Maine Legislative Indexes 1846-1850. Subjects Beginning with "U". Courtesy of the Maine State Archives Subject: Umbagog Plank Road Company Link: 13248 Description: An Act to incorporate the Umbagog Plank Road Company Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 123 Access #: 254-123 Subject: Unfinished Business Link: 6705 Description: Unfinished Business referred by the Legislature of 1845 Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 182-16 Subject: Unfinished Business Link: 9596 Description: List of unfinished business referred to the Legislature of l847 Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-3 Subject: Unincorporated Plantations Link: 11039 Description: Report on the Order in relation to providing by law that unincorporated plantations may be allowed to draw jury men Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 195-12 Subject: Unincorporated Townships Link: 10409 Description: An Act in relation to the assessment and collection of taxes on lands in unincorporated places Year: 1848 Type: PL Ch 148 Access #: 236-148 Subject: Unincorporated Townships Link: 11273 Description: Report on an Order relative to authorizing County Commissioners to assess a yearly tax for the repair of highways in unincorporated places Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 196-20 Subject: Unincorporated Townships Link: 11405 Description: Report on an Order relative to making owners of unincorporated townships liable for damages and injuries sustained through defects in roads in such townships Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 196-25 Subject: Unincorporated Townships Link: 12595 Description: An Act additional for the assessment and collection of taxes in unincorporated places Year: 1849 Type: PL Ch 143 Access #: 245-143 Subject: Unincorporated Townships Link: 13036 Description: Report on the Petition of Alex Crawford and others for a law making counties liable for damages in highways through unincorporated lands Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 207-8 Subject: Unincorporated Townships Link: 11265 Description: Report on the Order relative to altering or revising the 26th Section of the 32nd Chapter of the Revised Statutes Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 196-12 Subject: Unincorporated Townships Link: 13066 Description: Report relative to the amounts assessed, paid and due the State for building and repair of roads in unincorporated places Year: 1849 Type: GY Access #: 208-9 Subject: Unincorporated Townships, Education Link: 9263 Description: Report on the Order relative to authorizing the State Treasurer to pay money to unincorporated places for educational purposes Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 189-30 Subject: Union Academy Link: 12777 Description: Resolve in favor of the Union Academy Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 32 Access #: 97-32 Subject: Union Academy Link: 10242 Description: An Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Union Academy at Oldtown Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 85 Access #: 231-85 Subject: Union Academy Link: 13234 Description: An Act authorizing the Trustees of Union Academy to dispose of their property Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 110 Access #: 253-110 Subject: Union Bank Link: 13177 Description: An Act to incorporate the Union Bank at Brunswick (No Petition) Year: 1850 Type: PS Ch 53 Access #: 249-53 Subject: Union Meeting House Link: 11424 Description: Report on the Petition of Nathaniel Purinton and others, Proprietors of Union Meeting House in Bowdoinham Village, for authority to sell the said meeting house Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-3 Subject: Union Mutual Life Insurance Company Link: 10024 Description: An Act to incorporate the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company (No Petition) Year: 1848 Type: PS Ch 42 Access #: 227-42 Subject: Union Mutual Life Insurance Company Link: 12118 Description: An Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 32 Access #: 239-32 Subject: Union River Link: 11023 Description: Report on the Petition of Benjamin Silsby and others for an Act of incorporation to improve the navigation of Union River and its tributaries with exclusive right to navigate the same by steam and remonstrance of Elliot Jordan and others Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 194-31 Subject: Union River Railroad Company Link: 6375 Description: An Act to incorporate the Union River Railroad Company Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 83 Access #: 213-83 Subject: Union, ME Link: 6393 Description: An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Georges Canal Company passed July 2, 1846 Year: 1846 Type: PS Ch 124 Access #: 215-124 Subject: Union, ME Petition Signers Link: 9083 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 187-1+ Subject: Union, ME Petition Signers Link: 13624 Description: Report on the Petition of Freeman Clark and others that a new county may be formed by the name of Sagadahoc County and remonstrance of Isaac Heaton and others Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 214-25 Subject: United States Congress Link: 