Maine Legislative Indexes 1846-1850. Subjects Beginning with "L". Courtesy of the Maine State Archives Subject: Laconia Company Link: 7886 Description: An Act in addition to Acts to incorporate the Laconia Company Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 2 Access #: 217-2 Subject: Lagrange, ME Petition Signers Link: 9341 Description: Report on the Petition of Joshua Carpenter and others for a division of the County of Penobscot and remonstrance of Stephen Danforth and others Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-20 Subject: Lagrange, ME Selectmen Link: 11586 Description: Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of Lagrange for an Act to legalize the doings of said Town and for other purposes Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-36 Subject: Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean Railroad Link: 11414 Description: Resolutions from the States of Georgia, Maryland and Ohio relative to the plan of Asa Whitney for a railroad to the Pacific Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 196-34 Subject: Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean Railroad Link: 9176 Description: Resolutions from the States of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Tennessee relative to Asa Whitney's plan for a railroad to the Pacific Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 188-25 Subject: Lake Michigan to the Pacific Railroad Link: 8525 Description: Resolve relating to the construction of a Lake Michigan to the Pacific Railroad Year: 1847 Type: RS Ch 7 Access #: 91-7 Subject: Lake Telos and Webster Pond Dam and Sluiceway Link: 6388 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lake Telos and Webster Pond Dam and Sluiceway and the remonstrance of Eli Hoskins and others Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 119 Access #: 215-119 Subject: Lake, Jefferson and others Link: 11588 Description: Report on the Petition of Jefferson Lake and others that an appropriation may be made on the supply road to Chamberlain Lake Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 198-1 Subject: Lake, Sewall Link: 9412 Description: Report on the Petition of Sewall Lake for renewal of an Act of incorporation of Felicity Lodge of Masons in Bucksport Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 191-2 Subject: Lambert, William L. and others Link: 10384 Description: An Act to incorporate the Chesuncook Steam Navigation Company Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 123 Access #: 234-123 Subject: Lancaster, S. and others Link: 13617 Description: Report on the Petition of S. Lancaster and others for an Act amending the Charter of Augusta Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 214-18 Subject: Land Link: 12811 Description: Resolve in favor of Gowen Wilson Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 63 Access #: 99-63 Subject: Land Link: 12807 Description: Resolve in favor of Dependence Doughty Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 59 Access #: 98-59 Subject: Land Link: 12841 Description: Resolve in favor of Columbus Dunn Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 93 Access #: 100-93 Subject: Land Agent Link: 6628 Description: Report on a Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to make deduction on timber in certain cases Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 180-11 Subject: Land Agent Link: 6597 Description: Report on a Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to pay money in lieu of a lot of land Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 179-15 Subject: Land Agent Link: 12825 Description: Resolve in favor of the Maine Historical Society Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 77 Access #: 99-77 Subject: Land Agent Link: 12748 Description: Resolve in favor of the widow and children of John G. Deane Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 7 Access #: 96-7 Subject: Land Agent Link: 6519 Description: Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to release the claim of the State to certain lands conveyed to settlers by conditional deed Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 82 Access #: 90-82 Subject: Land Agent Link: 12806 Description: Resolve in favor of the Trustees of Somerset Academy Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 58 Access #: 98-58 Subject: Land Agent Link: 6492 Description: Resolve in favor of James Irish Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 55 Access #: 89-55 Subject: Land Agent Link: 13508 Description: Report on the Order relative to directing the Land Agent to sell two townships of Public Lands and distributing the proceeds of the same for the public schools Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 210-33 Subject: Land Agent Link: 13388 Description: Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to dispose of lands in Orient in the County of Aroostook for road labor Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 76 Access #: 104-76 Subject: Land Agent Link: 10838 Description: Resolve in favor of Rufus McIntire Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 61 Access #: 95-61 Subject: Land Agent Link: 6648 Description: Report on the Petition of George W. Grant that the Land Agent may be authorized to deed to him a certain lot of land and remonstrance of S.C. Clark and others Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 180-31 Subject: Land Agent's Annual Report Link: 11842 Description: Annual Report of the Land Agent Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-29 Subject: Land Agent's Report Link: 13069 Description: Report of the Land Agent, June 18, 1849 Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-12 Subject: Land Agent, Annual Report Link: 6698 Description: Annual Report of the Land Agent Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 182-9 Subject: Land Agent, Deputy Link: 13552 Description: Report on the Petition of E. P. Whitney and others for examination into the conduct of a Deputy Land Agent Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 212-13 Subject: Land Certificates Link: 11590 Description: Report on the Petition of David Kirby for authority to select certain lots of land Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 198-3 Subject: Land Conveyance Link: 12769 Description: Resolve in favor of Christopher C. Spaulding and his wife Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 24 Access #: 97-24 Subject: Land Conveyance Link: 13379 Description: Resolve in favor of Sewall Knapp Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 69 Access #: 104-69 Subject: Land Conveyance Link: 13383 Description: Resolve in favor of Daniel B. Hinckley Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 71 Access #: 104-71 Subject: Land Conveyance Link: 13378 Description: Resolve in favor of Abraham Sanborn Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 68 Access #: 104-68 Subject: Land Damages Link: 13464 Description: Report on an Order in relation to the appraisal of damages for lands taken for railroad corporations Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 209-19 Subject: Land Damages Link: 13462 Description: Report on an Order amending laws in regard to land taken for highways Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 209-17 Subject: Land Damages Link: 13483 Description: Report on the Order relative to amending the 81st Chapter of the Revised Statutes Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 210-16 Subject: Land Damages Link: 13568 Description: Report on the Petition of James Goff, Junior that a special Act be passed in relation to damages from a highway laid out across his land Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 213-8 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13347 Description: Resolve in favor of Farmington Academy Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 42 Access #: 102-42 Subject: Land Grant Link: 10764 Description: Resolve in favor of the Trustees of Somerset Academy Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 39 Access #: 94-39 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13348 Description: Resolve in favor of Anson Academy Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 43 Access #: 102-43 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13349 Description: Resolve in favor of Cherryfield Academy Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 44 Access #: 102-44 Subject: Land Grant Link: 12977 Description: Report on a Resolve relating to half township granted Worcester County Manual Labor High School Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 204-28 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13346 Description: Resolve in favor of Fryeburg Academy Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 41 Access #: 102-41 Subject: Land Grant Link: 10576 Description: Resolve in favor of Eunice Kellogg Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 8 Access #: 93-8 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13366 Description: Resolve in favor of the Westbrook Seminary Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 56 Access #: 104-56 Subject: Land Grant Link: 10588 Description: Resolve in favor of Monson Academy Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 20 Access #: 94-20 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13338 Description: Resolve in favor of Hannah Whiting Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 33 Access #: 102-33 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13333 Description: Resolve granting to Alphonso Rogers a lot of settling land Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 28 Access #: 102-28 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13332 Description: Resolve in favor of Gould's Academy in Bethel Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 27 Access #: 102-27 Subject: Land Grant Link: 11628 Description: Report on the Petition of Ira Wadleigh for a grant of land Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 199-10 Subject: Land Grant Link: 10583 Description: Resolve in favor of East Corinth Academy Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 15 Access #: 93-15 Subject: Land Grant Link: 12777 Description: Resolve in favor of the Union Academy Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 32 Access #: 97-32 Subject: Land Grant Link: 12778 Description: Resolve in favor of Monson Academy Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 33 Access #: 97-33 Subject: Land Grant Link: 12796 Description: Resolve in favor of Benjamin H. Hewes Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 48 Access #: 98-48 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13030 Description: Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of Dedham that the State would grant the Inhabitants of said Town, a lot of land Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 207-2 Subject: Land Grant Link: 12825 Description: Resolve in favor of the Maine Historical Society Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 77 Access #: 99-77 Subject: Land Grant Link: 12828 Description: Resolve making a land grant in aid of a road from the American line on the River Saint John to the Allagash River Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 80 Access #: 99-80 Subject: Land Grant Link: 12860 Description: Report on a Resolve in favor of Anson Academy Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-10 Subject: Land Grant Link: 12880 Description: Report on the Petition of Elizabeth Reynolds for a grant of State land Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-27 Subject: Land Grant Link: 11621 Description: Report on the Petition of Joseph M. Moore on behalf of the Trustees of Saint Albans Academy for a grant of land Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 199-3 Subject: Land Grant Link: 9580 Description: Report on the Petition of Timothy Fuller and others that a grant of land may be made to Lincoln High School Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 192-17 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13359 Description: Resolve in favor of Hiram Lyford Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 49 Access #: 103-49 Subject: Land Grant Link: 9149 Description: Report on the Petition of David Jordan of Freeport for a grant of land Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 188-18 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13531 Description: Report on the Petition of Trustees of Litchfield Liberal Institute that a grant of land may be made to said Institution as a permanent fund Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 211-22 Subject: Land Grant Link: 9411 Description: Report on the Petition of the Stockholders of Monson Academy that the State would grant them one half township of land (No Petition) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 