type: GY Access #: 47-9 Subject: JURORS Link: 544856 Year: -0- Description: See Industry 1826 GY 37-18 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JURORS Link: 544854 Year: 1828 Description: Report on the order relative to altering or amending an Act regulating the selection, impounding and service of Type: GY Access #: 54-5 Subject: JURORS Link: 544852 Year: 1827 Description: An Act regulating the fees of Type: PL Access #: 47-60 Subject: JURORS Link: 544851 Year: 1826 Description: Report on the order to provide further allowance for daily attendance at Court of Type: GY Access #: 43-28 Subject: JURORS Link: 544855 Year: 1828 Description: Report on an Act repealing an Act regulating the fees of Type: GY Access #: 54-36 Subject: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Link: 544857 Year: 1826 Description: Report on the order to comfirm the doings of, who were commissioned as Deputy Sheriffs and Coroners Type: GY Access #: 43-26 Subject: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Link: 544858 Year: 1826 Description: Report on the order to give additional powers to Type: GY Access #: 43-19 Subject: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Link: 544859 Year: 1829 Description: An Act giving additional powers to, in certain cases Type: PL Access #: 60-90 Subject: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Link: 544860 Year: 1829 Description: An Act defining the duties and powers of, respecting actions of replevin Type: PL Access #: 60-94 Subject: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Link: 544861 Year: 1829 Description: An Act making further provision concerning records of Type: PL Access #: 61-101 Subject: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Link: 544862 Year: 1830 Description: An Act to repeal part of an Act making further provision concerning records of Type: PL Access #: 65-46 Subject: JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Link: 544863 Year: -0- Description: See Municipal Courts 1826 PL 41-53 Type: -0- Access #: Subject: JUSTICES' RECORDS Link: 544864 Year: 1826 Description: An Act to provide for the safe keeping of Type: PL Access #: 41-62 Courtesy of the Maine State Archives, David Young of Danville, Maine, and Tina Vickery of Augusta, Maine. 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