Maine Legislative Indexes 1831-1835. Subjects Beginning with "W". Courtesy of the Maine State Archives Subject: WADE, ABNER H. Link: 65492 Description: See Stinson, J.R. and others 1832 RS 36-55 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WADLEIGH, IRA AND OTHERS Link: 65493 Description: Report on the Petition that they may be incorporated into a Bridge Company at Old Town, and the remonstrance of James B. Fiske and others Year: 1833 Type: GY Access #: 77-38 Subject: WADLEIGH, IRA AND OTHERS Link: 65494 Description: See Lumber Survey, Penobscot County 1832 PS 90-123 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WADLEIGH, IRA AND OTHERS Link: 65495 Description: See Orono Bridge 1832 PS 87-85 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WADLEIGH, IRA AND OTHERS Link: 65496 Description: See Sugar Island Side Boom Company 1832 PS 90-125 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WAGG, JAMES Link: 65497 Description: Surname changed to Holland Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 98-125 Subject: WAGG, JAMES: WIFE AND CHILDREN Link: 65498 Description: Surname changed to Holland Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 98-125 Subject: WAGG, JOHN Link: 65499 Description: Surname changed to Holland Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 98-125 Subject: WAGG, JOHN: WIFE AND CHILDREN Link: 65500 Description: Surname changed to Holland Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 98-125 Subject: WALDO Link: 65501 Description: See Woods, Moses and another 1834 GY 86-41 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO BANK Link: 65502 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1832 Type: PS Access #: 83-36 Subject: WALDO COAL, IRON, MARBLE AND LIME, MINING AND Link: 65503 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 117-110 Subject: WALDO COUNTY Link: 65504 Description: See Agriculture, Horticulture and Manufacturers 1832 PL 86-73 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Link: 65505 Description: See County Commissioners, Waldo County Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Link: 65506 Description: See Common Pleas Court, Waldo County 1832 PL 90-124 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Link: 65507 Description: See Common Pleas Court, Waldo County 1833 PL 94-60 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Link: 65508 Description: See Common Pleas Court, Waldo County 1833 GY 81-32 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO COUNTY FISHERIES Link: 65509 Description: See Pickerel 1834 PL 106-110 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO COUNTY HIGHWAYS Link: 65510 Description: Resolve extending the time for making Year: 1832 Type: RS Access #: 38-120 Subject: WALDO COUNTY PEOPLES SOCIETY Link: 65511 Description: See Peoples Society of Waldo County 1831 GY 66-31 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO COUNTY PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65512 Description: See Morrill, Philip and others 1834 GY 86-10 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO COUNTY PROBATE JUDGE Link: 65513 Description: See Probate Judges 1832 GY 74-24 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO COUNTY PROBATE REGISTER Link: 65515 Description: Report on an Act regulating the salary of Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 65-12 Subject: WALDO COUNTY PROBATE REGISTERS Link: 65514 Description: See Probate Register, Waldo County 1834 PS 108-135 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO COUNTY ROADS Link: 65516 Description: See County Roads, Waldo Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDO MILLS Link: 65517 Description: An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 110-170 Subject: WALDO PLANTATION Link: 65518 Description: See Woods, Moses and another 1834 GY 86-41 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDOBORO Link: 65519 Description: See Bear and Wildcat Bounty 1831 GY 65-26 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALDOBORO HARBOR Link: 65520 Description: An Act to regulate Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 91-13 Subject: WALDOBORO PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65521 Description: See Spiritous Liquors 1835 GY 90-32 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALES Link: 65523 Description: See Cole, Banjamin 1833 GY 77-20 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALES Link: 65524 Description: See Cole, Benjamin and others 1833 GY 77-14 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALES Link: 65522 Description: Report on the Petition that George Potter may be set off from the Town of Litchfield and annexed to the Town of Year: 1833 Type: GY Access #: 77-13 Subject: WALES Link: 65525 Description: See Litchfield 1832 GY 75-14 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALES PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65526 Description: See New Counties 1835 GY 93-16 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALES, COMMITTEE OF Link: 65527 Description: See Bath and others 1832 GY 73-19 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALKER, JOHN AND OTHERS Link: 65528 Description: Report on the Petition that a law may be passed for the further regulation of the attendance of witnesses in the Judicial Courts and the taking of depositions Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 73-34 Subject: WALKER, OSGOOD AND OTHERS Link: 65529 Description: See Oaths, Extra-Judicial 1832 GY 71-12 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALKER, RICHARD H. AND OTHERS Link: 65530 Description: See South Berwick 1834 PS 103-70 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALKER, SAMUEL 3rd Link: 65531 Description: Name changed to Samuel Fowle Walker Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WALKER, SAMUEL FOWLE Link: 65532 Description: Name changed from Samuel Walker 3rd Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WALL, ALBION Link: 65533 Description: Name changed from Patrick Wall 2nd Year: 1832 Type: PS Access #: 86-74 Subject: WALL, PATRICK 2nd Link: 65534 Description: Name changed to Albion Wall Year: 1832 Type: PS Access #: 86-74 Subject: WALTHAM Link: 65536 Description: See also Township 14, Hancock County Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WALTHAM Link: 65535 Description: An Act to incorporate the Town of Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 91-9 Subject: WAR OF 1812 Link: 65537 Description: See Barstow, James 1833 RS 39-7 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WAR OF 1812 Link: 65538 Description: See Cayford, John 1833 GY 78-5 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WAR OF 1812 Link: 65539 Description: See Hall, Timothy Jr. 1831 RS 32-25 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WARD, WILLIAM JR. AND OTHERS Link: 65540 Description: See Sidney 1833 GY 79-26 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WARE, ASHUR AND ANOTHER Link: 65541 Description: Report on the Petition for aid in behalf of the Maine Historical Society Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 94-7 Subject: WARE, JOHN AND OTHERS Link: 65542 Description: See Williams, Bryant and others 1833 GY 78-25 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WARREN Link: 65543 Description: An additional Act to regulate the Shad and Alewive Fishery in the Town of Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 69-7 Subject: WARREN Link: 65544 Description: Order to send down from the Senate to the House the files and petition of the Selectmen of Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 69-29 Subject: WARREN FISH PRESERVATION Link: 65545 Description: See Pickerel 1833 PS 94-52 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WARREN PETITION SIGNERS (FEMALE) Link: 65546 Description: See Spiritous Liquors 1835 GY 90-32 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WARREN, CHARLES Link: 65547 Description: Report on the Petition that he may be admitted to practice law as an Attorney Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 66-17 Subject: WARREN, HENRY AND OTHERS Link: 65548 Description: See East Somerset Agricultural Society 1832 PS 88-97 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASGATT, DAVID AND OTHERS Link: 65549 Description: Report on the Petition for a division of Mount Desert, and the remonstrance of Samuel Kennison and others Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 67-11 Subject: WASHBURN, ZEBAH Link: 65550 Description: Resolve to admit, to practice law as an Attorney Year: 1832 Type: RS Access #: 36-52 Subject: WASHINGTON Link: 65551 Description: Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of, for an abatement of State Tax Year: 1833 Type: GY Access #: 78-2 Subject: WASHINGTON Link: 65552 Description: See Clark, Elizabeth 1834 RS 45-54 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY Link: 65556 Description: See Pennamaquan River 1832 PS 82-20 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY Link: 65559 Description: See Public Lands 1832 RS 36-29 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY Link: 65560 Description: See Public Lands 1832 RS 38-99 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY Link: 65557 Description: See Probate, Judge and Register 1832 GY 71-7 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY Link: 65554 Description: See Madawaska 1831 PS 72-50 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY Link: 65553 Description: See Flech, Alpheus and others 1833 GY 79-31 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY Link: 65558 Description: See Probate, Judge and Register 1835 RS 49-72 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY Link: 65555 Description: See Moore, James and others 1835 GY 94-35 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Link: 65561 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1832 Type: PS Access #: 88-93 Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY BANK Link: 65562 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 98-130 Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY BANK Link: 65563 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 117-111 Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE Link: 65564 Description: See Boundary Lines, County 1831 PS 72-54 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Link: 65565 Description: See County Commissioners, Washington County Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY JUDGES AND REGISTERS Link: 65566 Description: See Officers Salaries 1834 PL 105-103 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65567 Description: See Innholders, Retailers and Common Victuallers 1834 PL 110-179 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY PROBATE OFFICERS Link: 65568 Description: An Act providing for the appointment of a Judge and Register of Probate for the Northern District of the County of Washington Year: 1835 Type: PL Access #: 115-82 Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS Link: 65570 Description: See Register of Deeds, N. District, Washington County 1832 PL 82-18 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS Link: 65569 Description: See Deeds, Register of 1831 PS 71-40 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY ROAD Link: 65571 Description: See State Road 1834 GY 86-3 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY SHERIFF Link: 65572 Description: See Sheriff, Washington County 1831 GY 67-42 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT Link: 65573 Description: See Supreme Judicial Court 1831 PL 76-103 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY TREASURER Link: 65574 Description: Resolve to authorize the, to procure a loan of money on the faith of said County Year: 1834 Type: RS Access #: 45-47 Subject: WASHINGTON COUNTY, NORTHERN DIST., Link: 65575 Description: See Probate, Judge and Register 1835 RS 49-72 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WASHINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Link: 65576 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 75-93 Subject: WATERFORD Link: 65577 Description: See Bear and Wildcat Bounty 1831 GY 65-26 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WATERHOUSE, ISRAEL AND OTHERS Link: 65578 Description: See Maine Stage Company 1834 PS 100-3 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WATERMAN, THOMAS Link: 65579 Description: Report on the Petition that he may be reimbursed for land purchased from the State Year: 1833 Type: GY Access #: 79-20 Subject: WATERVILLE Link: 65580 Description: See Drummond, Rutherford and others 1831 GY 67-8 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WATERVILLE Link: 65581 Description: See Smith, Abijah and others 1835 GY 94-17 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WATERVILLE AND FAIRFIELD RAILWAY COMPANY Link: 65582 Description: An Act to incorporate Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 120-148 Subject: WATERVILLE BANK Link: 65583 Description: See Ticonic Bank 1831 PS 79-118 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WATERVILLE COLLEGE Link: 65584 Description: Resolve in favor of Year: 1832 Type: RS Access #: 38-100 Subject: WATERVILLE COLLEGE Link: 65585 Description: Report on the Resolve in favor of Year: 1833 Type: GY Access #: 80-14 Subject: WATERVILLE COLLEGE Link: 65586 Description: Report on the Petition of the Trustees for pecuniary aid Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 89-15 Subject: WATERVILLE LIBERAL INSTITUTE Link: 65587 Description: An Act to establish the Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 113-46 Subject: WATERVILLE LIGHT INFANTRY Link: 65588 Description: Resolve in favor of the Year: 1831 Type: RS Access #: 31-23 Subject: WATERVILLE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Link: 65589 Description: An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 74-81 Subject: WATERVILLE PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65590 Description: See Kennebec Dam Company 1834 PS 107-134 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WATERVILLE, GARDINER AND BOSTON PACKET Link: 65591 Description: An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 78-112 Subject: WATERVILLE-WINSLOW BRIDGE Link: 65592 Description: See Ticonic Bridge 1832 PL 86-71 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WATSON, SEWALL Link: 65593 Description: Report on a Resolve in favor of Year: 1833 Type: GY Access #: 80-12 Subject: WATSON, SEWALL Link: 65594 Description: Report relative to a Resolve in favor of Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 86-21 Subject: WATSON, SEWALL Link: 65595 Description: Report on the Petition to have certain monies refunded Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 86-24 Subject: WATSON, SEWALL Link: 65596 Description: Report on the Petition that the excise duty paid by him on his commission as Sheriff of Hancock County may be in whole or part refunded Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 94-5 Subject: WEBB, NATHAN AND OTHERS Link: 65597 Description: Report on the Petition to check the importation of Wooden Clocks into this State and to regulate the sale of same and petition of Hiram Rose and others Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 88-37 Subject: WEBBER, THOMAS AND OTHERS Link: 65598 Description: Report on the Petition that they may be set off from the Town of Bremen and annexed to Bristol and the remonstrance of the Committee of Bremen Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 94-22 Subject: WEBBER, WILLIAM B. Link: 65599 Description: See Executive Councilors 1832 GY 71-16 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WEBBER, WILLIAM B. Link: 65600 Description: See Executive Councilors 1832 GY 71-35 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WEBSTER, JOHN JR. Link: 65601 Description: Name changed to John Sayward Webster Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WEBSTER, JOHN SAYWARD Link: 65602 Description: Name changed from John Webster Jr. Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WEED, ADAM Link: 65603 Description: See Knox 1831 PS 69-6 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WEEK'S MILLS Link: 65607 Description: See State Road 1835 GY 90-41 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WEEKS, BARTLETT Link: 65604 Description: Name changed to Bartlett Weeks Varnum Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 98-125 Subject: WEEKS, JAMES F. Link: 65605 Description: Name changed from Jonathan F. Weeks Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WEEKS, JONATHAN F. Link: 65606 Description: Name changed to James F. Weeks Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Link: 65608 Description: Resolve authorizing the State Treasurer to purchase a standard of Year: 1831 Type: RS Access #: 33-47 Subject: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Link: 65609 Description: See Potatoes 1835 PL 118-130 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WEIRS AND HEDGES Link: 65610 Description: See Kennebec River Fisheries 1832 GY 75-35 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WELD Link: 65611 Description: See New County 1834 GY 88-25 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WELD Link: 65612 Description: See Phelps, John A. and others 1835 GY 93-19 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WELD, ELIAS AND OTHERS Link: 65613 Description: See Hallowell 1835 PS 111-19 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WELLINGTON PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65614 Description: See Flech, Alpheus and others 1833 GY 79-31 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WELLINGTON PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65615 Description: See Kennebec Dam Company 1834 PS 107-134 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WELLINGTON ROAD Link: 65616 Description: See Rawson, Sullivan S. 1835 GY 94-15 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WELLINGTON, JOEL Link: 65617 Description: Report on a Resolve in favor of Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 65-30 Subject: WELLINGTON, JOEL Link: 65618 Description: Resolve in favor of Year: 1833 Type: RS Access #: 42-79 Subject: WELLINGTON, JOEL Link: 65619 Description: Report on the Petition that a Resolve may be passed authorizing the Land Agent to sell him certain timber belonging to the State Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 86-42 Subject: WELLS Link: 65620 Description: See Dogs 1831 PS 69-8 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WELLS MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Link: 65621 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-78 Subject: WENTWORTH, WILLIAM Link: 65622 Description: Report on the Order relative to the Petition of Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 89-1 Subject: WESCOT, MOSES C. AND OTHERS Link: 65623 Description: See New Portland 1834 PS 106-112 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESLEY Link: 65624 Description: An Act to incorporate the Town of Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 91-2 Subject: WEST BRANCH BOOM COMPANY Link: 65625 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 119-138 Subject: WEST BRANCH BOOM CORPORATION Link: 65626 Description: See Bartlett, Richard H. and others 1831 GY 67-25 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WEST MACHIAS RIVER BRIDGE Link: 65627 Description: See Lowell, Joshua A. and others 1834 GY 85-25 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WEST POINT MILITARY ACADEMY Link: 65628 Description: Report on Preamble and Resolution relative to the Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 85-34 Subject: WEST SOMERSET COUNTY AGRICULTURAL Link: 65629 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1832 Type: PS Access #: 87-86 Subject: WESTBROOK Link: 65632 Description: See Hussey, George 1834 GY 88-24 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTBROOK Link: 65633 Description: See Lord, Samuel 1835 PS 112-40 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTBROOK Link: 65631 Description: See Hayes, David and others 1831 GY 67-15 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTBROOK Link: 65630 Description: See Falmouth 1831 PS 73-68 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTBROOK BRIDGE Link: 65634 Description: See Quincy, Samuel and others 1833 GY 77-34 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTBROOK LITERARY INSTITUTION Link: 65635 Description: An Act to establish Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 71-35 Subject: WESTBROOK PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65636 Description: See Innholders, Retailers and Common Victuallers 1834 PL 110-179 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTBROOK PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65637 Description: See Hunt, Jacob and others 1835 GY 92-8 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTBROOK ROAD Link: 65638 Description: Report on the Order relative to repair of a Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 72-30 Subject: WESTBROOK SEMINARY Link: 65639 Description: Report on a Resolve in favor of Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 65-32 Subject: WESTBROOK SEMINARY Link: 65640 Description: Resolve granting one set of Greenleaf's Statistical View and Map of Maine to the Trustees of the Year: 1831 Type: RS Access #: 34-88 Subject: WESTBROOK SEMINARY Link: 65641 Description: Resolve in favor of the Year: 1832 Type: RS Access #: 37-72 Subject: WESTBROOK SEMINARY Link: 65642 Description: Resolve in favor of the Year: 1833 Type: RS Access #: 42-74 Subject: WESTBROOK, TAXES 1827 Link: 65643 Description: See Thomas, Elias 1831 GY 69-45 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTFORD ACADEMY GRANT Link: 65645 Description: See Hodgdon 1832 GY 73-33 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTFORD ACADEMY GRANT Link: 65644 Description: An Act to annex the, to the Town of Hodgdon Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 95-66 Subject: WESTON Link: 65646 Description: An Act to incorporate the town of Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-85 Subject: WESTON, BENJAMIN JR. AND OTHERS Link: 65647 Description: Report on a Petition for a law making the taking and converting of logs without the owners consent, larceny to be punished by imprisonment Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 86-23 Subject: WESTON, CYRUS AND OTHERS Link: 65648 Description: See Merrill, Abel and others 1832 GY 71-33 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTON, NATHAN Link: 65649 Description: See Ware, Ashur and another 1835 GY 94-7 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTON, NATHAN AND OTHERS Link: 65650 Description: See Augusta High School 1835 PS 112-33 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WESTON, SAMUEL 2nd Link: 65651 Description: Name changed to Samuel Francis Weston Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WESTON, SAMUEL FRANCIS Link: 65652 Description: Name changed from Samuel Weston 2nd Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WESTON, WILLIAM K. Link: 65653 Description: Report on the Petition that further allowance may be made to him for services rendered to the State. Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 94-3 Subject: WHALE FISHING Link: 65654 Description: See Portland Whale Fishing Company 1834 PS 100-1 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHALE FISHING Link: 65655 Description: See Wiscasset Whale Fishing Company 1834 PS 104-88 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHARVES Link: 65656 Description: See also Piers and Wharves Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHEELER, CALVIN S. Link: 65657 Description: Report on a petition for a pension Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 86-38 Subject: WHEELER, SAMUEL AND OTHERS Link: 65658 Description: See Frontier Bank 1834 PS 100-12 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHEELER, SAMUEL AND OTHERS Link: 65659 Description: See Frontier Bank 1834 PS 103-72 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHEELOCK, JESSE AND DANIEL SAVAGE Link: 65660 Description: See Northeastern Boundary 1832 GY 71-14 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITE HILLS ROAD Link: 65661 Description: Resolve in favor of the road leading through the Notch of White Hills Year: 1831 Type: RS Access #: 34-93 Subject: WHITE HILLS ROAD Link: 65662 Description: See Smith, Isaac 1832 GY 76-28 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITE, GREENLEAF Link: 65663 Description: See Militia Major General 1835 GY 89-13 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITE, GREENLIEF Link: 65664 Description: See Militia Major General 1835 GY 90-10 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITE, JOHN H. AND OTHERS Link: 65665 Description: Report on the Petition that a certain part of Madison may be annexed to Milburn Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 94-6 Subject: WHITE, WILLIAM AND OTHERS Link: 65666 Description: See Muddy River Free Bridge 1835 PS 116-96 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITEFIELD Link: 65667 Description: Order to send down from the Senate to the House the files and petition of the Selectmen relative to opening fishways on the Sheepscot River Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 69-26 Subject: WHITEFIELD Link: 65668 Description: See Pleasant Pond Pickerel 1831 PS 70-31 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITEFIELD PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65669 Description: See Call, Moses and others 1834 GY 88-40 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITEFIELD PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65670 Description: See New Counties 1835 GY 93-16 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITING Link: 65671 Description: Resolve authorizing the Town of, to raise money for the purpose of building and repairing highways Year: 1831 Type: RS Access #: 31-11 Subject: WHITING Link: 65672 Description: See Ackley, Samuel and others 1831 GY 67-7 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITING Link: 65673 Description: Report on the Petition of the Inhabitants of, asking to be set off from, and annexed to the Town of Machiasport Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 75-17 Subject: WHITMAN, ALPHONSO LORING Link: 65674 Description: Name changed from John Alphonso Loring Whitman Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 98-125 Subject: WHITMAN, EZEKIEL Link: 65675 Description: Report on the Petition that an allowance may be made to, for extra expenses occasioned by the modification of the law relative to the duties of the Judges of the Common Pleas Court Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 75-4 Subject: WHITMAN, JOHN ALPHONSO LORING Link: 65676 Description: Name changed to Alphonso Loring Whitman Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 98-125 Subject: WHITNEY, EPHRAIM Link: 65677 Description: Report on the Petition that some person may be appointed to settle mutual accounts between him and the State Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 66-30 Subject: WHITNEY, JOHN AND OTHERS Link: 65678 Description: See Oaths, Extra-Judicial 1832 GY 71-12 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITNEY, LUKE AND OTHERS Link: 65679 Description: See Portland Thread Company 1835 PS 118-118 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WHITTEMORE, WILLIAM AND OTHERS Link: 65680 Description: See Pleasant Point Manufacturing Company 1831 PS 73-63 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WIDOWS Link: 65681 Description: See Dower 1832 GY 71-3 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WIGGIN, HENRY AND OTHERS Link: 65682 Description: See Kennebec Lumbering Company 1835 PS 116-88 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WIGGIN, RUFUS AND OTHERS Link: 65683 Description: See Hodgdon 1832 GY 73-33 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WIGHT, SETH AND OTHERS Link: 65684 Description: See Wild River Bridge Company 1835 PS 113-51 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILBUR, DANIEL Link: 65685 Description: See Newry 1833 GY 77-12 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILCOX, C.C. AND OTHERS Link: 65686 Description: Report on the Order to amend the laws for the protection of Logs, Masts and Spars to make the taking of such a felony Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 92-5 Subject: WILD RIVER BRIDGE Link: 65687 Description: An Act to increase the toll of, in the Town of Gilead Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 104-92 Subject: WILD RIVER BRIDGE COMPANY Link: 65688 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 113-51 Subject: WILDCAT BOUNTY Link: 65689 Description: See Bear and Wildcat Bounty 1831 GY 65-26 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILDCATS Link: 65690 Description: See also Bears, Wolves, Wild Cats and Loupcerviers Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILKINS, JOHN Link: 65691 Description: See Call, Samuel and 1833 RS 41-55 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILKINS, JOHN W. AND OTHERS Link: 65692 Description: See Kenduskeag Bank 1833 PS 91-1 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS COLLEGE GRANT Link: 65693 Description: See Houlton 1834 PS 102-54 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS COLLEGE GRANT Link: 65694 Description: See Houlton 1835 GY 94-25 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, BRYANT AND OTHERS Link: 65695 Description: Report on the Petition that a part of the Town of Hartland may be annexed to the Town of Athens, and the remonstrance of John Ware and others Year: 1833 Type: GY Access #: 78-25 Subject: WILLIAMS, DANIEL Link: 65696 Description: See Augusta and Bangor Stage Company 1835 PS 112-36 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, EDWARD Link: 65697 Description: See Executive Councilors 1834 GY 83-48 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, EDWARD Link: 65700 Description: See Letters of Acceptance 1835 GY 91-15 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, EDWARD Link: 65698 Description: See Executive Councilors 1835 GY 90-19 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, EDWARD Link: 65699 Description: See Letters of Acceptance 1834 GY 84-1 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, GEORGE JR., ESTATE OF Link: 65701 Description: See Littlefield, Elizabeth 1833 RS 39-5 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, HENRY Link: 65702 Description: Name changed from Henry Joy Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WILLIAMS, HEZEKIAH AND OTHERS Link: 65703 Description: See Hancock Mutual Fire Insurance Company 1835 PS 113-58 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, JOHN Link: 65704 Description: See Public Land Sale 1831 RS 34-89 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, REUEL Link: 65705 Description: Resolve in favor of Year: 1834 Type: RS Access #: 46-75 Subject: WILLIAMS, REUEL Link: 65706 Description: See Public Debt 1835 RS 49-71 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, REUEL AND OTHERS Link: 65708 Description: See Augusta Hotel 1831 PS 72-53 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMS, REUEL AND OTHERS Link: 65707 Description: See Augusta Hotel 1832 PS 82-22 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMSBURG Link: 65709 Description: See Barnard 1834 PS 102-45 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMSON (PROPOSED NEW TOWN) Link: 65710 Description: Report on the Petition that the Hammond Tract and Township No.2, West side of Penobscot River may be incorporated into a Town by the name of, and the remonstrance of John H. Fuller and others Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 74-29 Subject: WILLIAMSON'S HISTORY OF MAINE Link: 65711 Description: Resolve for the purchase and distribution of Year: 1833 Type: RS Access #: 40-32 Subject: WILLIAMSON, JOSEPH Link: 65712 Description: Vote of thanks and Resolution to the Senate President Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 83-4 Subject: WILLIAMSON, JOSEPH Link: 65713 Description: Communication relative to several days leave Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 84-2 Subject: WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM D. Link: 65714 Description: See Probate Courts, Penobscot County 1834 PL 105-105 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM D. AND OTHERS Link: 65715 Description: See Bangor Commercial Bank 1831 PS 79-121 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM D. AND OTHERS Link: 65716 Description: See People's Bank 1835 PS 118-117 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILLS AND TESTAMENTS Link: 65717 Description: An Act in addition to an Act respecting, and regulating the descent of intestate estates Year: 1835 Type: PL Access #: 118-128 Subject: WILLSON, JOHN L. Link: 65718 Description: Name changed to John Willson Lermon Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WILSON POND Link: 65719 Description: See Pickerel 1831 PS 75-87 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILSON STREAM CANAL Link: 65720 Description: See Everett, Jonathan C. and others 1834 GY 87-35 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILSON, EDMOND Link: 65721 Description: See McCobb, Margaret and 1831 RS 31-16 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILSON, OBED Link: 65722 Description: Resolve in favor of Year: 1833 Type: RS Access #: 42-82 Subject: WILTON Link: 65723 Description: See Adams, Jedediah and others 1832 GY 73-3 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILTON Link: 65724 Description: See New County 1834 GY 88-25 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILTON Link: 65725 Description: See Temple 1831 PS 76-95 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WILTON PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65726 Description: See Oaths, Extra-Judicial 1832 GY 71-12 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINDHAM Link: 65727 Description: Resolve respecting the dividing line between Gray and Year: 1832 Type: RS Access #: 35-7 Subject: WINDHAM Link: 65728 Description: See Boundary Lines, Town 1831 RS 33-54 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINDSOR PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65729 Description: See Kennebec Dam Company 1834 PS 107-134 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINEGANCE CREEK DAM Link: 65730 Description: An Act authorizing the erection of Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 113-57 Subject: WING, JOSEPH AND OTHERS Link: 65731 Description: Report on the Petition relative to debt Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 89-8 Subject: WING, THOMAS Link: 65732 Description: Report on the Petitions that the law passed March 4, 1829 entitled An Act additional to an Act to establish a Court of Common Pleas may be replaced or amended and that a law may be passed regulating the flowing of water by owners of Mill privileges Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 73-28 Subject: WINGATE, FRANCIS AND OTHERS Link: 65733 Description: Report on the Petition that a law may be passed to assess a tax on the owners of dogs and to identify the owners Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 72-8 Subject: WINGATE, JOSHUA AND OTHERS Link: 65734 Description: See Todd, Thomas and others 1835 GY 94-38 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINGATE, JOSHUA JR. Link: 65735 Description: See Cumberland Agricultural and Horticultural Society 1832 PS 81-12 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINN Link: 65736 Description: See Five Islands Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINN Link: 65737 Description: See also Township 4 EPR Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW Link: 65738 Description: Order to send down from the Senate to the House the files and petition of the Selectmen of, for tax relief Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 70-25 Subject: WINSLOW Link: 65739 Description: Resolve in favor of Year: 1834 Type: RS Access #: 45-31 Subject: WINSLOW Link: 65740 Description: See Smiley, Thomas and others 1831 GY 67-28 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW BRIDGE Link: 65741 Description: An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 103-67 Subject: WINSLOW BRIDGE Link: 65742 Description: See Herrin, Israel and others 1835 GY 93-26 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW BRIDGE Link: 65743 Description: See Swan, Francis and others 1834 GY 87-28 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65744 Description: See Kennebec Dam Company 1834 PS 107-134 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65745 Description: See Militia Law 1835 GY 91-21 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW PETITION SIGNERS (FEMALE) Link: 65746 Description: See Spiritous Liquors 1835 GY 90-32 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW RIFLE COMPANY Link: 65747 Description: See Drummond, William and others 1832 GY 73-30 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW, EBEN MCINTOSH Link: 65748 Description: Name changed from Ebenezer McIntosh Winslow Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 107-129 Subject: WINSLOW, EBENEZER MCINTOSH Link: 65749 Description: Name changed to Eben McIntosh Winslow Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 107-129 Subject: WINSLOW, HEZEKIAH Link: 65750 Description: See Portland Hotel 1834 PS 100-18 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW, HEZEKIAH AND OTHERS Link: 65752 Description: See Ocean Insurance Company 1832 PS 88-98 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW, HEZEKIAH AND OTHERS Link: 65751 Description: Report on the Petition that they may be incorporated into a company by the name of The North Dixmont Mill Company Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 75-29 Subject: WINSLOW, JEREMIAH AND OTHERS Link: 65753 Description: See Congin Manufacturing Company 1832 PS 87-80 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW, NATHAN AND OTHERS Link: 65754 Description: Report on the Petition that an alteration may be made in the law relative to the taxation of Manufacturing Companies Year: 1833 Type: GY Access #: 78-30 Subject: WINSLOW, NATHAN