Bangor Daily News. January 2, 1900 Bucksport, Jan. 1. --The village school were commenced Monday with the old crop of teachers. The Stars and Stripes were hoisted over the new Parker Spofford school and Miss Keen called the first session in the new building in order Monday forenoon. The heating apparatus worked very satisfactory as did all the other arrangements of the building. The attendance included a number of new scholars from outside the district and that have moved into town and but a few vacant seats will be in the room when all the regular attendants are present. Those who like to sit down to a good supper should bear in mind the opportunity offered by the Church Aid Society in the Franklin Street vestry Wednesday evening. Captain Watson Wardwell leaves Tuesday for Big Falls Wis., where he will spend the next six months with relatives. The steam ferry Joseph G. Totten has been hauled off her route for the season. The boiler is being taken out and will be shipped to Bangor of overhauling and rebuilding. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Arey have been visiting friends in Sullivan. Miss Edith Ginn is visiting relatives in Bangor. Miss Marion P. Stover left Monday for Forest Glen, Md., to resume here position on the faculty of the National Seminary after a vacation at home. Gilbert Hutchings, who for some time past has been studying medicine in the office of Dr. H. E. Snow, left Monday for Brunswick where he will enter Bowdoin Medical College. Miss Maude B. Colcord of Searsport is in town for a few days. The funeral of Daniel E. Wight will take place from the homestead at 10 o'clock Tuesday and the interment in Oak Grove cemetery, Orland. WEST SULLIVAN. May friends in this part of the town were grieved to hear of the death of Mr. George W. Ash, which took place at his home at East Sullivan, Dec. 27. He leaves a wife and three daughters, Mrs. Charles Doyle of this town, Mrs Wales Shaw of Northport, and Mrs. Walter Young of Corea. The funeral was held, Saturday, Rev. F. H. Osgood officiating. Mrs. W. H. Moore of Prospect Harbor is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. Havey. The schools taught by Mr. Whitney, Mrs. Abbott and Miss Gordon, and Mr. Parsons closed Friday after a successful terms of seven weeks. Mr. M. H. Preble of Sullivan Harbor is suffering from a stroke of paralysis. At this writing he is thought to be improving. Mrs. Maria Havey, Mrs. Lottie Clark, Mrs Medora Bunker and Mrs. Hattie Robertson were in Ellsworth Saturday o a shopping expedition. The Foresters and ladies will hold a social at Milton hall Wednesday evening. Fred B. Havey spent a few days with friends at East Franklin recently. Rev. F. H. Osgood preached an interesting and instructive sermon to a large congregation Sunday afternoon. The special services will be continued this week and Rev. Mr. Hanscom of Bar Harbor will assist in the work. Arthur L. Bunker went to Cherryfield Monday on his regular weekly business trip. ______________________________*********************** Courtesy of Tina Vickery The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents.