Old Burying Ground Route 1A Maine Road South Hampden, ME 04444 County of Penobscot Transcribed by Mike Desmarais e-mail The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. This information is in random order. All information given without an interruption is on one tombstone At the end of one tombstone data there is an empty line before the next tombstone information begins. Daniel Neal Esq. April 8 1810 Is??? Young son of Zebulun & Phebe Young Sept 18, 1818 aged 19(?) yrs Mrs. Phebe Young wife of Zebulun Young died Feb 7, 1814 aged 50 yrs In memory of Mrs. Mary consort of Mr. Charles Godfrey who died April 17, 1815 aged 24 yrs In memory of Mr. James Emery who was drowned Sept 14, 1793 aged 32 yrs In memory of Mr. John Emery who died Feb 24, 1795 aged 68 In memory of Mrs. Hannah widow of John Emery who died Oct 12, 1805 aged 88 In memory of Two British Soldiers killed in the war of 1812 at Hampden presented by Lord Beaverbrook Chapter Daughters of British Empire In Memory of Mr. Benjamin Wheeler Junior of Hampden who died Oct. 14th 1807 in the 18th year of his age S.J. 1813 Joan wife of Benj. Wheeler died at Hampden May 26, 1815 AE 44 yrs In memory of Mr. Benjamin wheeler of Hampden who died May 8th 1806 in the 44th year of his age Josiah Kidder May 24 1818 (dates unsure) AE 78 In memory of Mrs. Betsy Kidder wife of Josiah Kidder who died March 29, 1813 Aged 33 years Lt. Col Carriel Tohonnot 21 Mass Mil. Rev. War To the memory of Mrs. Sarah Tohonnot youngest daughter of the late Rev. Simon Bradstreet who departed this life June 20th 1813 aged 57 years Mr. ??? Grant died April 21, 1820 Aged 30 years In memory of Freeman Cobb Junior died July 4th 1798 Aged 1 year & 28 days In memory of Freeman Cobb died February 6th 1798 in the 28th year of his age In the memory of Miss Ruth S. Young who died Nov. 14, 1809 in the 14th year of her age Zirtah wife of Andrew Grant Jr. died Nov 28, 1816 AE 53 Capt. Andrew Grant died Oct. 12, 1809 AE 79 Elizabeth wife of Capt. Andrew Grant died May 18, 1821 AE 70 In memory of Anna Reed who died Jan. 30th 1844 in the 34th year of her age she was wife of W.H. Reed In memory of Mr. James Dudley who was killed by the falling of a tree Nov. 5 1805 AE 44 Mrs. Sibbel wife of James Dudley Died May 21, 1818 AE 88 In memory of Mrs. Hannah wife of Nahum Emery who died Apr. 15, 1808 AE 37 1 Old Burying Ground