DIARY of DOLLY C. MORRILL, b.3 Jul 1824, Cornville, Somerset Co., ME, dau of Jonathan Flanders & Dolly (CURRIER) MORRILL. Married as 2nd wife: Rosewell M. BAKER 1 Jan 1857 - 31 Dec 1862 Lynn [MA], Jan 1, 1857 New Years Eve, A very lovely day, and all seem merry and full of wishes of a happy new year. I have now been in Lynn nearly two years, have made some acquaintances, and feel very much at home, work in the shop with Marie, and enjoy myself very well. Friday Marie came to spend the night. We went down Market Street in the eve to find something for dress, but could find nothing to please our fancy. Sunday very snowy -- at home all day. Jan 25 Sunday I have been to meeting - heard Johnson. Ruth came in after lecture -- spent the day. Thursday evening went to Old Folks Concert -- had a grand time. Friday evening called on Mrs. Prescot, then went to George W's, spent the evening, Marie went with me. Feb 1 Sunday At home all day and evening. Lizzie went to temperance lecturein the evening with Mrs. Mower. Mr. Smith addressed them, they liked him very much. The house was very much crowded, some had to leave, could not get seats, I had company at home and could not go. Feb 8 Sunday Went to church in the morning. Mr. Johnson lectured. The afternoon and evening very rainy indeed, no one came in. Wednesday in Mrs. Mower's the evening to party. Thursday had callers at home. Saturday night Marie came to spend the night, Ada and Marie, in the eve. The weather is warm, and walking very bad. Feb 15 Sunday at home all day. Marie came to spend the night with me and the walking is too bad today to go to church, it is very warm weather, for this season of the year. Lucia and Miss Baily called in the afternoon. Friday night went to Theatre in snow storm. Saturday very warm and pleasant. Spent evening at Mrs. Davis. Feb 22 Sunday I have been to church, had a discourse from Mr. Wiginson.Afternoon George and Ruth came up - stayed awhile. The weather is very mild and warm - the walking very bad - snow nearly all gone, evening went to meeting at the Christian. Friday went to Vanderhoff's Lecture, Saturday a cold day. Wednesday Mrs. M.... came to spend the afternoon. I wrote while they had fitting then had company. March 1 Sunday I have been to meeting at the hall, Marie Swett, went with me. The afternoon we went down town, to Mr. Smith's meeting. The evening very snowy. Lizzie went to meeting at the Christian, and George went to the temperance meeting. I at home, all alone, wrote a letter to Sophronia. Monday at home all day, very story. Wednesday had a letter from Sis Baker. Had company in the evening. Thursday evening down to Ann Augustus' - had very pleasant visit. Saturday, Harrison paid by. March 8 Sunday went to meeting forenoon, had Mr. Shackford. Went down to Bert's afternoon. The weather is pleasant but very cold. The evening went down commons to hear George Mudge lecture, on temperance. Tuesday had company, Mrs. Mower and family and Mr Marston and family. Wednesday Lucia came up stayed all night. Thursday we all went to Harrisons'. I was there to dinner Friday. Left the shop afternoon to prepare to leave for home, in Mrs. Mower's a part of the time. Called on Mary Merrill, and Beach St. folks. Joseph and Ruth came up in the evening. Saturday left Lynn in company with Barbury, our friend. All went to see us start, and then we had to leave them. Arrived at Bakers' about seven, all well as usual. Mar 15 I find myself at Sis Baker's this morning and it seems good to be here. The babe is smart and looks prettier than I expected. Philip and Lizzie came down in the afternoon and I went home with them, found Mother lame indeed, and both glad and surprised to see me. Am very glad I came, think they need my help. Chandler and wife in the evening. Monday Marshall, Ardra called afternoon. Tuesday Uncle Henry and wife were here, spent the day. Wednesday I called on Flaville afternoon. Spent the evening to Frosts'. Thursday and Friday stormy. Saturday pleasant. I have made a collar and shirt, this week, trimmed them with tape trimming. Mother is about the same, think she is better if anything. It is snowing again this evening, there is plenty of snow in spots, but the sleighing is bad, have not had a ride since I came home March 22 I am at home with Mother. Father has gone to meeting. Mary is sick and I work in - to good advantage. The weather is very mild, and the snow is going very fast. Flaville here in the afternoon, stayed all night. Tuesday, Mother went down to Bakers' to see the Doctor. Thursday, I went down, stayed until Sunday, then came home in sleigh on bare ground. Have not done much this week except go to and from Bakers', and help take care of the babe. The weather is warm, and the travelling very bad, snow going fast. March 29 Came home from Sophrone's, folks all well as usual. I think Mother is some better. She don't seem quite as lame as she did when I came home. I wrote a letter to Lizzie in the evening. Monday a lovely day. Tuesday had company. Aunt Nancy and Sophrone and a few of the nearer neighbors. We had a grand time. Wednesday, I went down to Philip's. Called on all the folks that way - found them all well. Came home Friday on the crust. Saturday finished Mother's dress, then went down to Flaville's - stayed all night. The past week has been rather cold; but it is growing warm again. The walking is very bad and I am lonesome enough. Should like very much to be in Lynn today, where I could see my old friends. Apr 5 This seems a long and lonesome day. I have not been to meeting since I came home. This morning was very beautiful, the afternoon rainy. Monday a very rainy day and evening made a great freshet. Bridges all gone. Tuesday morning fair weather again. I am not doing much this week - have made two quilts and made over some old skirts. Wednesday called on Mrs. Fogg. Rec letter. Friday it rained again all day. Saturday very pleasant. Went down to Flaville's. Found her sitting on the floor before the fire. She said she was about sick. I stayed a short time then came home. Helped Mary bake. Mother lame. Angus worked awhile in the evening. Gave Mother a bath. then went to bed to think of Lynn and the folks I left behind me. Apr 12 A very lovely morning. Snow about all gone. I arose early, gave mother a bath, helped