Ancient Document Relating to the Old Howe Tavern Sprague's Journal of Maine History No. II Vol. VII AUG. SEPT. OCT 1919 pages 94-95 Documentary Ancient Document Relating to the Old Howe Tavern (Contributed by Elizabeth K. Folsom) Exeter, N.H., July 5th 1919 Dear Editor:-- In the East Cambridge Court House, recently, I was shown the original of the enclosed document, and told that it had not, as far as known been in print. This, as you will see, is the recognizance of Thomas Howe of Marlborough, Mass., Inkeeper of the so-called Howe Tavern, since made famous by Longfellow in this poem Tales of a Wayside Inn. ELIZABETH K. FOLSOM. *** below The scroll reads, "By the name of Howe," And over this, no longer bright, Though glimmering with a latent light, Was hung the sword of his grandshire bore, In the rebellious day of yore, Down there in the Concord fight. (Prelude to Tales of a Wayside Inn) Mddx Memoranda: That on ye. Ninth Day of May in ye. year of our Lord sixteen hundred & ninety & In ye. second year of ye. Reign of our Soveraign Lord & Lady Wm. & Mary by ye. Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of ye. Faith &c Before ye. County Court of Charlestowne, By adjournmt, the Cambridge 16th. Aprill last past, Thomas How of Malburrow in ye. County beforesaid became bound in ye. Summ of Twenty pounds Current Money of New England for wch. he doth acknowledge himself to wn, & stand justly indebited to our Soveraign Lord and Lady King Wm. & Queen Mary, theire heirs & successors to be Levied on his good & Chatteles Lands & Tenements --- The Condition of This Recongnizance is yt. whereas ye. said Thomas How above bound is admitted and allowed by ye. said County Court to keep a Common Publick house of Entertainment, and to use Common selling of wine, Beer Ale Syder Brand Rum & and other Liquers for ye. year Ensueing in ye. now Dwelling house of said Thomas How If therefore ye. said Tho How During the time aforesaid, shall not Pmitt Suffer or have any playing at Cards Dice Tables Bowls Ninepinns Billiards, or yard garden or Backside, nor shall Suffer to be or remain in his house an Pson or Psons, not being of his own familie on Satturday nights after it is dark, or on ye. Sabbath daies or in ye. time of Gods Publick Worship therein nor shall entertaine as Lodgers in his house any strangers, men or women above ye. space of forty eight hours, but such whose name and Sirnames he shall deliver to some one of ye. Selectmen or Constables of ye. Town, unless they be such as he verry well knoweth, and will answer for his or their forth Comeing. Nor shall sell any Wine or Liquors in any wise to any Indians or Negroes, nor suffer any Children or servants or any other Pson to remain in his Tipling or Drinking after nine of ye. Clock in ye. night time, nor shall buy or Take to Pawn any stollen goods, or willingly or knowingly harbour in his house, Barn stable, or other where any Rogues vagabonds Theives Sturdy Beggers masterless men or women, or other Not offenders whatsoever, nor shall Suffer an Pson or Psons whatsoever to sell or utter any wine Beer Ale Syder Rum Brandy or other Liquors, By Deputation, or by Colour of his Licence, or shall entertaine any Pson or Psons of whom he shall be prohibited by Law, or any one of ye. Magistrates of ye. said County as Psons of an Idle Conversation and given to Tipling. And shall also keep ye. True Assize & Measure in his Bread & Potts & otherwise in uttering of any wine Beer Ale Syder Rum Brandy or other Liquors, and ye. Same sell by Sealed Measure, and in his said house shall use and maintain good order and Rule, and is and shall be well provided, with sufficient houseing and Two Beds at ye. least for entertainment of strangers & Travadlers. And shall attend yel. Laws and orders of Courts referring to that Imployment. Then this is sent Recognizance to be void or else to stand and be in full power force and virtue. In wittness whereof he hath hereunto sett his hand and seals this Day & year above written -- Signed Sealed & Del. In psence of Thomas How (Seal) Samll: Phipps Katharin Phips Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex ss. Registry of Probate A true copy of a paper on file termed, Recognizance of Thomas How. Case no. 12121 -- 1st Series. Thomas How of Marlborough. Attest, F. M. Esty Register (c) 1998 Courtesy of the Androscoggin Historical Society ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. 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