Peom about Notes & Queries Sprague's Journal of Maine History No. II Vol. VII AUG. SEPT. OCT 1919 pages 106-107 In that well known English literary and historical store house, "Notes and Queries," published in London, in one of its numbers for July, 1856, a writer contributes an old doggerel (parody on Moore's Those Evening Bells) written years before, when an income tax even in England was a new idea, and which many readers today may appreciate, as follows: That Income Tax! That Income Tax! How every clause my boor brain racks, How dear was that sweet time to me, Ere first I heard of Schedule B. Those untaxed joys are passed away, And many a heart that then was gay Lies sleeping 'neath the turf in packs, And cares not for the Income Tax. And so 'twill be when I am gone, That "Candid Peel" will still tax on, And other bards shall sadly ax "Why not repeal the Income Tax?" (c) 1998 Courtesy of the Androscoggin Historical Society ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.