11412 Description: Report on a Resolve in relation to the power of Congress over the institution of slavery Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 196-32 Subject: United States Jurisdiction Link: 7896 Description: An Act to cede to the United States of America the jurisdiction of Little River Island in the Town of Cutler and of a piece of land in Prospect Harbor in the Town of Gouldsboro Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch l2 Access #: 217-l2 Subject: United States Military Road Link: 8528 Description: Resolve for the repair of the Military Road Year: 1847 Type: RS Ch l0 Access #: 91-10 Subject: United States Military Road Link: 6481 Description: Resolve providing for the repair of the Military Road Year: 1846 Type: RS Ch 44 Access #: 88-44 Subject: United States Military Road Link: 10585 Description: Resolve providing for the repair of the Military Road Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 17 Access #: 93-17 Subject: United States Military Road Link: 12815 Description: Resolve making an appropriation for building a bridge at the forks of the Mattawamkeag River on the Military Road Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 67 Access #: 99-67 Subject: United States President Link: 8581 Description: Resolve providing for the payment of expenses of the President's visit Year: 1847 Type: RS Ch 48 Access #: 92-48 Subject: United States President Link: 13655 Description: Resolve of thanks to the Honorable George Evans relaive to address upon occasion of the death of President Taylor Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-30 Subject: United States President Link: 9724 Description: Communications relative to receiving the President of the United States together with his letter of acceptance Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 193-24 Subject: United States President Link: 13344 Description: Resolve providing for the payment of the expenses incurred in the observance of the obsequies of President Taylor Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 39 Access #: 102-39 Subject: United States President Link: 13652 Description: Report of the Committee on Arrangements on the occasion of the death of United States President, Zachary Taylor Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 215-27 Subject: United States Senator, Vote Return Link: 6695 Description: Report of the Committee on Elections Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 182-6 Subject: United States Stock Link: 13417 Description: Resolve authorizing the Treasurer of State to sell and dispose of United States Stock Year: 1850 Type: RS Ch 98 Access #: 105-98 Subject: United States Stock Link: 12809 Description: Resolve authorizing the Treasurer of State to sell and dispose of United States Stock and purchase scrip of this State Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 61 Access #: 99-61 Subject: United States Stock Link: 10841 Description: Resolve authorizing the State Treasurer to sell and dispose of United States Stock Year: 1848 Type: RS Ch 64 Access #: 95-64 Subject: United States Supreme Court Link: 8561 Description: Resolve in relation to the distribution of the reports of the United States Supreme Court Year: 1847 Type: RS Ch 37 Access #: 92-37 Subject: Unites States, Standard Weights Link: 12810 Description: Resolves to provide for the reception of the standard weights of the United States Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 62 Access #: 99-62 Subject: Unity Gore, ME Link: 8088 Description: An Act to set off a part of Unity Gore to the Town of Sebasticook Year: 1847 Type: PS Ch 74 Access #: 221-74 Subject: Unity, ME Petition Signers Link: 9083 Description: Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, l846 (alphabetical by town) Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 187-1+ Subject: Universalist Society of Brunswick Link: 11581 Description: Report on the Petition of the Universalist Society of Brunswick for an Act authorizing them to sell their meeting house Year: 1848 Type: GY Access #: 197-31 Subject: Universalist Society, First in Augusta Link: 12760 Description: Resolve making valid the doings of the First Universalist Society in Augusta Year: 1849 Type: RS Ch 15 Access #: 96-15 Subject: Upham, George Barnard from Alonzo Barnard Link: 12407 Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons Year: 1849 Type: PS Ch 104 Access #: 243-104 Subject: Upper Keezer Sluiceway Company Link: 9497 Description: Report on the Petition of Samuel Thompson and others to be incorporated into a Company called the Upper Keezer Sluiceway Company Year: 1847 Type: GY Access #: 191-26 Subject: Upper Stillwater Sluice Company Link: 13452 Description: Petition of William Jameson to incorporate the Upper Stillwater Sluice Company Year: 1850 Type: GY Access #: 209-7 Subject: Upton, ME Link: 6567 Description: Report on the Petition of Hiram F. Goud and others for the incorporation of a part of Letter B, Oxford County, into a town called Grafton Year: 1846 Type: GY Access #: 178-12 Courtesy of the Maine State Archives, David Young of Danville, Maine, and Tina Vickery of Augusta, Maine. NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.