191-1 Subject: Land Grant Link: 9579 Description: Report on the Petition of the Committee of the Town of Fryeburg for a grant of land to aid them in supporting their roads and bridges Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 192-16 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13514 Description: Report on a Resolve abating the taxes on land granted to Belfast Academy Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 211-5 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13583 Description: Report on the Petition of John G. Bowen asking for bounty land as heir of Michael Bowen, a Revolutionary War Veteran Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 213-23 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13407 Description: Resolve in favor of Saint Albans Academy Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 95 Access #: 105-95 Subject: Land Grant Link: 6451 Description: Resolve in favor of Beulah Britton Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 14 Access #: 87-14 Subject: Land Grant Link: 6475 Description: Resolve in favor of Iarael Hutchinson Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 38 Access #: 88-38 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13390 Description: Resolve in favor of Hampden Academy Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 78 Access #: 104-78 Subject: Land Grant Link: 6568 Description: Report on the Order relative to granting 160 acres of land to Officers and Soldiers volunteering to serve in the Mexican War Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 178-13 Subject: Land Grant Link: 6511 Description: Resolve in favor of Joel Pelton Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 74 Access #: 90-74 Subject: Land Grant Link: 13403 Description: Resolve in favor of Calais Academy (No Petition) Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 91 Access #: 105-91 Subject: Land Grant, Aroostook County Link: 12806 Description: Resolve in favor of the Trustees of Somerset Academy Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 58 Access #: 98-58 Subject: Land Grant, Aroostook County Link: 12780 Description: Resolve in favor of Litchfield Academy Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 35 Access #: 97-35 Subject: Land Grant, Aroostook County Link: 12782 Description: Resolve in favor of Standish Academy Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 37 Access #: 97-37 Subject: Land Grants Link: 12873 Description: Report on a Resolve in relation to locating grants of land to literary institutions Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-23 Subject: Land Lease Link: 13318 Description: Resolve in favor of Thaddeus Bemis Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 16 Access #: 101-16 Subject: Land Sale Link: 12822 Description: Resolve in relation to the sale of certain State lands Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 74 Access #: 99-74 Subject: Land Sale Link: 12817 Description: Resolve authorizing the agent for the Passamaquoddy Indians to sell a certain lot of land belonging to said tribe Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 69 Access #: 99-69 Subject: Land Title Link: 11507 Description: Report on the Petition of Charles and William D. Crocker to have refunded to them the cost and expenses of a parcel of land purchased of the States of Maine and Massachusetts to which there was no title (Petition missing) Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-23 Subject: Land Title Link: 13287 Description: An Act to amend the 93rd Chapter of the Revised Statutes Year: 1850 Type: PL Ch 161 Access #: 256-161 Subject: Land Title Link: 12788 Description: Resolve in favor of A. B. Thompson and others and the heirs of Roscoe G. Greene, deceased Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 40 Access #: 98-40 Subject: Land Title Link: 10767 Description: Resolve in favor of Jacob McGaw Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 42 Access #: 94-42 Subject: Land Title Link: 13567 Description: Report on the Petition of Charles and William D. Crooker for compensation for damage occasioned by reason of failure of title to certain lands purchased of Maine and Massachusetts in 1849 Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 213-7 Subject: Land Title Link: 10570 Description: Resolve in favor of James Doughty Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 2 Access #: 93-2 Subject: Land Title Link: 10248 Description: An Act granting W. W. Thomas the right of redeeming Township 5, Range 5 Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 91 Access #: 232-91 Subject: Land Title Link: 10758 Description: Resolve in favor of Rufus Mansur and another Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 33 Access #: 94-33 Subject: Land Title Link: 12800 Description: Resolve in favor of George K. Jewett and Leonard March Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 52 Access #: 98-52 Subject: Land Titles Link: 12819 Description: Resolve in favor of the Passamaquoddy Indians Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 71 Access #: 99-71 Subject: Landlords Link: 12111 Description: An Act in relation to the process of forcible entry and detainer Year: 1849 Type: PL Ch 25 Access #: 238-25 Subject: Lands Link: 11706 Description: Report on the Petition of Lewis Violette and others of Madawaska that they may be permitted to pay for their land in labor Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 199-23 Subject: Lands Link: 13388 Description: Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to dispose of lands in Orient in the County of Aroostook for road labor Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 76 Access #: 104-76 Subject: Lands Link: 10410 Description: An Act in addition to the 147th Chapter of the Revised Statutes Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 149 Access #: 236-149 Subject: Lands Forfeited Link: 7898 Description: An Act granting proprietors and owners of lands forfeited to the State for non-payment of taxes the right to redeem the same Year: 1847 Type: PL Ch l4 Access #: 217-l4 Subject: Lands Forfeited Link: 10256 Description: An Act giving further time to redeem lands forfeited to the State for non-payment of taxes and for the disposition of land which may hereafter become forfeited Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 99 Access #: 232-99 Subject: Lands Forfeited Link: 10572 Description: Resolve in favor of Zadoc Bishop Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 4 Access #: 93-4 Subject: Lands Forfeited Link: 12578 Description: An Act additional to the 65th Chapter of the Laws of Maine entitled an Act giving further time to redeem lands forfeited for taxes and for the disposition of which may hereafter become forfeited Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 126 Access #: 244-126 Subject: Lands Taken Link: 11259 Description: Report on an Order in relation to taking lands for burying grounds on the same conditions lands are taken for town ways Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 196-6 Subject: Lands Taken Link: 11417 Description: Report on an Order relative to towns taking land for school house lots in the same manner that land is taken for highways Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 196-37 Subject: Lands, Conveyed Link: 13500 Description: Report on the Order relative to towns being authorized to convey lands by covenants of warranty which may have been forfeited for non-payment of taxes Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 210-25 Subject: Lands, Forfeiture Link: 13326 Description: Resolve in favor of Henry F. Eaton and Joseph E. Eaton Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 21 Access #: 102-21 Subject: Lane, Albert G. and others Link: 9353 Description: Report on the Petition of Albert G. Lane and others that the compensation of the Register of Probate of Washington County may be increased Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-32 Subject: Lang, John D. Link: 12319 Description: An Act to incorporate the Kennebec Woolen Mills Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 92 Access #: 242-92 Subject: Larceny Link: 11713 Description: Report on the Petition of Smith and Robinson and others that a reward of $200 paid by them for the recovery of their goods and the apprehension of the persons who had stolen them, may be repaid Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 199-30 Subject: Larceny of Lumber Link: 12950 Description: Report on the Order in relation of lumber wrecking in the Penobscot River Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 204-1 Subject: Laroche, James H. chfm James H. Roach Link: 10042 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 60 Access #: 229-60 Subject: Larrabee, Solomon to John L. Hunter Link: 13154 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons (No Petitions) Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 37 Access #: 248-37 Subject: Law of Evidence Link: 11036 Description: Report on the Order relative to the law of evidence in foreign judgements Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 195-9 Subject: Leach, Charles and others Link: 6633 Description: Report on the Petition of Charles Leach and others that all bridges crossing any stream, river or pond on newly laid out County Roads costing three hundred dollars or more shall be built at the expense of the County Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 180-16 Subject: Leach, Joseph to Joseph W. Leach Link: 8350 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 87 Access #: 221-87 Subject: Leach, Joseph W. from Joseph Leach Link: 8350 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 87 Access #: 221-87 Subject: Leach, Lavina G. from Lavina Leach Link: 8350 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 87 Access #: 221-87 Subject: Leach, Lavina to Lavina G. Leach Link: 8350 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 87 Access #: 221-87 Subject: Leavitt, Dudley F. Link: 13383 Description: Resolve in favor of Daniel B. Hinckley Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 71 Access #: 104-71 Subject: Leavitt, Roxanna to Roxanna Stoddard Link: 6410 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 141 Access #: 216-141 Subject: Lebanon Academy Link: 13235 Description: An Act to incorporate the Trustees of Lebanon Academy Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 111 Access #: 253-111 Subject: Lebanon, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Lee Normal Institute Link: 12967 Description: Report on the Order in relation to presenting the Lee Normal Institute with specimens from the cabinet Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 204-18 Subject: Lee, Lyman and others Link: 9884 Description: An Act to increase the salaries of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Piscataquis Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 4 Access #: 225-4 Subject: Lee, ME Petition Signers Link: 9341 Description: Report on the Petition of Joshua Carpenter and others for a division of the County of Penobscot and remonstrance of Stephen Danforth and others Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-20 Subject: Lee, ME Petition Signers Link: 12826 Description: Resolves providing for an amendment to the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 78 Access #: 99-78 Subject: Lee, ME Petition Signers Link: 13026 Description: Report on the Petition of Henry S. Loring and others for an amendment to the license laws Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 206-23 Subject: Lee, William S. Link: 13405 Description: Resolve providing for the expenses of Members and Officers of the House of Representatives and Clerk of the Valuation Committee, incurred by sickness Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 93 Access #: 105-93 Subject: Leeds, ME Link: 6450 Description: Resolve in favor of Elias L. Lothrop Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 13 Access #: 87-13 Subject: Leeds, ME Link: 13050 Description: Report on the Petition of Leander Boardman and others of Farmington for a charter for a railroad from Leeds to Farmington Village (No Petition) Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 207-22 Subject: Leeds, ME Link: 11613 Description: Report on the Petition of Eben Stinchfield and others that they may be set off from Leeds and annexed to Wayne and remonstrance of Stillman Howard and others Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 198-26 Subject: Leeds, ME Petition Signers Link: 9183 Description: Report on the Petition of Walter Foss and others praying for the abolition of capital punishment Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 189-7 Subject: Leeds, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Legislative Adjournment Link: 11726 Description: Report of the Joint Select Committee on final adjournment Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-13 Subject: Legislative Business Link: 6705 Description: Unfinished Business referred by the Legislature of 1845 Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 182-16 Subject: Legislative Business Link: 12859 Description: Report on an Act in relation to orders of notice on business to be presented in future Legislatures Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-9 Subject: Legislative Business Link: 9596 Description: List of unfinished business referred to the Legislature of l847 Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-3 Subject: Legislative Committees Link: 6697 Description: Assignment of Joint Standing Committees, Chairmen ofthe Standing Committees and Standing Committees of the Senate Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 182-8 Subject: Legislative Committees Link: 11844 Description: Report of the Judiciary Committee relative to the Petition of S. P. Strickland and others regarding pro-rata distribution among creditors Year: 1848 Type: Gy Access #: 200-31 Subject: Legislative Committees Link: 11840 Description: Report of the Committee on Education as relates to the deaf, dumb and blind Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-27 Subject: Legislative Committees Link: 11714 Description: Report of the Committee on Education Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-1 Subject: Legislative Committees Link: 11715 Description: Minority report of the Joint Select Committee relative to salvery to newly acquired territory Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-2 Subject: Legislative Committees Link: 13055 Description: Report of the Joint Select Committee on Order to inquire when the Joint Standing Committee, can report finally Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-2 Subject: Legislative Joint Standing Committees Link: 11836 Description: Joint Standing Committees for the year 1848 Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-23 Subject: Legislative Members Link: 12798 Description: Resolve in favor of certain Members of the Legislature who visited the State Prison Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 50 Access #: 98-50 Subject: Legislative Members Link: 10765 Description: Resolve in favor of certain members of the Legislature who visited the State Prison Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 40 Access #: 94-40 Subject: Legislative Messages Link: 13071 Description: Communications from the Secretary of State Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-14 Subject: Legislative Messages Link: 13072 Description: Communication from the Senate President Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-15 Subject: Legislative Messenger and Assistant Link: 13644 Description: Report of the Committee on votes for Messenger and Assistant Messenger of the Senate Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-19 Subject: Legislative Messenger, Assistant Link: 13520 Description: Report on a Resolve in favor of H. B. Trafton Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 211-11 Subject: Legislative Messenger, Assistant Link: 10844 Description: Resolve in favor of William Sanborn Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 67 Access #: 95-67 Subject: Legislative Messengers Link: 6712 Description: Vote of thanks to Benjamin F. Cutter as Legislative Messenger Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 182-23 Subject: Legislative Messengers Link: 13074 Description: Report on the votes for Messenger and Assistant Messenger Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-17 Subject: Legislative Orders, April 1849 Link: 13091 Description: Legislative Orders for April 1849 Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-34 Subject: Legislative Orders, August 1846 Link: 6727 Description: Legislative Orders for August 1846 Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 183-13 Subject: Legislative Orders, August 1847 Link: 9729 Description: Legislative Orders of August 1847 Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-29 Subject: Legislative Orders, August 1848 Link: 11849 Description: Legislative Orders for August 1848 Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-36 Subject: Legislative Orders, August 1849 Link: 13095 Description: Legislative Orders for August 1849 Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-38 Subject: Legislative Orders, August 1850 Link: 13662 Description: Legislative Orders for month of August, 1850 Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-37 Subject: Legislative Orders, July 1846 Link: 6726 Description: Legislative Orders for July 1846 Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 183-12 Subject: Legislative Orders, July 1847 Link: 9728 Description: Legislative Orders of July 1847 Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-28 Subject: Legislative Orders, July 1848 Link: 11848 Description: Legislative Orders for July 1848 Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-35 Subject: Legislative Orders, July 1849 Link: 13094 Description: Legislative Orders for July 1849 Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-37 Subject: Legislative Orders, July 1850 Link: 13661 Description: Legislative Orders for the month of July, 1850 Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-36 Subject: Legislative Orders, June 1846 Link: 6725 Description: Legislative Orders for June 1846 Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 183-11 Subject: Legislative Orders, June 1847 Link: 9727 Description: Legislative Orders of June 1847 Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-27 Subject: Legislative Orders, June 1848 Link: 11847 Description: Lelgislative Orders for June 1848 Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-34 Subject: Legislative Orders, June 1849 Link: 13093 Description: Legislative Orders for June 1849 Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-36 Subject: Legislative Orders, June 1850 Link: 13660 Description: Legislative Orders for the month of June, 1850 Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-35 Subject: Legislative Orders, May 1846 Link: 6724 Description: Legislative Orders for May 1846 Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 183-10 Subject: Legislative Orders, May 1847 Link: 9726 Description: Legislative Orders of May 1847 Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-26 Subject: Legislative Orders, May 1848 Link: 11846 Description: Legislative Orders for May 1848 Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-33 Subject: Legislative Orders, May 1849 Link: 13092 Description: Legislative Orders for May 1849 Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-35 Subject: Legislative Orders, May 1850 Link: 13659 Description: Legislative Orders for the month of May, 1850 Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-34 Subject: Legislative Pay Link: 12874 Description: Report on the Petition of Thomas Parker and others that the pay of the Members of the Legislature may be limited to one dollar per day after 60 days from the commencement of the session Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-24 Subject: Legislative Petitions Link: 11029 Description: Report on a Resolve relative to reception of Petitions and Memorials Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 195-2 Subject: Legislative Petitions Link: 11022 Description: Report on an Act requiring persons presenting Petition for Acts of incorporation to give notice thereof before the setting of the Legislature Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 194-30 Subject: Legislative Petitions Link: 9594 Description: Resolve by both Houses relative to time of filing Legislative Petitions Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-1 Subject: Legislative Petitions and Remonstrances Link: 9709 Description: Report on the Order of the Committee on the License Law of the number of Petitions and Remonstrances Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-10 Subject: Legislative Recess Link: 11827 Description: Report of the Joint Select Committee relative to a Legislative Recess Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-14 Subject: Legislative Recess Link: 13648 Description: Report on the Order in relation to a Legislative Recess Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-23 Subject: Legislative Recess Link: 12862 Description: Report on the Order of the Joint Select Committee appointed to report when the Legislature may have a recess Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-12 Subject: Legislative Recess Link: 6719 Description: Report on the Order of the Committee to inquire when the Legislature can take a recess Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 183-5 Subject: Legislative Representation Link: 11591 Description: Report on the Petition of Nathaniel Hanscomb 3rd and others for separate Representation for the Town of Eliot Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 198-4 Subject: Legislative Representation Link: 9519 Description: Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of Gray for separate Representation in the District of Gray and Harpswell Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 192-14 Subject: Legislative Representation Link: 9422 Description: Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of Phippsburg for a right to send a Representative to the Legislature independent of any other town Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 191-12 Subject: Legislative Rules and Orders Link: 12865 Description: Report of the Committee appointed to prepare Rules and Orders of the Senate Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-15 Subject: Legislative Rules and Orders Link: 13643 Description: Report of the Committee on Rules and Orders Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-18 Subject: Legislative Rules and Orders Link: 6718 Description: Report on the Order of the Committee appointed to prepare Joint Rules and Orders Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 183-4 Subject: Legislative Rules and Orders Link: 6696 Description: Report of the Select Committee on Legislative Rules and Orders Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 182-7 Subject: Legislative Rules and Orders Link: 9714 Description: Report of the Committees relative to the Legislative Rules and Orders Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-15 Subject: Legislative Rules and Orders Link: 11832 Description: Reort of the Joint Select Committee on the Joint Rules and Orders Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-19 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 11828 Description: Report of the Joint Select Committee on holding two sessions a day Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-15 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 12826 Description: Resolves providing for an amendment to the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 78 Access #: 99-78 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 11421 Description: Report on an Order relative to amending Section 51 of Chapter 6 of the Revised Statutes Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 196-41 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 9715 Description: Report on the Order relative to holding Legislative Sessions Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-16 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 13364 Description: Resolve providing for an amendment to the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 54 Access #: 104-54 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 13502 Description: Report on the Order relative to amending the Constitution limiting the sessions of the Legislature to 60 days Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 210-27 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 12985 Description: Report on the Petition of Joseph Williamson and others of Waldo County for an amendment of the Constitution so as to limit the annual session of the Legislature to forty days Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 205-8 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 12874 Description: Report on the Petition of Thomas Parker and others that the pay of the Members of the Legislature may be limited to one dollar per day after 60 days from the commencement of the session Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-24 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 12870 Description: Report of the Conferees on the part of the Senate in relation to a disagreeing vote of the two branches upon Resolves, providing for winter sessions Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-10 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 