AND OTHERS Link: 65755 Description: See Old Town and Milford Ferry Company 1835 PS 115-84 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINSLOW, NATHAN AND OTHERS Link: 65756 Description: See Sugar Island Side Boom Company 1832 PS 90-125 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINTER, SAMUEL Link: 65757 Description: Report on the Resolve in favor of Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 65-21 Subject: WINTHROP Link: 65758 Description: See Pickerel 1831 PS 75-87 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINTHROP AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Link: 65759 Description: An Act to change the name of the Year: 1832 Type: PS Access #: 87-84 Subject: WINTHROP AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Link: 65760 Description: Report on the Petition that they may receive pecuniary aid from the State Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 73-11 Subject: WINTHROP BANK Link: 65762 Description: An additional Act respecting the Year: 1832 Type: PS Access #: 81-11 Subject: WINTHROP BANK Link: 65763 Description: An additional Act respecting the Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 92-27 Subject: WINTHROP BANK Link: 65761 Description: An additional Act respecting the Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 76-102 Subject: WINTHROP BANK Link: 65764 Description: An Act additional respecting the Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 102-48 Subject: WINTHROP FIRST PARISH Link: 65765 Description: See Ministerial Funds 1833 PS 94-63 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINTHROP MANUFACTURING COMPANY Link: 65766 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1832 Type: PS Access #: 87-77 Subject: WINTHROP METHODIST SOCIETY Link: 65767 Description: An Act to repeal an Act incorporating the Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 93-49 Subject: WINTHROP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Link: 65768 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 96-86 Subject: WINTHROP PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65769 Description: See Morrill, Philip and others 1834 GY 86-10 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WINTHROP SCHOOLS Link: 65770 Description: See Ministerial Funds 1833 PS 94-63 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WIRT, HENRY CLAY Link: 65771 Description: Name changed from Samuel Davis Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WISCASSET Link: 65773 Description: See Merrill, Abel and others 1832 GY 71-33 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WISCASSET Link: 65772 Description: Report on the Order for a summons to the Selectmen and Clerk of the Town of, relative to return of votes for State Senators in last annual election Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 74-35 Subject: WISCASSET BANK Link: 65774 Description: See Mariners Bank 1835 PS 118-119 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WISCASSET BENEVOLENT SOCIETY Link: 65775 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 109-151 Subject: WISCASSET GUN HOUSE Link: 65776 Description: Resolve for the repair of the Year: 1835 Type: RS Access #: 48-50 Subject: WISCASSET PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65777 Description: See Call, Moses and others 1834 GY 88-40 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WISCASSET PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65778 Description: See New Counties 1835 GY 93-16 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WISCASSET PETITION SIGNERS (FEMALE) Link: 65779 Description: See Spiritous Liquors 1835 GY 90-32 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WISCASSET WHALE FISHING COMPANY Link: 65780 Description: An Act to incorporate the Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 104-88 Subject: WITHAM, IRA Link: 65781 Description: See Blue Hill 1832 GY 76-1 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WITHAM, IRA Link: 65782 Description: Surname changed from Ira Witham Gott Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 107-129 Subject: WITHERSPOON, JAMES MOORE Link: 65783 Description: Surname changed to James Moore Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 107-129 Subject: WITNESSES Link: 65784 Description: An Act to secure to, freedom of opinion in matters of Religion Year: 1833 Type: PL Access #: 94-59 Subject: WITNESSES Link: 65785 Description: Report on the Order relative to increasing the fees of, at a Justice Court Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 91-33 Subject: WITNESSES Link: 65786 Description: See Walker, John and others 1832 GY 73-34 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WITT, WILLIAM Link: 65787 Description: Resolve in favor of Year: 1831 Type: RS Access #: 32-29 Subject: WOART, WILLIAM JR. Link: 65788 Description: Resolve for admitting, to practice law in Courts of the State Year: 1832 Type: RS Access #: 37-68 Subject: WOLVES Link: 65789 Description: See also Bears, Wolves, Wild Cats and Loupcerviers Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOLVES AND BEARS Link: 65790 Description: An Act to encourage the destruction of Year: 1835 Type: PL Access #: 113-52 Subject: WOMEN Link: 65791 Description: See Probate Laws 1832 GY 74-23 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOMEN Link: 65792 Description: See Spiritous Liquors 1835 GY 90-32 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOMEN, REAL ESTATE Link: 65793 Description: See Probate Judges 1835 PL 114-65 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOOD Link: 65794 Description: See Manufacturers: Wood Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOOD, ELLEN MARIA Link: 65795 Description: Name changed from Phebe Wood Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WOOD, ENOCH AND OTHERS Link: 65796 Description: Report on the Petition that an Act may be passed establishing a Municipal Court in Hallowell Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 94-21 Subject: WOOD, FRANKLIN Link: 65797 Description: Name changed from Joseph Wood 3rd Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 77-111 Subject: WOOD, JOHN Link: 65798 Description: An Act for the relief of Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 95-72 Subject: WOOD, JOSEPH 3rd Link: 65799 Description: Name changed to Franklin Wood Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 77-111 Subject: WOOD, PHEBE Link: 65800 Description: Name changed to Ellen Maria Wood Year: 1835 Type: PS Access #: 115-80 Subject: WOOD, SAMUEL AND OTHERS Link: 65801 Description: See Winthrop Bank 1832 PS 81-11 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOOD, SAMUEL AND OTHERS Link: 65802 Description: See Winthrop Bank 1833 PS 92-27 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOOD, WILMOT Link: 65803 Description: Report relative to a Resolve in favor of Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 85-35 Subject: WOODBURY, IRA P. AND OTHERS Link: 65804 Description: Report on the Petition that they may be incorporated as a branch of the back cove Cumberland and Oxford Canal Company Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 87-24 Subject: WOODCOCK, ABIGAIL R. Link: 65805 Description: Surname changed to Abigail R. Goodale Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 107-129 Subject: WOODCOCK, ABRAHAM B. Link: 65806 Description: Surname changed to Ephraim Buswell Davis Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 107-129 Subject: WOODCOCK, ELIZA JANE Link: 65807 Description: Name changed to Mary Ann Burgess Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 77-111 Subject: WOODCOCK, GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS Link: 65808 Description: Name changed to Gustavus Adolphus Grant Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 77-111 Subject: WOODCOCK, GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS: WIFE AND Link: 65809 Description: Surname changed to Grant Year: 1831 Type: PS Access #: 77-111 Subject: WOODCOCK, JOHN GOODALE Link: 65810 Description: Name changed to John Goodale Year: 1833 Type: PS Access #: 98-125 Subject: WOODCOCK, JOSEPH F. Link: 65811 Description: Surname changed to Joseph F. Goodale Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 107-129 Subject: WOODCOCK, MARY S. Link: 65812 Description: Surname changed to Mary S. Goodale Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 107-129 Subject: WOODCOCK, MARY TILTON Link: 65813 Description: Surname changed to Mary Tilton Davis Year: 1834 Type: PS Access #: 107-129 Subject: WOODCOCK, WILLIAM JR. Link: 65814 Description: Name changed to William Davis Year: 1832 Type: PS Access #: 86-74 Subject: WOODMAN, JABEZ Link: 65815 Description: Report on the Petition for an extension of the provision of the Act regulating Judicial Process Year: 1833 Type: GY Access #: 78-26 Subject: WOODMAN, JABEZ C. AND OTHERS Link: 65816 Description: Report on the Petition for an alteration in the time of holding Court in the Counties of Cumberland, Oxford and York Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 94-2 Subject: WOODMAN, WILLIAM AND OTHERS Link: 65817 Description: Report on the Petition that they may be allowed to construct a boom on the Passadumkeag River Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 94-20 Subject: WOODS, MOSES AND ANOTHER Link: 65818 Description: Report on the Petition for assistance in making a road in the Plantation of Waldo Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 86-41 Subject: WOODS, SAMUEL Link: 65819 Description: See Woods, Moses and another 1834 GY 86-41 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOODVILLE Link: 65820 Description: See also Township 2 IP Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOODVILLE (PROPOSED NEW TOWN) Link: 65821 Description: See Hayden, Alpheus and others 1835 GY 93-25 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOODWARD, NATHAN AND OTHERS Link: 65822 Description: See Brunswick 1835 GY 93-8 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOOL MANUFACTURE Link: 65823 Description: See Manufacturers: Wool Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOOLWICH FERRY Link: 65824 Description: See Hathorne, Gould and others 1832 GY 71-11 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOOLWICH FERRY COMPANY Link: 65825 Description: Ordered that an Act to incorporate the, and accompanying papers be taken from the files and referred to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals Year: 1832 Type: GY Access #: 71-34 Subject: WOOLWICH FISHERIES Link: 65826 Description: See Bayley, Jesse and others 1832 GY 74-4 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOOLWICH PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65828 Description: See New Counties 1835 GY 93-16 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WOOLWICH PETITION SIGNERS Link: 65827 Description: See Kennebec Dam Company 1834 PS 107-134 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WORKHOUSES Link: 65829 Description: See Houses of Correction 1832 GY 72-18 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WORKHOUSES, COUNTY Link: 65830 Description: Report on a Bill additional to the several Acts now in force respecting, and Houses of Correction and for the punishment of common drunkards Year: 1831 Type: GY Access #: 65-5 Subject: WORKS, LOUISA Link: 65831 Description: Name changed from Louisa Frizzle Year: 1832 Type: PS Access #: 86-74 Subject: WORTHEN, CLIFFORD S. AND OTHERS Link: 65832 Description: Report on the Petition asking the County Commissioners of Waldo County to aid the Town of Freedom in making a road Year: 1835 Type: GY Access #: 94-4 Subject: WRIGHT, RUEL Link: 65833 Description: Report on the Petition for relief, being now in the gaol in Somerset County, under an Act for the abolition of imprisonment of honest debtors for debt Year: 1834 Type: GY Access #: 86-40 Subject: WRIGHT, RUFUS S. Link: 65834 Description: Resolve in favor of Year: 1832 Type: RS Access #: 36-46 Subject: WRIT ENDORSEMENT Link: 65835 Description: See Elden, Nathan Jr. and others 1833 GY 79-6 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WRITS Link: 65836 Description: See Elden, Nathan Jr. and others 1833 GY 79-6 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WYMAN, BENJAMIN AND OTHERS Link: 65837 Description: See Fryeburg 1834 GY 88-41 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WYMAN, BENJAMIN AND OTHERS Link: 65838 Description: See Fryburg Tomb Corporation 1835 PS 120-156 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Subject: WYMAN, JAMES AND OTHERS Link: 65839 Description: See Pittsfield 1833 GY 78-23 Year: -0- Type: Access #: Courtesy of the Maine State Archives, David Young of Danville, Maine, and Tina Vickery of Augusta, Maine. NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.