13626 Description: Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Governor's Message relating to summer sessions Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-1 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 12875 Description: Report on a Resolve fixing the place for the meeting of the next Legislature of this State Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-25 Subject: Legislative Sessions Link: 12941 Description: Report on the Petition of Reuben Hill and others for an alteration in the Constitution providing for biennial instead of annual sessions of the Legislature Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 203-30 Subject: Legislative Sessions, Biennal Link: 10973 Description: Report on a Resolve for Legislative Biennal Sessions and Elections (Papers missing) Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 194-23 Subject: Legislative Sessions, Biennial Link: 13635 Description: Report on Resolves proposing to amend the Constitution and providing for biennial instead of annual sessions of the Legislature Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-10 Subject: Legislature Link: 6616 Description: Report on the Petition of Moses Swett and others relative to a Resolve providing for amendment of the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature and the term of office of the Governor and other Officers Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 179-34 Subject: Legislature Link: 6625 Description: Report on a Resolve providing for an amendment to the Constitution in relation to the choice of Representatives to the legislature Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 180-8 Subject: Leins, Vessels Link: 10390 Description: An Act in relation to the lien of mechanics and others upon vessels Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 129 Access #: 234-129 Subject: Leland, George from Samuel Herrison Ott Link: 12039 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 8 Access #: 237-8 Subject: Leland, Sylvanus Link: 8526 Description: Resolve in favor of the Passamaquoddy Indians Year: 1847 Type: RS Ch 8 Access #: 91-8 Subject: Leland, Sylvanus, $cIndian Agent Link: 12949 Description: Report on the Petition of the accounts of Sylvanus Leland, Agent for the Passamaquoddy Tribe of Indians Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 202-38 Subject: Lelgislative Committees Link: 13065 Description: The Standing Committees on engrossed bills and bills in the second reading Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-8 Subject: Lemont, Alfred Link: 9355 Description: Report on the Petition of Samuel McCutcheon and Alfred Lemont to be set off from West Bath and annexed to Bath and remonstrance of Selectmen of West Bath Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-34 Subject: Lemont, Alfred Link: 6543 Description: Report on the Petition of Alfred Lemont and Samuel A. McCutcheon to be set off from West Bath and annexed to Bath Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 177-17 Subject: Lenfest, James Link: 13625 Description: Report on the Petition of James Lenfest and Nicholas H. Lenfest that they may be set off from Palermo in Waldo County and annexed to the Town of Washington in Lincoln County Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 214-26 Subject: Lenfest, Nicholas H. Link: 13625 Description: Report on the Petition of James Lenfest and Nicholas H. Lenfest that they may be set off from Palermo in Waldo County and annexed to the Town of Washington in Lincoln County Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 214-26 Subject: Leslie, Hanson Libby chfm Hanson Libby Link: 10042 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 60 Access #: 229-60 Subject: Letters of Acceptance Link: 11833 Description: Letters of Acceptance of the Executive Councilors Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 200-20 Subject: Letters of Acceptance Link: 9712 Description: Letters of Acceptance for Executive Councilors Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-13 Subject: Letters of Acceptance Link: 6693 Description: Letters of Acceptance for Executive Councilors Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 182-4 Subject: Letters of Acceptance Link: 13070 Description: Letters of Acceptance of the Executive Councilors Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-13 Subject: Levant, ME Link: 10596 Description: Resolve in favor of Joseph Pomroy Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 28 Access #: 94-28 Subject: Levant, ME Link: 12216 Description: An Act to dissolve the bond of martimony between Caleb M. Jackson and Betsey Jackson Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 47 Access #: 240-47 Subject: Levant, ME Link: 13558 Description: Report on the Petition of Joseph Pomroy of Levant for an increase of his pension Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 212-19 Subject: Levant, ME Link: 12979 Description: Report on the Petition of Joseph Pomroy of Levant, for arrearages of pension Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 205-2 Subject: Levant, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Levant, ME Petition Signers Link: 13447 Description: Petitions for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 209-2 Subject: Levant, ME Petition Signers Link: 6681 Description: Report on the Petition of Abraham Sanborn and others for the incorporation of a Town by the name of Kenduskeag and remonstrance of Lewis Bean and others Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 181-29 Subject: Lewey, Athean Link: 12743 Description: Resolve in favor of certain Passamaquoddy Indians Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 2 Access #: 96-2 Subject: Lewis, A. and I. Link: 13383 Description: Resolve in favor of Daniel B. Hinckley Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 71 Access #: 104-71 Subject: Lewis, A. and J. Link: 13362 Description: Resolve in favor of Daniel B. Hinckley Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 52 Access #: 103-52 Subject: Lewis, Frederic A. and others Link: 6658 Description: Report on the Petition of Frederic A. Lewis and others that the law establishing town courts may be repealed and remonstrance of Daniel G. Adams and others Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 181-6 Subject: Lewis, Giles and others Link: 6660 Description: Report on the Petition of Giles Lewis and others for the repeal of certain laws relating to the Alewive fisheries in the town of Bristol Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 181-8 Subject: Lewiston Academy Link: 13536 Description: Report on the Petition of the Trustees of Lewiston Academy for aid for the purpose of educating indigent children Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 211-27 Subject: Lewiston and Topsham Railroad Company Link: 10400 Description: An Act to establish the Lewiston and Topsham Railroad Company Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 139 Access #: 235-139 Subject: Lewiston Bank Link: 10265 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lewiston Bank Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 108 Access #: 233-108 Subject: Lewiston Bridge Company Link: 12419 Description: An Act to authorize the Proprietors of Lewiston Bridge to reduce their tolls Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 116 Access #: 243-116 Subject: Lewiston Falls and Rumford Falls Railroad Company Link: 12971 Description: Report on the Petition of Job Prince and others for an Act to establish the Lewiston Falls and Rumford Falls Railroad Company Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 204-22 Subject: Lewiston Falls and Rumford Railroad Company Link: 13509 Description: Report on the Petition of Job Prince and others for an Act to establish the Lewiston Falls and Rumford Railroad Company and remonstrance of Walter Foss and others Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 210-34 Subject: Lewiston Falls Bank Link: 8087 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lewiston Falls Bank Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 73 Access #: 221-73 Subject: Lewiston Falls Village Corporation Link: 13215 Description: An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Lewiston Falls Village Corporation Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 91 Access #: 252-91 Subject: Lewiston Falls Village Corporation Link: 12300 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lewiston Falls Village Corporation Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 73 Access #: 241-73 Subject: Lewiston Falls, ME Link: 12583 Description: An Act to incorporate the Agawam Manufacturing Company (No Petition) Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 131 Access #: 244-131 Subject: Lewiston Hotel Company Link: 13218 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lewiston Hotel Company (No Petition) Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 94 Access #: 252-94 Subject: Lewiston Water Power Company Link: 12045 Description: An Act to increase the capital stock of the Lewiston Water Power Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 14 Access #: 238-14 Subject: Lewiston, ME Link: 13207 Description: An Act to incorporate the Bates Manufacturing Company (No Petition) Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 83 Access #: 251-83 Subject: Lewiston, ME Link: 12971 Description: Report on the Petition of Job Prince and others for an Act to establish the Lewiston Falls and Rumford Falls Railroad Company Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 204-22 Subject: Lewiston, ME Link: 13206 Description: An Act to incorporate the Hill Manufacturing Company (No Petition) Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 82 Access #: 251-82 Subject: Lewiston, ME Link: 13509 Description: Report on the Petition of Job Prince and others for an Act to establish the Lewiston Falls and Rumford Railroad Company and remonstrance of Walter Foss and others Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 210-34 Subject: Lewiston, ME Link: 13584 Description: Report on the Petition of John Smith and others for a law regulating the blasting of rocks and for the better security of their property Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 213-24 Subject: Lewiston, ME Link: 11494 Description: Report on the Petition of William R. Frye and others to be incorporated into a Library Society Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-10 Subject: Lewiston, ME Petition Signers Link: 10397 Description: An Act regulating the hours of labor Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 136 Access #: 235-136 Subject: Lexington to Dead River Road Link: 11711 Description: Report on the Petition of Rufus Viles and others that an appropriation may be made on the road from Lexington to Dead River Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 199-28 Subject: Lexington, ME Link: 10597 Description: Resolve in favor of the Inhabitants of Lexington Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 29 Access #: 94-29 Subject: Lexington, ME Link: 9091 Description: Report on the Petition of Thadeus Bemis and others relative to a Resolve providing for the repair and improvement of the road from Lexington to Dead River Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 188-8 Subject: Lexington, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Liability Link: 11405 Description: Report on an Order relative to making owners of unincorporated townships liable for damages and injuries sustained through defects in roads in such townships Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 196-25 Subject: Libby, Edmund and others Link: 8089 Description: An Act to incorporate the Gorham Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 75 Access #: 221-75 Subject: Libby, Hanson chto Hanson Libby Leslie Link: 10042 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 60 Access #: 229-60 Subject: Libby, John and others Link: 9088 Description: Report on the Petition of John Libby and others relative to an Act authorizing the erection of a bridge across Stillwater Stream in Orono and remonstrance of Cyrus Moore Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 188-5 Subject: Liberty, ME Link: 6548 Description: Report on the Petition of Samuel Turner and others that a part of Palermo may be set off and annexed to the Town of Liberty Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 177-22 Subject: Liberty, ME Link: 10590 Description: Resolve for the relief of Bickford C. Mathews Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 22 Access #: 94-22 Subject: Liberty, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Librarian Assistant Link: 13517 Description: Report on a Resolve providing for the appointment of a permanent assistant librarian Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 211-8 Subject: Librarian, Assistant Link: 10828 Description: Resolve in favor of the Assistant Librarian Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 51 Access #: 95-51 Subject: Libraries Link: 9271 Description: Report on the Order relative to providing by law for the appointment of a permanent State Librarian Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-2 Subject: Libraries Link: 12804 Description: Resolve in relation to the State Library Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 56 Access #: 98-56 Subject: Libraries Link: 7969 Description: An Act further regulating the State Library Year: 1847 Type: PL Ch 28 Access #: 218-28 Subject: Libraries Link: 12829 Description: Resolve relative to M. Vattemare's System of International Exchange Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 81 Access #: 100-81 Subject: Libraries Link: 6522 Description: Resolve in relation to the State Library Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 85 Access #: 90-85 Subject: Libraries Link: 12861 Description: Report on a Resolve in favor of Sydney B. Cushman Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-11 Subject: Libraries Link: 10594 Description: Resolve for the improvement of the State Library Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 26 Access #: 94-26 Subject: Library Catalogue Link: 12804 Description: Resolve in relation to the State Library Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 56 Access #: 98-56 Subject: Library Clock Link: 10571 Description: Resolve providing for the purchase of a clock for the State Library Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 3 Access #: 93-3 Subject: Library Society Link: 11494 Description: Report on the Petition of William R. Frye and others to be incorporated into a Library Society Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-10 Subject: License Law Link: 6527 Description: Report on the Order that the Committee on the License Law be instructed to report the whole number of names contained on petitions that have or may be referred to said Committee up to the 20th of July Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 177-1 Subject: License Law Link: 6607 Description: Report on a Bill relating to certain Judicial Proceedings to insurance and to prosecutions for violation of license law Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 179-25 Subject: License Law Link: 9520 Description: Report on the Petition of J. B. Currier and others that the Legislature not repeal the present license law but add imprisonment of from ten to thirty days to the fines now imposed by law Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 192-15 Subject: License Law, Committee on Link: 9709 Description: Report on the Order of the Committee on the License Law of the number of Petitions and Remonstrances Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-10 Subject: License Laws Link: 13026 Description: Report on the Petition of Henry S. Loring and others for an amendment to the license laws Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 206-23 Subject: Liens Link: 13476 Description: Report on the Order in relation to amending Sections 37 and 38 of Chapter 125 of the Revised Statutes Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 210-9 Subject: Liens Link: 13139 Description: An Act to amend the 125th Chapter of the Revised Statutes Year: 1850 Type: PL Ch 26 Access #: 248-26 Subject: Liens Link: 11107 Description: Report on an Order relative to a Bill in relation to liens Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 195-23 Subject: Liens Link: 12923 Description: Report on an Order relative to repealing an Act entitled an Act giving to laborers on lumber a lien thereon, approved August 10, 1848 Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 203-15 Subject: Liens, Lumber Link: 12905 Description: Report on an Order relative to enacting a law giving to manufacturers of lumber, a lien thereon Year: 1849 Type: Gy Access #: 203-2 Subject: Lime Link: 12208 Description: An Act to incorporate the Partridge and Harden Wharf and Lime-kiln Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 39 Access #: 239-39 Subject: Lime and Lime Casks Link: 6413 Description: An Act to amend the 51st Chapter of the Revised Statutes relating to lime and lime casks Year: 1846 Type: PL Ch144 Access #: 216-144 Subject: Lime and Lime Casks Link: 13252 Description: An Act to amend the 51st Chapter of the Revised Statutes relating to lime and lime casks Year: 1850 Type: PL Ch 127 Access #: 254-127 Subject: Lime Quarries Link: 9503 Description: Report on the Petition of Jeremiah Tolman and others relative to draining lime quarries Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 191-32 Subject: Lime Rock Bank Link: 7972 Description: An Act to increase the capital stock of the Lime Rock Bank Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 3l Access #: 218-31 Subject: Limerick Mnaufacturing Company Link: 7975 Description: An Act to incorporate the Limerick Manufacturing Company Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 34 Access #: 218-34 Subject: Limerick, ME Link: 10829 Description: Resolve in favor of Moses Peirce Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 52 Access #: 95-52 Subject: Limerick, ME Link: 12767 Description: Resolve in favor of Nicholas Pierce Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 22 Access #: 97-22 Subject: Limerick, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Limerick, ME Petition Signers Link: 12981 Description: Report on the Petition of Horace Bodwell and others to remove the York County Courts from Alfred to Saco and remonstrance of James Neal and others Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 205-4 Subject: Limestone, ME Link: 6615 Description: Report on a Resolve in favor of Benjamin D. Eastman and Mark Trafton, Junior Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 179-33 Subject: Limestone, ME Link: 8576 Description: Resolve in favor of Benjamin D. Eastman and George A. Nourse Year: 1847 Type: RS Ch 43 Access #: 92-43 Subject: Limington Academy Link: 10245 Description: An Act to incorporate the Trustees of Limington Academy Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 88 Access #: 231-88 Subject: Limington, ME Link: 13578 Description: Report on the Petition of James W. Joy for an alteration and increase of the fees of sheriffs and deputies Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 213-18 Subject: Limington, ME Link: 12891 Description: Report on a Resolve in favor of the Town of Limington Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 202-7 Subject: Limington, ME Link: 11422 Description: Report on the Petition of Humphrey McKenney to be set off from the Town of Limington and annexed to the Town of Cornish Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-1 Subject: Limington, ME Link: 13020 Description: Report on the Petition of Humphrey McKenney to be set off from Limington and annexed to Cornish (No Petition) Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 206-17 Subject: Limington, ME Link: 13021 Description: Report on the Petition of David Strout and others for renewal of his pension and remonstrance of Cyrus Jordan Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 206-18 Subject: Limington, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Limington, ME Petition Signers Link: 12981 Description: Report on the Petition of Horace Bodwell and others to remove the York County Courts from Alfred to Saco and remonstrance of James Neal and others Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 205-4 Subject: Lincoln Bank Link: 7970 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lincoln Bank Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 29 Access #: 218-29 Subject: Lincoln Bank Link: 13171 Description: An Act additional relating to the Lincoln Bank Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 47 Access #: 249-47 Subject: Lincoln County Link: 13625 Description: Report on the Petition of James Lenfest and Nicholas H. Lenfest that they may be set off from Palermo in Waldo County and annexed to the Town of Washington in Lincoln County Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 214-26 Subject: Lincoln County Commissioners Link: 10021 Description: An Act to authorize the laying out of a road over tide waters in the Town of Westport Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 39 Access #: 227-39 Subject: Lincoln County Commissioners Link: 7904 Description: An Act giving power to the County Commissioners of Lincoln County to lay out a road over Friendship River and the remonstrance of Zenas Cook 2nd and others Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 20 Access #: 217-20 Subject: Lincoln County Commissioners Link: 10016 Description: An Act to authorize the laying out a road over tide waters in the Town of Bowdoinham Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 34 Access #: 227-34 Subject: Lincoln County Commissioners Link: 8419 Description: An Act authorizing the Lincoln County Commissioners to lay out a road over tide waters Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 105 Access #: 222-105 Subject: Lincoln County Commissioners Link: 12328 Description: An Act to authorize the laying out a road over tide waters in the Towns of Georgetown and Arrowsic in the County of Lincoln Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 101 Access #: 242-101 Subject: Lincoln County Commissioners Link: 12323 Description: An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of the County of Lincoln to lay out a road over tide waters and remonstrance of the Proprietors of Sheepscot Bridge Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 96 Access #: 242-96 Subject: Lincoln County Commissioners Link: 10115 Description: An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of the County of Lincoln to lay out a road over tide waters and remonstrance of Samuel Teague and others Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 75 Access #: 230-75 Subject: Lincoln County Commissioners Link: 6645 Description: Report on the Petition of Isaiah Bradford and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County may be authorized to lay out a bridge acroos Friendship River and remonstrance of Thomas C. Kelleran and others Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 180-28 Subject: Lincoln County Commissioners Link: 6631 Description: Report on the Petition of Lot Barstow and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County be authorized to lay out a road over tide waters Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 180-14 Subject: Lincoln County Constables Link: 13577 Description: Report on the Petition of Nelson Cutler and others for an enlargement of the powers of constables in the County of Lincoln Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 213-17 Subject: Lincoln County Courts Link: 13594 Description: Report on the Petition of James Hall and others for a law to change the venue in certain cases in Lincoln County Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 214-5 Subject: Lincoln County Courts Link: 8492 Description: An Act to change the places of holding the District Court and Court of County Commissioners in the County of Lincoln and remonstrance of Nathaniel Dennett and others Year: 1847 Type: PL Ch 121 Access #: 224-121 Subject: Lincoln County Tax Link: 12742 Description: Resolve laying a tax on the several counties in this State Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 1 Access #: 96-1 Subject: Lincoln County Taxes Link: 13314 Description: Resolve laying a tax on the several Counties of the State herein named for the year of our Lord, 185l Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 12 Access #: 101-12 Subject: Lincoln County, District Court Link: 12288 Description: An Act altering the time of holding the June term of the District Court in the County of Lincoln Year: 1849 Type: PL Ch 61 Access #: 240-61 Subject: Lincoln County, Judge of Probate Link: 10413 Description: An Act to increase the salary of the Judge of Probate for the County of Lincoln Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 152 Access #: 236-152 Subject: Lincoln County, Judge of Probate Link: 13633 Description: Report on an Act to increase the salary of the Judge of Probate for the County of Lincoln Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-8 Subject: Lincoln County, Register of Probate Link: 12417 Description: An Act to increase the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Lincoln Year: 1849 Type: PL Ch 114 Access #: 243-114 Subject: Lincoln County,ME Petition Signers Link: 6616 Description: Report on the Petition of Moses Swett and others relative to a Resolve providing for amendment of the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature and the term of office of the Governor and other Officers Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 179-34 Subject: Lincoln Flax and Hemp Company Link: 12287 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lincoln Flax and Hemp Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 60 Access #: 240-60 Subject: Lincoln High Link: 10584 Description: Resolve in favor of Lincoln High School Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 16 Access #: 93-16 Subject: Lincoln High School Link: 9580 Description: Report on the Petition of Timothy Fuller and others that a grant of land may be made to Lincoln High School Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 192-17 Subject: Lincoln High School Link: 13138 Description: An Act to change the name of the Lincoln High School Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 25 Access #: 248-25 Subject: Lincoln Mutual Fire Insurance Company Link: 10015 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lincoln Mutual Fire Insurance Company Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 33 Access #: 226-33 Subject: Lincoln, Joshua T. to Thompson Lincoln Link: 12407 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 104 Access #: 243-104 Subject: Lincoln, ME Link: 13377 Description: Resolve in favor of Mrs. Lemuel B. Whitney and Mrs. James W. Babcock, heirs at law of Timothy Miller late of Cold Stream, so called, now Lowell, in the County of Penobscot Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 67 Access #: 104-67 Subject: Lincoln, ME Link: 12597 Description: An Act to exempt certain property from attachment Year: 1849 Type: PL Ch 145 Access #: 245-145 Subject: Lincoln, ME Link: 13603 Description: Report on the Petition of William R. Howe and others for a divorce from his wife Ellen R. Howe Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 214-14 Subject: Lincoln, ME Link: 11590 Description: Report on the Petition of David Kirby for authority to select certain lots of land Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 198-3 Subject: Lincoln, ME Petition Signers Link: 10584 Description: Resolve in favor of Lincoln High School Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 16 Access #: 93-16 Subject: Lincoln, ME Petition Signers Link: 9341 Description: Report on the Petition of Joshua Carpenter and others for a division of the County of Penobscot and remonstrance of Stephen Danforth and others Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-20 Subject: Lincoln, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Lincoln, Theodore, Junior Link: 6624 Description: Report on a Resolve in favor of certain Academies Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 180-7 Subject: Lincoln, Thompson from Joshua T. Lincoln Link: 12407 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 104 Access #: 243-104 Subject: Lincolnville Centre Free Meetinghouse Society Link: 6657 Description: Report on the Petition of Nathan Knight and others that they may be incorporated into a body by the name of the Lincolnville Centre Free Meeting House Society Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 181-5 Subject: Lincolnville, ME Link: 13499 Description: Report on the Petition of Joseph Miller and others for alteration in school laws Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 210-24 Subject: Lincolnville, ME Petition Signers Link: 8417 Description: An Act to construct fishways and remove obstructions in Ducktrap Stream and remonstrance of David P. Andrews and others Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 103 Access #: 222-103 Subject: Lincolnville, ME Selectmen Link: 12826 Description: Resolves providing for an amendment to the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 78 Access #: 99-78 Subject: Linn, Orrin S. from Linn Ber Link: 6410 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 141 Access #: 216-141 Subject: Linnell, Israel T. and others Link: 13336 Description: Resolve in favor of Israel T. Linnell and others Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 31 Access #: 102-31 Subject: Linneus, ME Link: 13009 Description: Report on the Petition of James Sawyer and others that they may be set off from the Town of Hodgdon and annexed to the Town of Linneus Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 206-6 Subject: Linscott, Charles H. chfm Orange Hall Link: 10042 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 60 Access #: 229-60 Subject: Liquor Link: 9520 Description: Report on the Petition of J. B. Currier and others that the Legislature not repeal the present license law but add imprisonment of from ten to thirty days to the fines now imposed by law Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 192-15 Subject: Liquor Link: 9189 Description: Report on the Order relative to amending an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks in Sections 5 and 8 Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 189-13 Subject: Liquor Link: 6395 Description: An Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks Year: 1846 Type: PL Ch 126 Access #: 215-126 Subject: Liquor Link: 8914 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 186-1+ Subject: Liquor Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Liquor Link: 8912 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 184-1+ Subject: Liquor Link: 11513 Description: Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of Bath for an addition to the Act restricting the sale of intoxicating drinks Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-29 Subject: Liquor Link: 9083 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 187-1+ Subject: Liquor Link: 10258 Description: An Act additional to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 101 Access #: 232-101 Subject: Liquor Laws Link: 13026 Description: Report on the Petition of Henry S. Loring and others for an amendment to the license laws Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 206-23 Subject: Liquors Link: 12734 Description: An Act to prevent the sale of intoxicating drinks at cattle shows Year: 1849 Type: PL Ch 164 Access #: 246-164 Subject: Liquors Link: 13291 Description: An Act in relation to common sellers of intoxicating liquors Year: 1850 Type: PL Ch 165 Access #: 256-165 Subject: Liquors Link: 12883 Description: Report on the Petition of the Cumberland County Total Abstinence Society for an Act amending the Act restraining the traffic in intoxicating liquors (No Petition) Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-30 Subject: Liquors Link: 13446 Description: Petitions for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 209-1 Subject: Liquors Link: 13447 Description: Petitions for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 209-2 Subject: Lisbon, ME Link: 13140 Description: An Act additional to an Act entitled an Act for incorporating certain persons for building a bridge over Androscoggin River between Lisbon and Durham and for supporting the same, approved February 27, 1813 Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 27 Access #: 248-27 Subject: Lisbon, ME Link: 8085 Description: An Act to set off certain lands from the Town of Webster and annex the same to the Town of Lisbon Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 71 Access #: 221-71 Subject: Lisbon, ME Petition Signers Link: 13447 Description: Petitions for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 209-2 Subject: Lisbon, ME Petition Signers Link: 12988 Description: Report on the Petition of Moses Townes and others that a new County may be formed from portions of Lincoln and Cumberland Counties and remonstrance of Cyrus Cotter and others Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 205-11 Subject: Litchfield Academy Link: 12780 Description: Resolve in favor of Litchfield Academy Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 35 Access #: 97-35 Subject: Litchfield Academy Link: 11498 Description: Report on the Petition of the Trustees of Litchfield Academy that said Institution may be endowed by the State Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-14 Subject: Litchfield Academy Link: 9351 Description: Report on the Petition of the Trustees of Litchfield Academy, for aid Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-30 Subject: Litchfield Liberal Institute Link: 13422 Description: Resolve in favor of Litchfield Liberal Institute Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 103 Access #: 105-103 Subject: Litchfield Liberal Institute Link: 13531 Description: Report on the Petition of Trustees of Litchfield Liberal Institute that a grant of land may be made to said Institution as a permanent fund Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 211-22 Subject: Litchfield Liberal Institute Link: 8345 Description: An Act to incorporate the Litchfield Liberal Institute Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 82 Access #: 221-82 Subject: Litchfield, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Literary Institutions Link: 12409 Description: An Act to authorize the taxation of real estate owned by literary institutions Year: 1849 Type: PL Ch 106 Access #: 243-106 Subject: Literary Institutions Link: 12873 Description: Report on a Resolve in relation to locating grants of land to literary institutions Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 201-23 Subject: Literary Institutions Link: 6599 Description: Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of Byron for an alteration in the law exempting property owned by Literary Institutions from taxation and for an abatement of State tax Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 179-17 Subject: Lithographic Drawings Link: 13361 Description: Resolve for obtaining lithographic views of interesting localities within the State Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 51 Access #: 103-51 Subject: Little River (Washington County) Link: 12817 Description: Resolve authorizing the agent for the Passamaquoddy Indians to sell a certain lot of land belonging to said tribe Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 69 Access #: 99-69 Subject: Little River Canal Company Link: 10020 Description: An Act to incorporate the Little River Canal Company for the improvement of Wells Harbor Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 38 Access #: 227-38 Subject: Little River Island Link: 7896 Description: An Act to cede to the United States of America the jurisdiction of Little River Island in the Town of Cutler and of a piece of land in Prospect Harbor in the Town of Gouldsboro Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch l2 Access #: 217-l2 Subject: Little River Log Company Link: 6408 Description: An Act to incorporate the Little River Log Company Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 139 Access #: 215-139 Subject: Little, Edward and others Link: 9417 Description: Report on the Petition of Edward Little and others for an alteration in the Charter of the Kennebec and Androscoggin Railroad Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 191-7 Subject: Little, Edward and others Link: 8087 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lewiston Falls Bank Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 73 Access #: 221-73 Subject: Little, Edward and others Link: 12419 Description: An Act to authorize the Proprietors of Lewiston Bridge to reduce their tolls Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 116 Access #: 243-116 Subject: Little, Edward and others Link: 8494 Description: An Act incorporating the South West Bend Bridge Company and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Durham Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 123 Access #: 224-123 Subject: Little, Hellen Jane to Hellen Jane Gilmore Link: 13241 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons (No Petitions) Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 117 Access #: 253-117 Subject: Little, Josiah Junior Link: 12045 Description: An Act to increase the capital stock of the Lewiston Water Power Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 14 Access #: 238-14 Subject: Little, Josiah S. and others Link: 13123 Description: An Act additional to an Act to establish the Atlantic and Saint Lawrence Railroad Company Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 10 Access #: 247-10 Subject: Little, William D. and others Link: 10256 Description: An Act giving further time to redeem lands forfeited to the State for non-payment of taxes and for the disposition of land which may hereafter become forfeited Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 99 Access #: 232-99 Subject: Littlefield, Enoch and others Link: 6386 Description: An Act to incorporate the Auburn Manufacturing Company Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 117 Access #: 215-117 Subject: Littlefield, Forest Link: 9352 Description: Report on the Petition of Lydia H. Littlefield for a divorce from Forest Littlefield Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-31 Subject: Littlefield, Lydia H. Link: 9352 Description: Report on the Petition of Lydia H. Littlefield for a divorce from Forest Littlefield Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-31 Subject: Littlefield, Moses Link: 6659 Description: Report on the Petition of Moses Littlefield for an alteration of the law relative to advertising non-resident taxes Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 181-7 Subject: Littlehale, Jacob B. and others Link: 10110 Description: An Act for the regulation of the Newry School Funds Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 70 Access #: 230-70 Subject: Littlejohn, George Nathaniel from George N. Doughty Link: 8350 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 87 Access #: 221-87 Subject: Livermore Gun House Link: 6626 Description: Report on a Resolve making a Gun House in Livermore in the County of Oxford Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 180-9 Subject: Livermore, ME Link: 13325 Description: Resolve in favor of Joseph Tobin and others Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 20 Access #: 101-20 Subject: Livermore, ME Petition Signers Link: 8555 Description: Resolve in favor of the road leading through Dunn's Notch Year: 1847 Type: RS Ch 31 Access #: 92-31 Subject: Livermore, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Loan Link: 10579 Description: Resolve authorizing the Treasurer of Aroostook County to borrow money Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 11 Access #: 93-11 Subject: Loans Link: 13190 Description: An Act to authorize the South Berwick Bank to receive money on deposit, and loan the same as a Savings Institution (No Petition) Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 66 Access #: 250-66 Subject: Loans Link: 13420 Description: Resolve authorizing the Treasurer to make a temporary loan in behalf of the State Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 101 Access #: 105-101 Subject: Loans, Credit Link: 8553 Description: Resolve providing for an amendment of the Constitution in relation to loaning the credit of the State and creating a State debt Year: 1847 Type: RS Ch 29 Access #: 92-29 Subject: Locke, Samuel B. and others Link: 13238 Description: An Act to incorporate the Hemlock Island Bridge Company Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 114 Access #: 253-114 Subject: Log Marks Link: 12950 Description: Report on the Order in relation of lumber wrecking in the Penobscot River Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 204-1 Subject: Log Marks Link: 12309 Description: An Act concerning the registry of marks upon certain logs Year: 1849 Type: PL Ch 82 Access #: 241-82 Subject: Log Marks Link: 12972 Description: Report on the Petition of Samuel Moor and others respecting the scaling of logs on the Penobscot River and its branches Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 204-23 Subject: Logan, Patrick to Samuel P.Logan Link: 6410 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 141 Access #: 216-141 Subject: Logan, Samuel P. from Patrick Logan Link: 6410 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 141 Access #: 216-141 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 6391 Description: An Act to incorporate the Nickatous Dam Company Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 122 Access #: 215-122 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 6387 Description: An Act to incorporate the Telos Canal Company Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 118 Access #: 215-118 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 13552 Description: Report on the Petition of E. P. Whitney and others for examination into the conduct of a Deputy Land Agent Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 212-13 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 6485 Description: Resolve limiting the sale of timber on the Public Lands Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 48 Access #: 88-48 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 6388 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lake Telos and Webster Pond Dam and Sluiceway and the remonstrance of Eli Hoskins and others Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 119 Access #: 215-119 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 6390 Description: An Act to incorporate the Heron Lake Dam Company Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 121 Access #: 215-121 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 6422 Description: An Act to incorporate the Baskahegan Dam Company Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 153 Access #: 216-153 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 6408 Description: An Act to incorporate the Little River Log Company Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 139 Access #: 215-139 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 8067 Description: An Act additional to an Act incorporating the Narraguagus River Company Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 65 Access #: 220-65 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 6426 Description: An Act to incorporate the Penobscot Log Driving Company Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 157 Access #: 216-157 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 6389 Description: An Act to incorporate the Grand Lake Dam Company (No Petition) Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 120 Access #: 215-120 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12600 Description: An Act to incorporate the Kenduskeag Log Driving Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 148 Access #: 245-148 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 10106 Description: An Act to incorporate the Baskahegan Falls Dam Company Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 66 Access #: 230-66 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 10108 Description: An Act authorizing Samuel Thompson to maintain a dam and slip in Kezar River Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 68 Access #: 230-68 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 11597 Description: Report on the Petition of Charles Gower and others that an appropriation may be made to build a road on the shore of Moosehead Lake to Black Brook Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 198-10 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 10389 Description: An Act to improve the Carlton Stream in Troy for running logs and other lumber Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 128 Access #: 234-128 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 10408 Description: An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Heron Lake Dam Company Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 147 Access #: 236-147 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 13025 Description: Report on the Petition of Leonard Long and others that they may have leave to remove obstructions in McCard's Stream Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 206-22 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12797 Description: Resolve in relation to the sale of Township 7, Range ll WELS Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 49 Access #: 98-49 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 11027 Description: Report on the Petition of John West and others for an Act to incorporate the Hog Bay Stream Log Driving Company Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 194-35 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 10104 Description: An Act additional to an Act entitled an Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Falls Sluiceway in Calais Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 64 Access #: 230-64 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 11490 Description: Report on the Petition of B. M. Flint for compensation for money and labor expended by him on Huntley Brook in the Indian Township Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-6 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 10376 Description: An Act giving to laborers on lumber a lien thereon Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 115 Access #: 233-115 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12577 Description: An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Saint Croix Log Driving Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 125 Access #: 244-125 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12424 Description: An Act additional to an Act entitled an Act respecting lumber in the Mattawamkeag River, approved July 29, 1846 Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 121 Access #: 244-121 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12412 Description: An Act to incorporate the West River Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch l09 Access #: 243-109 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 11610 Description: Report on the Petition of James Rogers that an allowance may be made him in the scale of logs Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 198-23 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12410 Description: An Act to incorporate the Mattawamkeag Dam Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 107 Access #: 243-107 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 11627 Description: Report on the Petition of Philander Soule and others for an Act of incorporation to improve the channel of the Sebasticook River and remonstrance of Ebenezer Frye and others Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 199-9 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12406 Description: An Act to incorporate the Atlantic and Pacific Mining, Lumbering and Trading Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 103 Access #: 243-103 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12227 Description: An Act to incorporate the Souednehunk Dam and Sluice Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 58 Access #: 240-58 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12301 Description: An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Penobscot Log Driving Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 74 Access #: 241-74 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12754 Description: Resolve for the equitable settlement of claims against Nathaniel H. Dillingham and others Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 13 Access #: 96-13 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 9344 Description: Report on the Petition of Caleb Burbank and others that they may be incorporated into a log driving company on the Narraguagus River Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-23 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 8422 Description: An Act to incorporate the Saint Croix Log Driving Company Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 108 Access #: 223-108 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 8426 Description: An Act regulating the amount of tolls to be received by the Chesuncook Company and the North Twin Dam Company Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 112 Access #: 223-112 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 8491 Description: An Act to incorporate the Allagash and East Branch Log Driving Company (No Petition) Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 120 Access #: 223-120 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 8550 Description: Resolve in relation to the settlement of stumpage of ton-timber cut on the public lands upon the Aroostook and Saint John waters under permits granted in the year l845 Year: 1847 Type: RS Ch 26 Access #: 92-26 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12972 Description: Report on the Petition of Samuel Moor and others respecting the scaling of logs on the Penobscot River and its branches Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 204-23 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12951 Description: Report on the Order in relation to sale of timber and timber lands in addition to an Act approved March 22, 1844 Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 204-2 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12950 Description: Report on the Order in relation of lumber wrecking in the Penobscot River Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 204-1 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 13466 Description: Report on the Petition of Nathaniel Treat and others for a Charter to authorize them to improve the navigation of the Penobscot River between Bangor and Oldtown Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 209-21 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12948 Description: Report on the Petition of A. D. Atwood and others for a law regulating the picking up and securing of drift lumber in the Penobscot River Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 203-37 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12905 Description: Report on an Order relative to enacting a law giving to manufacturers of lumber, a lien thereon Year: 1849 Type: Gy Access #: 203-2 Subject: Logs, Masts and Spars Link: 12923 Description: Report on an Order relative to repealing an Act entitled an Act giving to laborers on lumber a lien thereon, approved August 10, 1848 Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 203-15 Subject: Lola, Attean Link: 13315 Description: Resolve in favor of Attean Lola Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 13 Access #: 101-13 Subject: Lombard, John and others Link: 11603 Description: Report on the Petition of John Lombard and others for the alteration of the town lines of Greene, Wales and Webster and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Greene and others Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 198-16 Subject: Long Island Plantation, ME Link: 13402 Description: Resolve in favor of Long Island Plantation in the County of Hancock Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 90 Access #: 105-90 Subject: Long Pond Link: 7982 Description: An Act in addition to an Act incorporating the Sebago and Long Pond Steam Navigation Company Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 4l Access #: 219-41 Subject: Long Pond, Fish Preservation Link: 13013 Description: Report on the Petition of Edward Merchant and others for an Act to prohibit the destruction of pickerel in Snow and Long Ponds Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 206-10 Subject: Long, Leonard and others Link: 13025 Description: Report on the Petition of Leonard Long and others that they may have leave to remove obstructions in McCard's Stream Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 206-22 Subject: Long, Robert Link: 13376 Description: Resolve in favor of certain persons of the Legislature who visited the State Prison Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 66 Access #: 104-66 Subject: Longfellow, Abiel Link: 6454 Description: Resolve making valid the doings of the Inhabitants of the Town of Whitefield Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 17 Access #: 87-17 Subject: Longley, Edward chfm Eldad Longley Link: 10042 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 60 Access #: 229-60 Subject: Longley, Eldad chto Edward Longley Link: 10042 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 60 Access #: 229-60 Subject: Lord, Ivory and others Link: 9354 Description: Report on the Petition of Ivory Lord and others that he may be set off from Montville and annexed to Freedom and remonstrance of William Ayer and others Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 190-33 Subject: Lord, William and others Link: 13125 Description: An Act extending the time allowed the Mousam Navigation Company to complete their improvements Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 12 Access #: 247-12 Subject: Loring, Henry S. and others Link: 13026 Description: Report on the Petition of Henry S. Loring and others for an amendment to the license laws Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 206-23 Subject: Loring, John F. Link: 8543 Description: Resolve on the Petition of Elizabeth Joy, John B. Joy, Ellen M. Joy, Daniel Austin, Hannah Austin, John F. Loring, Henry Andrews, James W. Paige and Amos Cotting Year: 1847 Type: RS Ch 25 Access #: 91-25 Subject: Lothrop, Elias L. Link: 6450 Description: Resolve in favor of Elias L. Lothrop Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 13 Access #: 87-13 Subject: Lothrop, Elias L. Link: 6588 Description: Report on the Order relative to repealing a Resolve in favor of Elias L. Lothrop Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 179-6 Subject: Loud, Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Loud Link: 8350 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 87 Access #: 221-87 Subject: Loud, Benjamin to Benjamin Franklin Loud Link: 8350 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 87 Access #: 221-87 Subject: Lovejoy, Benjamin and others Link: 6919 Description: Report on the Petition of Benjamin Lovejoy and others for a division of the Town of Peru and the remonstrance of Orville Knight and others Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 177-16 Subject: Lovejoy, Howard B. Link: 12798 Description: Resolve in favor of certain Members of the Legislature who visited the State Prison Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 50 Access #: 98-50 Subject: Lovejoy, John L. and others Link: 10031 Description: An Act to incorporate the Baring Boom Company and remonstrance of John L. Lovejoy and others Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 49 Access #: 228-49 Subject: Lovejoy, John S. and others Link: 13152 Description: An Act to change the name of the Town of East Thomaston and remonstrance of John S. Lovejoy and others Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 35 Access #: 248-35 Subject: Lovell, ME Link: 13474 Description: Report on the Petition of the Inhabitants of Lovell for removal of their school funds from control of the Trustees Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 210-7 Subject: Lovell, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Lovell, ME Petition Signers Link: 13346 Description: Resolve in favor of Fryeburg Academy Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 41 Access #: 102-41 Subject: Lovering, Nathaniel and others Link: 13202 Description: An Act to incorporate the Town of Kennebec Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 78 Access #: 251-78 Subject: Lowell, Henry C. and others Link: 13252 Description: An Act to amend the 51st Chapter of the Revised Statutes relating to lime and lime casks Year: 1850 Type: PL Ch 127 Access #: 254-127 Subject: Lowell, Levi L. and others Link: 10104 Description: An Act additional to an Act entitled an Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Falls Sluiceway in Calais Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 64 Access #: 230-64 Subject: Lowell, ME Link: 8094 Description: An Act to set off a part of Lowell and annex the same to the Town of Burlington Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 80 Access #: 221-80 Subject: Lowell, ME Link: 13377 Description: Resolve in favor of Mrs. Lemuel B. Whitney and Mrs. James W. Babcock, heirs at law of Timothy Miller late of Cold Stream, so called, now Lowell, in the County of Penobscot Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 67 Access #: 104-67 Subject: Lowell, ME Link: 6463 Description: Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to deed a certain lot of land in the Town of Lowell Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 26 Access #: 88-26 Subject: Lowell, ME Link: 6670 Description: Report on the Petition of Joseph W. Porter that capital punishment may be abolished in this State Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 181-18 Subject: Lowell, ME Link: 6686 Description: Report on the Petition of Joseph W. Porter for an amendment in the completed Militia Law Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 181-34 Subject: Lowell, ME Petition Signers Link: 10584 Description: Resolve in favor of Lincoln High School Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 16 Access #: 93-16 Subject: Lubec First Congregational Meeting House Link: 8418 Description: An Act to authorize the Proprietors of the First Congregational Meeting House in Lubec, to sell the same Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 104 Access #: 222-104 Subject: Lubec School District 1 Link: 11612 Description: Report on the Petition of Andrew Ring and others that School District 1 in Lubec may be authorized to collect certain balances of a tax Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 198-25 Subject: Lubec, ME Link: 12032 Description: An additional Act regulating the inspection of fish Year: 1849 Type: PL Ch l Access #: 237-1 Subject: Lubec, ME Link: 8060 Description: An Act to set off a part of the Town of Lubec and annex the same to Eastport in the County of Washington and remonstrance of the Inhabitants of Lubec Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 58 Access #: 220-58 Subject: Lubec, ME Link: 7973 Description: An Act to set off a part of Trescott and annex the same to the Town of Lubec and remonstrance of William Chaloner and others Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 32 Access #: 218-32 Subject: Lubec, ME Petition Signers Link: 8913 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 185-1+ Subject: Ludlow, ME Link: 13035 Description: Report on the Petition of Nathan Colbroth and others of Belfast Academy Grant that they may be incorporated into a Town by the name of Genoa and remonstrance of George Howe and others Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 207-7 Subject: Lumber Link: 13466 Description: Report on the Petition of Nathaniel Treat and others for a Charter to authorize them to improve the navigation of the Penobscot River between Bangor and Oldtown Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 209-21 Subject: Lumber Link: 10389 Description: An Act to improve the Carlton Stream in Troy for running logs and other lumber Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 128 Access #: 234-128 Subject: Lumber Link: 12797 Description: Resolve in relation to the sale of Township 7, Range ll WELS Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 49 Access #: 98-49 Subject: Lumber Link: 12424 Description: An Act additional to an Act entitled an Act respecting lumber in the Mattawamkeag River, approved July 29, 1846 Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 121 Access #: 244-121 Subject: Lumber Link: 12948 Description: Report on the Petition of A. D. Atwood and others for a law regulating the picking up and securing of drift lumber in the Penobscot River Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 203-37 Subject: Lumber Link: 12923 Description: Report on an Order relative to repealing an Act entitled an Act giving to laborers on lumber a lien thereon, approved August 10, 1848 Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 203-15 Subject: Lumber Link: 12597 Description: An Act to exempt certain property from attachment Year: 1849 Type: PL Ch 145 Access #: 245-145 Subject: Lumber Liens Link: 10376 Description: An Act giving to laborers on lumber a lien thereon Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 115 Access #: 233-115 Subject: Lumber Mill Link: 6483 Description: Resolve in favor of the Passamaquody Indians Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 46 Access #: 88-46 Subject: Lumbermen's Bank Link: 12310 Description: An Act to incorporate the Lumbermen's Bank Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 83 Access #: 241-83 Subject: Lumbert, William and others Link: 12320 Description: An Act to incorporate the Chesuncook Steam Navigation Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 93 Access #: 242-93 Subject: Lunt, Johnson Link: 11495 Description: Accounting of the estate of Samuel Lunt Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-11 Subject: Lunt, Samuel Link: 11495 Description: Accounting of the estate of Samuel Lunt Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-11 Subject: Lyford, Hiram Link: 13359 Description: Resolve in favor of Hiram Lyford Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 49 Access #: 103-49 Subject: Lyford, Hiram Link: 13437 Description: Resolve in favor of Hiram Lyford Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 118 Access #: 105-118 Subject: Lyman, ME Petition Signers Link: 12981 Description: Report on the Petition of Horace Bodwell and others to remove the York County Courts from Alfred to Saco and remonstrance of James Neal and others Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 205-4 Subject: Lyndon, ME Link: 13373 Description: Resolve in relation to the repair of the road through Letter H. Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 63 Access #: 104-63 Subject: Lyon, Alpheus Link: 13320 Description: Resolve in favor of Alpheus Lyon Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 18 Access #: 101-18 Subject: Lyon, William and others Link: 13033 Description: Report on the Petition of William Lyon and others that they may be set off from Plymouth and annexed to Detroit and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Plymouth Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 207-5 Courtesy of the Maine State Archives, David Young of Danville, Maine, and Tina Vickery of Augusta, Maine. NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. 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