her dress and took Emma in my arms, and we all walked out to take the morning air. In the afternoon went down - stayed with Villa. Tuesday it commenced raining and a long tedious storm we are having of it. I am lonely and all discouraged at times. Thursday and Friday it snowed. Saturday very pleasant and warm. Snow all gone again. Had a letter from Lizzie this week. Apr 19 Another Sunday and here I be as usual, at home in the morning. Villa came up in the afternoon, stayed all night. I hardly know what I should do without her. Should feel homesick enough. Tuesday went down and stayed with Villa and had a very pleasant time. The weather is very cold and windy. Friday when to Skowhegan. Bakers' family up - spent the day. Saturday helped Villa make carpet. This week has been cold and windy. Have had no pleasant weather of late. Apr 26 Another cold Sunday and I find myself at home all day. The time seems long and sometimes I think I should like to be in Lynn. then I would hear a lecture every Sunday. But then I could not be with Mother, and will try to think it is all right. Monday it snowed. At night the boys came over with their sled, and I must have a ride, so went and got on the sled and they dragged me over to stay with their mother. In the morning had another ride home. Wednesday in to Ardra's with Villa on visit. Thursday took up the carpet and made it over. Saturday a very rainy day. I am some sick but not much. May day had a present of bouquet of flowers. May 8 Sunday a lovely day as warm a summer. We are all at home today for it is very muddy. In the afternoon went down to Aunt Nabby's, then to Chandlers. Saw Judie at Villa's, when came home. Tuesday Mother very sick. Friday called the Doctor in. He have her some medicine - thought he could help her some. It has rained all week, 'till Friday, then cleared up quite pleasant. Saturday very fine day. I have not had much time to feel lonesome this week. Mother has needed all my care, and I have thought of nothing else. We think she is a little better today, but she is very low, indeed - and I am very discouraged at times. I feel very glad that I can be here to take the care of her. May 10 It is a very warm day and we are all very glad to see warm weather. Mother seems a little better today. Sis Baker up - stayed all day. Philip and Lizzie came up at night, and Hiram and Villa called. Monday and Tuesday Mother seems to hold it better. Thursday, the Doctor called again, says she is doing very well. Friday, Aunt Hannah Folsom here - spent the afternoon. Aunt Abby and Villa came in after tea. We had a jolly time. Last night Aunt Rufus and Ellen called. Saturday, Lizzie and Mary Mc came to spend the afternoon. After Mother went to bed at night went down to Villa's & stayed all night. The first time I have left her since she has been sick - she is much better now. I have had three letters from Lynn this week. May 17 At home all day. Sis baker here forenoon. Mother much better. Monday Villa and I made some calls to McDaniels' and Judkins'. Tuesday had callers - the Miss and Mrs. Robinson, and Mrs. Layward. Wednesday, we made Mary's carpet and put it down. Thursday sit rained all day. Friday very very pleasant. I went down to Villa's - we went after earth for plants. After tea Mrs. Frost and Mrs. Robinson called. Saturday very warm day. I went down to Aunt Nabby's . At night found Villa sick. As usual, she wanted me to stay all night but I could not so went home, helped Mother to undress, then went off to bed. The week has passed rather pleasantly. Mother has been much better, and I have enjoyed myself as well as I ought to expect, in this our day. May 24 This is a delightful day, very warm and pleasant. The birds sing beautifully in the trees, and one could hardly help enjoying themselves today. Willis and Mary are gone to the Bakers, and I am with Father and Mother. Villa came in afternoon and after tea we went down to the graveyard. In the evening wrote to Marie. Monday went down to Aunt Nabby's. Villa went to Cooks'. Tuesday worked upstairs. Wednesday went down to Philip's. Helped weave carpet. Came home Friday. Saturday Sarah and Cora here. Laura came up to stay all night. Mother is some better so that I can leave her a day or two at a time. I am in hopes she will continue to gain, now the weather is getting warm, but can't tell how it will turn with her. I try to have all the courage I can. The rest of the family are all well. and if I could be in Lynn Sundays, and go to meeting, think I could be very happy here the rest of the time - but it seems so lonesome to be at home all day Sunday. I can hardly be contented but I know it is all right, it is my duty to take the care of Mother as there is no one else to do it, and I am thankful that I can be with her now when she needs me so much. Still I would like to see my old friends and like to think of them and days gone by. May 31 The morning very lovely. I have been at home the most of the day. Have had quite a number of callers. At night went down to Aunt Nabby's. Called on Mrs. Mitchel. The weather is very fine and cool. Monday and Tuesday at home. Wednesday went down to Bakers'. Thursday to Joseph's and Friday to Philip's. I haven't Josephine a dress and am trying to make it. I find a plenty of work to do as I go around from one to the other. Mother's health is better now, so I can leave her for a few days at at time. Jun 7 I find myself at home as usual. Have been writing to Lizzie. Josephine is to spend a few days with us. Tuesday I went to Skowhegan and to Bloomfield. Found all the folks well. Wednesday Lizzie here. Spent the afternoon. I went home with them at night. Came home next morning. Worked on Mary's dress. Friday Josephine went home. I nearly made her dress. Her finger is very bad yet. Cannot work much with it. Jun 14 Sunday very cold and windy weather for this season of the year. Went down to Bakers' in the morning for for a ride - did not make much stop. At night went down to Villa's. She had just got home. Tuesday went to Skowhegan again. Bought a bonnet. Wednesday covered lounge and chairs. Thursday made bonnet. Friday went down to Villa's. Stayed all night. It has been rainy the most of this week. Saturday cleared - af. warm and pleasant. Mother's quite smart. Much better than she has been since I came home. I have some courage now. Think she may be well as usual. If she could only be well again, I would try and be contented. And I will try to be as it is for to know it is wrong to complain when there are so many much worse off than myself. I am looking forward now to the time when Lizzie and Jenny will be here. I hope to take real comfort with them. But I may be disappointed. It would seem as things often prove the anticipation more than the reality. It is now bed time. Jun 21 Sunday a very lovely day. Willis and Mary are gone to meeting. I thought I would stay at home and write to Marie Swett. But I feel very lonesome and the day seems long. Called on Mrs. Fogg at night. Tuesday we are looking but she don't seem to come. Wednesday I called on Judie and to Chandlers. Thursday went down to Bakers'. Stayed two days - walked home Friday night. Saturday, I went down to Philip's in the morning. In the afternoon went to see Ruth and family, found them very will. Philip brought me home at night. So I have spent another week and we get along the same as ever. Looking forward to the good time coming, when I can enjoy myself better than at present; but whether that time will come I know not. Mother seems better. Has been down to Saphrone's two days this week. Jun 28 This has been a fine day. I have been to meeting for the first time since I left Lynn. Went to funeral in the forenoon, to the new meeting house in afternoon. Sent to Sarah's at noon. Monday and Tuesday at home. Wednesday cut a dress for Mrs. Fogg. It is now July and the weather is very cold for the season. Thursday I worked on my .... dress. Friday my birthday. At home all day. The fourth at home the most of the day. Had some callers, George and Ruth called. In the evening I called on Aunt Nabby, and to ..... I have passed the day very pleasantly. There is not much to be seen or heard about here and I tho't I could enjoy myself as sell at home with Mother. But I thought of friends far away and retired to dream of those that I have spent very many evenings with, but I shall see them no more at present, if ever - so farewell sad thought. July 5 I have been to meeting all day. Heard Mr. Crawford. It has been a lovely day. After meeting went strawberrying - found them plenty. Oh how I did wish Marie Swett was with me. Monday Lizzie and Marie and Jenny came. Tuesday George Wench family here on visit. Bakers up. Louise and her mother called. Wednesday all went down to Philips, spent the afternoon. Thursday at home all day. Friday we went down to Bakers -- stayed two days. Saturday night Marie and I came home. Left Lizzie and Jenny to Bakers. The weather is warm. July 12 The day is very lovely and very warm. I am at home with Marie. The rest of the folks are down to Sophrone's. Tho't we would stay at home with Father and Mother. Monday Lizzie and Marie went to Philip's. Judie and Sophrone called at night. Tuesday and Wednesday at home - Mother very lame - the most she has ever been. I can't leave her at all this week. Friday Marie and Jenny came back again. Lizzie came Saturday morning. Judie here - spent the afternoon. We had a shower at night. I can't enjoy myself at all now. I think they must go so soon and then I shall be so lonesome, it spoils all my comfort. July 19 The day is warm and sultry. Lizzie and Jenny are with us today, and Philip and family are here. I could enjoy myself today but for the thought that they must go so soon and how I dread to have them go. Monday the Lynn folks have all gone and we are left alone again and I feel bad enough. I tried hard to keep it down, bit it was no go. I must have a good laugh and it done me some good. I feel some better now. Mother is very lame this week. The weather is very rainy. We think that makes her worse. I sleep with her and have to be up with her some nights. Saturday, Sophrone was up - spent the afternoon. July 26 Lovely morn - fair and warm. The first pleasant morning we have had for a week, and I enjoy it very much. The afternoon very showery. Villa came up after tea. I went home with her at night. Tuesday, Villa and I went raspberrying. Wednesday called on Grace. Friday went down to Bakers' after currents. Mother's health is very poor indeed. Her lameness is worse than ever before - she cannot help herself at all. Aug 2 Very pleasant day. Our folks all gone to Mr. French's funeral. I stayed at home with Mother and Emma. Uncle Henry and Aunt were here in the afternoon. Aug 9 A very fine morning. Mary and I went raspberrying in the forenoon. Rose and Hiram here in the afternoon. Wednesday Aunt Sally and Aunt Fogg were here. Spent the day. Sarah and Cora here afternoon. Thursday went some up to the corner shopping - the weather rainy. Saturday very fine day. I went down to Villa's after tea. She was alone - her mother gone to Cooks'. She came home while I was there. I came home and here I sit. Mother is here by my side. Can't help herself but very little. But we call her a very little better. She don't seem quite as lame, but is very weak and looks poor and pale. Aug 16 The morning is very cool and pleasant. I went to meeting in the forenoon, was at home in the afternoon. I wrote to Marie and Janette. Philip and Lizzie called after tea and Aunt Nancy came in. Tuesday, Mary went to Skowhegan. Villa here - spent the afternoon. Wednesday Uncle and Aunt Atwood, and Uncle Currier and Aunt came to see us. The weather was rainy while they were here. Aunt Atwood stayed 'till Friday. Aug 23 Sunday, a very rainy day at home all day. Had rather a lonesome day. Tuesday, John Currier and the girls came here - stayed all night, the went down to Philip's. Wednesday Marie Swett came to visit me. Thursday Marie and I went down to Bakers' - spent the after- noon. Friday I went with her to Skowhegan. Found Hiram and Jane there. They came with us as far as Bakers'. Then I left them in the afternoon. Uncle Phineas came in the rain - stayed all night. Saturday Aunt Mary Folsom and Aunt Judie Morrill and Joseph and Sarah were all here - spent the day and a rainy one it was. Aug 30 The weather is cool and pleasant. Called down to Chandlers' at night. Monday Hiram and Jane came. Tuesday afternoon all went down to Philip's. Wednesday Henry and Eunice here. Hiram and wife came back. Thursday they were to Mitchells' to tea. Francie and the children here. Spent the day. Friday our company left. Hannah Judkins called. Saturday Aunt Collins and Mary called and that closes the week, which has been very hot, and the evenings have been very beautiful. Mother's health is some better but she is quite feeble yet. Sept 6 Today the weather is cool and pleasant. I have been at home all day and almost sick. We have had company for a month past, the most of the time, and I feel rather tired. This week we have no company at all. I was to Mitchells one after noon. Louise and Chandler's wife were there on visit. Mother's health is some better but she gains very slow indeed. Is very feeble yet - I don't leaver her at all. Sept 13, I have been to meeting all day. Went to Bakers' at noon. Wednesday went down to Philip's - spent the day. Philip gone to court. Thursday Aunt Eastman came. Saturday I went with her down to Bakers'. We had a grand time while she was here. Mother is quite smart now, and we enjoy company much better than when she is so feeble. We found Natt and wife at Sophrone's. Sept 20, The weather is quite rainy today. Philip and wife came up in the afternoon, and Natt and wife stayed all night. Monday morning they started for home. Tuesday Aunt Eastman left for Bloomfield. Wednesday was very rainy. Grace Fogg buried today. I wove my cloth. Thursday very pleasant. Friday very fine day. I went to the fair - had a fine time. Jane Greene here while I was gone. Saturday Sophrone and the children came up. I went home with them - stayed all night. The first night I have left her for a long time. We have had a great deal of company this summer and I feel very glad to see all that came, but sometimes I get almost tired out. Sept 27, The weather is very warm and pleasant and the evening delightful. I came home tonight, found all well. I have been at home so long a time I hardly thing of leaving home at all. We get along after the same old style. Mother's health is very much better than it was in the summer. She seems to be gaining. We speak in hopes she will be better this winter. Saturday I went down to stay with Sophrone's children for her to go to Skowhegan. Oct 4 The morning is very beautiful. I stayed to Bakers' forenoon. In the afternoon they all came home with me - stayed till night. This week the weather is delightful and time flies rapidly and already I begin to dread the long winter evenings. I know I shall feel very lonesome a part of the time. Sundays, more than any other days, but I will make the best of what comes and still hope for better days. I know that I am much better off than many others and will not complain as long as we get along as comfortable as we do now. Mother's health is improving slowly and we think she may get quite smart again. Oct 11, A very pleasant morning, indeed, find myself down to Philip's. In the afternoon we all went over to the back farm, then made Nabby a call. Came home at night. Monday eve called on Mrs. Mitchell. Tuesday Mary and I went down to Bakers'. Thursday went to the store - bought a dress. Friday the Archers called. Saturday, forenoon very rainy - afternoon fair and cool. Eve Mary and I called on some of our friends. Oct 18, The morning is very beautiful after a long storm. Willis and wife are gone down to Philip's to spend the day, and here I be in the old kitchen all alone and it seems like old times. Monday a rainy day. Wednesday cold and windy. Plima Grey called. Thursday all hands went to Bloomfield. I have got the tooth ache this week and am almost sick besides. Tuesday, Nov 10, I went down to Bakers' to make a dress. Stayed till Friday then went to Chandlers'. Stayed there a few days. Sunday had letter from Marie. Came home Wednesday. Thursday, Thanksgiving, spent to Philip's. At home the rest of the week. Sunday Nov 22 at home. Monday down to Villa's. Commenced hood - stayed the night - finished the hood Thursday. Friday Villa here - stayed the night. Saturday made my bonnet over. Tuesday went down to Sophrone's - made her cashmere dress. Stayed till Sunday. Came home Dec 6, found Philip and Lizzie here. Wednesday they went to Skowhegan. Left Walter with me. I went home with them at night - stayed two days - worked on coat. Saturday went over to Sarah's - came home Sunday. George Willis born Dec. 6. Dec 13th Very cold day. Came home from Sarah's in sleigh on bare ground. I have stayed with Villa nights this week. My teeth trouble me yet and I expect they will a long as they remain in my head - which will not be long if my courage doesn't' fail. Dec 20th. At home all day. A very cold day indeed. Monday George W left for Lynn. Thursday I went to Skowhegan - had my teeth pulled. Friday I and Mary went over to Sarah's. Sunday I went to Mr. Kinsman's funeral. Had company in the afternoon - stayed all night. Monday night all hands went down to Bakers'. Tuesday Uncle Phinneas came - stayed the night. The old year is drawing to a close and a new year is close at hand. I should like very much to be in Lynn about this time and seem my friends there. But I can't be there and will try and be content with writing to them often. I live at my ease this winter more than I have ever before. Don't have much care, and not much hard work to do. It is now the last day of the year and a very stormy one. Cleared off at night rather cold and boisterous. We are expecting company on the morrow and wish all a happy new year, and would say goodbye to the old year. Friday, Jan 1, 1858 New Years is come again and we are all at home with the old folks - all except George and Lizzie. We are having a very good time. We must have a little extra company in the afternoon - but all passed off very well, indeed. Sunday, Jan 3rd, went to meeting at the meeting house on East Ridge. I saw a great many of my old acquaintances, some that I had not seen for years. I came home at night, had just commenced writing to Marie when in comes the old man again. Well I left quite vexed, but tried to make the best of my ill luck. After he took his leave I tried to finish my letter, but my mind now everywhere but on my work, and I was obliged to lie it aside for the night. Monday, Mother went down to Philip's. The first time she has been from home since last June. It seems very lonesome when she is away - it is so seldom she leaves home. Tuesday, Mother came home in the afternoon. I finished my dress. Thursday, helped Mary on pants. Friday, worked on her basque. Saturday, sewed on basque all day. I have not felt very well this week and had pain in my side. The weather this week has been quite cold. Sunday, Jan 10th The day is lovely, very clear and warm for winter. We are all at home today. In the evening I went some down to Chandlers'. Monday afternoon very rainy. Tuesday, Selvin and the girls came over. Wednesday a very lovely day. At home all day. Thursday, fair and warm. Friday, very pleasant Mary went to Skowhegan. Saturday a very rainy day. I thought of going to Exeter if it had been pleasant but gave it up for while. Sunday 17th. A very lovely day. Willis, Emma and me went to Philip's. Spent the evening at home. Wrote to Lizzie. Monday and Tuesday I was at home. Wednesday Rose came up after me. I went home with him. Thursday 21. He went to Skowhegan with me. I had six teeth filled. I stayed at Bakers' all the week and enjoyed the visit very much. The weather was very fine all the week and the evenings light as day. I sewed for Sis days, and evenings we played cards. Saturday night Philip called there and I came home with him. Thus has passed another week, and spring is drawing near again. the sleighing is good as need be. He have had no heavy snows yet. Sunday, Jan 24 The day is delightful, clear and still, and not very cold. I was at home all day. Spent the evening at Mrs. Foggs. Monday a very warm and pleasant. I went to funeral in the afternoon, old Mrs. Parsons. Came home by Philip's. Called there a short time. The evening spent at home. It is the most lovely night we have had, it seems warm as spring. Tuesday warm and rainy. 27, Wednesday, very warm and pleasant. Went to Exeter, found the folks all well. Thursday went to Corinth. Stayed to Aunt's in the forenoon - went to Elly's afternoon. Mary and Olive there. Spent the day. I stayed there till Sunday, then walked up to Aunt P's. Stayed with them till Tuesday, then went to Exeter. Thursday I went to Ephraim's again and found Curtis and wife there. Went to Elly's afternoon. Friday, Lucia and I went to Pressies. Saturday went to Exeter. Sunday I went to Charleston with Burt. Spent the day. Lizzie came home with us. It snowed some in the afternoon. Feb 8, Monday. A very cold day. Had great party at Uncle's. I enjoyed myself as well as usual on such occasions. Tuesday I went to Corinth. Stayed till Thursday. Natt came down after me to go up there. Friday I went to a party to Fb Eastman's. Saturday went down to Corinth. Sunday night went to Exeter. Monday night John and Lucia called for me to go home with them. I went with them and to singing school. Stayed with them till Wednesday, then left for good. Called to Aunt Plomas as I went along, bad them good bye. Then I went to Eastmans. Thursday I called on Lorna, saw her rug. Then called on Julia, then went back to Uncle's again, took dinner, and left Exeter. Came as far as Newport. Stayed to Wymans' all night. Saw Mrs. Albert Wyman and daughter. Friday morning, 19th left Newport and arrived safe home and a cold time we had too. Think I never rode when the weather was so cold. Saturday, Uncle Esty went to Athens. Sunday very pleasant at home all day. Monday, very cold. Tuesday and Wednesday made Mary's hood. Thursday evening spent to Ardras. Friday made Mother's hood at night. Went down to Villas. She had company so I did not stay. The evening is lovely with a full moon as light as need be. 27 Saturday, Natt Eastman and wife and Baker and Family were here. At night they went down to Philip's. We went with them. Spent the evening. They were going to leave next morning. Sunday Feb 28, A very warm day. I went to Fred Homes' funeral forenoon. Down to Villa's afternoon. Monday it rained. Tuesday snowed. March 2, commenced carpet rags again. Wednesday, sick some. Thursday a very cold day. Saturday, pleasant. Made over old dress. Sunday March 7, Willis and Mary gone to Bakers'. I wrote to Lizzie. Monday I went down to Bakers. Stayed all the week. Came home Sunday in snow storm. Monday down to Villa's on visit. Stayed all night. Frances McLure died, March 17, buried 19th. Father and I went to the funeral. The weather warm and pleasant. Sleighing very bad. Saturday mary down to Mitchells colouring. I doing the same at home. Weather warm and fine. Sunday, March 21, a very rainy day. Monday, cold and windy. At home all of this week till Saturday night. Went down to Villa's. Stayed all night. Have been at work on carpet rags all the week. Twenty pounds done. Sunday 28, a very pleasant day. I called to the Foggs and Frosts, then wrote to Marie. Monday, this is a very lovely day, warm and pleasant. Snow most all gone, roads very muddy. This week I have been sick most of the week. Mary been weaving rug. Judith Barker died March 30th. Tuesday visited to Aunt Nancy. ************************************************************ most all gone, roads very muddy. This week I have been sick most of the week. Mary been weaving rug. Judith Barker died March 30th. Tuesday visited to Aunt Nancy. Sunday, Apr 3d 58. The day is very beautiful, warm and pleasant as summer. We have to stay at home all the long days. The travelling is so very bad we can't get far from home. Saturday 10th, I have been at work on carpet rags all this week. I weighed them today - had 29 pounds. Sunday 11th, Philip and Lizzie came up across the woods. Monday, a very lovely day. Father went up to Uncle Henry's. Saturday 17th, I went down to Philip's. Came home Sunday. Monday, Father went to Skowhegan, bought my yearn for carpet. I worked on it till Friday. Then coloured carpeting. Saturday, finished and coloured warp. Sunday 26th, I stayed at home the most of the day. Went down to Villa's at night. The walking very good. Monday, a smart snow storm towards night. Wednesday morning, snows very fast, cleared off at noon. Thursday Ardra came in - spent the afternoon. Saturday, warped web, then went to Ardra's at night. I went to Villa's - stayed all night. May 2. Sunday pleasant but rather windy. Bakers up to spend the day.Laura stayed. Philip and Lizzie called afternoon. Monday after tea called on Ardra. Tuesday, carried Laura home. Wednesday, went to D Flanders funeral. Thursday rain. Friday, I went to party to Chandlers. Saturday, I went to Sarah's. Sunday 9, Mary and I went to Philip's. A cold, cloudy day. Tuesday, Sis Baker and I went to Skowhegan. Thursday we were to Greene's on a visit. Friday, came home. Mrs. Magoon and Mrs. White called. Monday, 17th Lizzie and Mary went to Skowhegan. I took care of the children, then went home with Lizzie. Stayed all night, then came home and washed and wove one stripe on carpet. This week the weather is cold and rainy. Sunday 23rd, a very pleasant day. Bakers all here. W L Flanders and wife called. I went down to Villa's at night, Tuesday. Wove carpet, Wednesday. Mrs. Mitchell sick. Mary down with her. Saturday, Aunt Hannah and Aunt Nabby here on visit. Villa and I went down to Chandlers at night. May 30, 58. Sunday a very lovely day. Warm as summer. I am housekeeper. Mary down to Mitchell's. Have been to Villa Cook's over Monday. I went with Mother down to Baker's. She stayed till weekend, then I went down after her. Sarah here, spent the day. Thursday, Sophronia Robinson here on visit. Friday, finished carpet forenoon, to Ardra's afternoon. Saturday, at home all day. Went down to Aunt Nabby's at night. The weather the past week has been warm and pleasant. Farming all done. Sunday, June 6th, a fine rain storm. Saturday, Willis and family went to Bloomfield. Sunday 13th, a very cold day. Villa spent the day with me. Saturday, June 19th. I went to Skowhegan to meeting. Sunday, Willis and mary went to Spiritual meeting. Monday, I went down to Sis Baker's. Stayed all week, came home Saturday. This past week the weather has been warm and dry. Sunday, June 27 58. Sunday, a very warm day. I stayed at home. Mrs. Smith called. Monday night, I went down to Philip's. They went to Skowhegan. Tuesday, after tea, we went to see Uncle Parker. He was dead when we got there. Wednesday, I was to Francis', cutting dress for Ada. Came home Thursday night. Friday, our folks all gone to funeral. Saturday, July 4, Willis and Mary gone down to Philips. I stayed at home all day. Tuesday I started to go to Joseph's. Met Sophrone and Carrie Greene, came back. Wednesday, I went to Philip's. Helped Lizzie fit dress. Came home Friday night. Sunday, July 11th, went to meeting forenoon - to Sarah's afternoon. Found the babe very sick. I stayed with them. The babe died Monday, buried Wednesday. Sunday 18th, I went to Sarah's again. Found the children much better. Tuesday, made my slippers. Wednesday, Mother and I went to Baker's. There came a shower at night so we could not come home. Thursday, I had a letter from Marie. She writes her health is very poor. Heard of the death of a friend the same day. Came home then. Sunday, July 25, 58 The day seems very pleasant after so long a storm. Mother came home today. Mary and Winslow are gone to ride. Tuesday, Mary and Emma down to Mitchell's - spent the day. Wednesday, they all to Frosts'. Winslow and Esther went to Skowhegan. Thursday, all hands went raspberrying. Friday, went fishing and so they go it. I have not been with them any. Friday night I went down to Chandlers. That is all I have been from this week. Mother has not been very smart and I have had a cough for more than a week. Sunday, Aug 1st. A cold, cloudy day. Mary and Winslow gone to Bakers' and Greenes'. Wednesday, Mrs. Lawrence came here. Philip and Lizzie here - spent the afternoon. Saturday, Mrs. Lawrence went home. Sunday, Aug 8th. Villa and I went down to burying ground for a walk. Wednesday, Villa and me went to Sarah's raspberrying. Called to Bakers'. Cora has the whooping cough and so has Emma. Sunday, Aug 15th. At home all day. Monday, worked on dress for Ardra. Tuesday, at home. Wednesday, went down to Bakers'. Thursday, Father came after me. Uncle Currier and Aunt were up. Saturday, Aunt Perkins came to see us. Sunday, Aug 22, I went to Bakers' again - stayed till Tuesday then Rose brought me home. Wednesday, I went with the little boys to get corn. Then carried Aunt Perkins to Philip's. At home the rest of the week. Mother is very lame, has been for a week past. Sunday Aug 29th. A very fine day, warm and pleasant. I wrote to Marie. Tuesday, Frost and wife gone to camp meeting. I stayed with Esther nights. Wednesday, Mary down to Mitchell's. Thursday, Villa and I went down to Aunt Nancy's. Sept 5th 58 Sunday, cloudy morning, pleasant in afternoon. Sunday, Sept 12th, very pleasant. I went to meeting - Packard preached. I went to Bakers at noon. Monday night, Villa stayed with me. Tuesday, commenced spinning - spun four skeins. Thursday, rainy. Saturday, Aunt Nancy and Mrs. Liford called. I have been very busy this week, spinning. Have spun 20 skeins. Sunday, Sept. 19th. I went to meeting to Weld School. Tuesday, Sis Baker and I went to Jane Greene's. We had a heavy thunder shower at night. Thursday, I had a letter from Marie Swett. She is not coming down this fall. We all have had colds this week. Sunday, Sept 26th. A very lovely day. I went down to Aunt Nabby's, Cooks over. Villa went home with them. Tuesday, I went down to Philip's. Thursday, Willis and wife went to fair. Friday, I went to Sis Baker's. She had her teeth filled. A very rainy day and night. Saturday, Rose brought me home. Cold and windy day. Sunday, Oct 3, I am at home as usual. Willis and family gone to Philips.The weather is very cold for the season and winter seems coming on in earnest. Wednesday, I worked for Mrs. Robinson. Took some work home for her. Friday, Caroline Whittier died. Saturday, I went to Skowhegan. It rained quite hard while were were there. Called to Aunt Fogg's. Then we came home. 10th, Sunday. Our folks all went to funeral. I took care of the children. Tuesday, Seth Currier and Mary were here. I went to Bakers' with them in the afternoon. I stayed all night. Ann Greene stayed too. Father came after me in the morning. Wednesday, I made Emma's hood. The rest of the week fixed my cashmere dress. 17th Sunday, I was at home all day sick. Monday afternoon, very pleasant. Wednesday and Thursday, I worked for Mrs. Mitchell. The rest of the week I worked on Mother's dress. Finished it Saturday. This week has been very warm and lovely until Saturday - it rained. Oct 24th 58 Sunday, a cold, rainy day. Tuesday, Baker and Family here - spent the afternoon Thursday, Uncle Abel and wife here - spent the day. Friday, pleasant. Saturday, finished my calico dress. Oct 31st. I went to Bakers' in the forenoon. In the afternoon went to hear Joel lecture. The morning very warm and pleasant - afternoon, rainy. Monday, warm Tuesday, Mary and I went to Skowhegan. I bought my fur. Mary bought a dress. Nov 7th, at home all day. Tuesday, had thrashers. Wednesday, I was sick all day. Thursday, made apple sauce. Saturday, I went down to Philip's. Nov 14th, a very cold day. Philip brought me home. Wednesday, I went down to Bakers'. Made Cora's hood. Came home Friday. Nov 21st, very pleasant. Tuesday very busy making ready for Thanksgiving. Wednesday, I was down to Aunt Nabby's in the evening. Thanksgiving day, Rosewell and Philip, with their families, were here with us. Friday, I made Laura's hood. Nov 28th, I went to Joel's meeting. Tuesday, I was in to Ardra's in the afternoon. Thursday, Villa here made over her fur. We dressed chickens in the evening. Friday, I went to Skowhegan Saturday I went to Bakers'. Sis has a sore face. I stayed all night. Dec 5th, I came home from Bakers - a severe snow storm. Monday, I fixed my cashmere dress again. Tuesday, about house all day. Wednesday, down to Villa's. Stayed all night. Friday, Mary and Willis down to Philip's. Saturday, to Frost's. Dec 12th, very pleasant; but cold. At home all day. Tuesday and Wednesday, making knitting yarn. Friday, Mary down to Mitchells', dressing turkey. Saturday, very busy baking and tending nose. Dec 19th, at home, very cold day. Wrote to Marie. Our folks hauling wood this week. Mary and I trying to get work all done, ready for company. Friday, I helped Ardra make pants. Cold day. Dec 26th, I went to Joel's meeting. Went to Bakers' at noon. Monday, Lizzie and family came to town. Were here till Saturday. Saturday, January 1st, 1859. We all spent New Years at Bakers', had a very good visit. Sunday, I went to meeting, heard Tilly. Monday, at home. Tuesday, we went to Sarah's. Came home in snow storm. Wednesday, very pleasant. Thursday, warm and pleasant. Hansons went from Sarah's to Philip's. Saturday, very cold day. Jan 9, Sunday, Willis and I went to Philip's. George and family came home with us. Monday, the coldest day we have had. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell here on a visit. Tuesday, brothers and sisters all at home. Wednesday, Lizzie started for home and a very cold day it was. At night I went now to Aunt Nabbie's. Thursday, I had a letter from Marie and from Jeanette Friday and Saturday, very cloudy weather, some stormy. Mother most sick with a cold. Jan 16th, at home all day. Wrote to Janette Eastman. Jan 23rd 59 Sunday, a very cold day. Went to William's meeting. Tuesday was down to Bakers'. Louis and Lavine were there. Wednesday, I called to Merrills and Mitchell. Thursday, Lois here on visit. John Palmer and wife here in the evening. Friday, very stormy. Jan 30th, at home all day. Tuesday, I called on Clara Jay, Chandler and wife here in the evening. Wednesday, I went down to Bakers' and to Martin Smiths'. Came home on Thursday in storm. Friday in to Ardra's. Saturday, very pleasant. Feb 6th, very fine day. I went down to Philip's. He came up after me, and brought me home at night. Monday, called on Mrs. Fogg. Tuesday eve, down to Merrills. Wednesday, Mary to her mother's. Quite rainy afternoon. Thursday, cold and windy. Mary and me were to Clara's in the evening. Friday, I worked for Mrs. Mitchell. Sat, in to Ardra's in the afternoon. At home in the eve. It has been a lovely day. Sunday, Feb 13 59 I went to Joel's meeting. Went to Bloomfield Tuesday. The rest of the week worked for Jenny. Saturday evening, Baker family here. Feb 20, very warm and cloudy. Philip and Lizzie here in the afternoon - rainy at night. Mother very lame now - is not well as usual. Monday night I went to hear Hodges Lecture. Tuesday, he was to see Mother. Wednesday, I went to Sarah's. Thursday, down to Folsoms'. Friday, Clara and Jane called. Saturday, Villa came up in the afternoon. Stayed the night.Very stormy in the evening. Feb 27th, fair and pleasant. Villa went home at noon. In the afternoon I wrote to Marie. Monday, warm and pleasant. Tuesday, cold and windy. Wednesday, went to a quilting to Mitchells'. Thursday night, I went down to Bakers - stayed till Saturday. Rose gone to Norridgewock on business. Saturday, Willis came after me as soon as the roads were broken. We had a heavy snow storm Friday. March 6th. Sunday very pleasant, roads very bad, indeed. A great quantity of snow on the ground. Monday, I called on Mrs. Fogg. Tuesday, spinning & knitting yarn. Wednesday, Willis and Mary down to Baker's. Thursday, Mrs. Mitchell here having dress cut. Friday, Willis and Mary down to Philip's. Saturday, Father went to Solon - a rainy day. March 13th, very pleasant. Baker and family here, also Willis Currier and Sophrone. Monday, washed and had a caller. Tuesday, it rained very fast all day. Wednesday, warm and fair. Thursday, I went to Philip's on the crust and went over to see Francis - found her quite sick. Friday morning, Philip brought me home. Went to the store in the forenoon. Afternoon very rainy. Ardra called. Saturday night went down to Villa's. She has been quite sick all the week - is better now. March 20th Sunday, cold and windy. Willis and mary went to Joel's meeting. I stayed at home. Philip and wife came after meeting - made a short visit. Monday afternoon, I went down to Sis Baker's - found them all packed, ready to leave. Tuesday, they came up to see us. Stayed until Thursday morning, then left for good. After things set right I went down to Villa's, stayed a while, then came home, lonesome enough. Friday, I finished my dress. Saturday, Abel French and wife called, and Lois and her Mother. March 27th. I spent the day at Merrills - the evening at home. Mr. Clark here in the evening. Monday, Uncle Henry and wife here - spent the day. At night, Mary and I went to hear Hodges lecture. Tuesday, rainy. Wednesday, Willis and Mary went to Athens. Thursday, I quilted my skirt. Friday, in to Ardra's on a visit. Saturday night, went down to Chandlers. Apr 3, 59 Sunday, at home all day. Monday, cold and windy. Wednesday, I went down to see Villa. A very cold day. Thursday, Villa here, spent the day. Friday, was in to Frosts'. Saturday, at home. Have not done much work this week. Sunday, Apr 10th, very pleasant. I went down to Villa's at night. Monday, I rode home with Philip in wagon. The next day he brought me home in a sleigh. Wednesday and Thursday, worked on Mary's dress. Friday, Mrs. Mitchell here, spent the day. Saturday, cold, cloudy and very unpleasant, and so it has been this month. Apr 17th, Sunday, pleasant but cold. Mary and I went to Villa's at night. Made a call to Mitchell, then home again. Mother very much the same. Monday, pleasant. Tuesday, cold and windy. I worked on tissue dress. Wednesday, I called on Ardra - last day at home. Mary down to Aunt Nabby's on visit. A lovely day. Friday, Mrs. Boardman here. Saturday, rainy. Sunday, Apr 24th 59 I spent the day at home. Wrote to Marie. Villa came in the afternoon. Tuesday, I took up carpet. Wednesday, Sarah and Cora were here. Thursday night, I went down to Chandlers. Friday night, Villa stayed with me. Saturday, I went to Skowhegan. - Went to Uncle Abel's. Sunday, May 1st, Philip and Family here. Spent the day. Tuesday, very warm and pleasant. Wednesday, Mrs Mitchell here. Thursday, they left for Boston. Thursday, Mary down to Ellen's. Saturday, I went to Norridgewock to Bakers. Sunday, May 8th, very warm day. Had a ride in the morning, went to Starks', came home in the afternoon. Monday, cool and pleasant. Wednesday, Aunt Perkins left. Thursday, I helped Villa on rug. Friday, to Judkins' - visit. May 15th. Willis and Mary down to Philip's. Rosewell came at night. Monday, commenced on factory cloth. Tuesday, helped Villa again. Wednesday, rainy. Thursday, finished the rig. Friday, Clara and others here on visit. Saturday, most sick with cold. May 22, 1859 Sunday, very rainy day. Almost sick with cold. Tuesday, I went to Philip's, came home at night across the woods. Thursday, Willis and Mary went to Sarah's. Ardra and I went to graveyard. Friday, Baker and family came on a visit. Saturday, they went to Philip's. Sunday, here again, left in the afternoon for home. Monday, Natt Eastman and wife here. Stayed till Tuesday afternoon, then went to Bloomfield. Rufus Folsom, died Wednesday. Funeral - was buried, Friday. Saturday, cold and cloudy. June 5th, Sunday, very cold rain storm - cleared off, cold at night. Monday morning, very cold, heavy frost. Saturday, Willis and Mary went to Norridgewock. Cold day. 12th June, a very cold day Tuesday, I went to Philip's and to Josiah Morrill's, came home Wednesday, then went to Skowhegan. The rest of the week worked on silk dress. Saturday, had company - Uncle Phineas and aunt, Uncle Atwood and wife, and Uncle Ephraim. June 19th 59, Sunday, very pleasant. I went to church half day. Had company at home. They all left at night, but Uncle Ephraim. Tuesday, very rainy. Wednesday, Father carried Uncle to Exeter. Thursday, Clara and Ida called. Father came home Friday. Saturday, rainy. June 26th, Sunday, went to Madison to meeting. Tuesday, Sis Baker came after me. I went home with her Wednesday. Thursday, very cold and windy. We went strawberrying. Friday, Willis came after me. Mother sick again. At night, Uncle Ephraim came back again. Saturday, he left for good. July 3rd, my birthday. At home alone with Mother. The Folks gone to funeral John Whittier. The day is cool and beautiful. Philip and wife gone to Norridgewock. Monday, Alanson Frost called, Cora and Jane here in the afternoon. Sunday, July 10th, I went to meeting at our meeting house. Williams preached and we had a very good meeting. July 17th, went to Lizzie Chase's funeral - very hot day. Wrote to Maria. Had men to help hay this week. I went over to Sarah's Thursday with Lizzie. This week the weather is beautiful. Saturday, hired men left. July 24th, Mary and I went raspberrying. Went to Aunt Nabby's at night. Monday, Mrs. Walker came here. Tuesday, sick all day. Wednesday, finished making factor cloth. Thursday, showery. I was in to Andras PM. Friday, Lizzie and I swept the meeting house. Saturday, Willie and I to Clara's on a visit. Sunday July 31st, I went to hear Williams lecture. On Monday, Sarah and Cora here with the twins. Tuesday, villa and I went down to Philips. Wednesday, we went to the corner. Sunday, Aug 7th, 59, I went berrying. Villa went with us. Monday, cut Emma's dress. Worked on it Tuesday, forenoon. Went to Frosts' in the afternoon. Thursday, Willis and Mary went to Philip's Friday. I went to Skowhegan. Saturday, at home all day. Aug 14th, a very lovely day. Uncle Henry and Aunt called. Mary and I went to Villa's at night. Tuesday, Charles Morrill and wife and Samuel and wife, were here on a visit. Wednesday, called on Jude and Annie Palmer. Friday, Uncle Eddy came here. Saturday, sick. Finished calico dress. Had letter from Marie. Aug 21st, very pleasant. Willis and Mary gone to Madison to meeting. Monday, I went to Sarah's. Tuesday, Willis and Mary went to Bloomfield. Wednesday, Aunt Hannah Folsom and Aunt Nabby here. Thursday, rainy. Friday, Sarah and Josephine here. Saturday, Uncle Abel and aunt here. Sunday, Aug 28, a very cool day. Went to Joel's meeting. Went to Villa's at night. Tuesday, Frosts went to camp meeting. Thursday, Aunt Mary and Ellen here on visit. Friday, finished spinning. Saturday, I went to Philip's. He brought me home at night. Sept 4th, 1859. Sunday, very pleasant. Philip and wife here. Mother very feeble - grows week and lame. Wednesday, worked on my delaine dress. Thursday, on Emma's all wool. Friday, mary in to Frosts'. Saturday, Baker and family came on visit. Sept 11th, Sunday, they all went to Philip's. I stayed at home. Monday, Bakers left, Aunt Betsy and Hannah Currier came. Left at night. Tuesday, Uncle Currier and Mary came - spent the day. Friday, I went to Bloomfield. Sept 18th, Sunday, I went to meeting at West schoolhouse. Tuesday, Ellen here. Work on carpet. Wednesday, Sarah and Jose here. Very rainy, stayed all night. Thursday, Philip and Lizzie here in the rain. They all went home at night. Friday, very rainy. Saturday, rainy 25 Sept, Sunday, went to Joel's meeting. Monday, get up at 3 o'clock to wash. Tuesday, Mrs. Frost and I went to Mr. French's. Wednesday, rainy. Thursday, our folks went to fair Friday. I went to Philip's. They came up at night. Sunday, Oct 2, 1859. We are all at home today. I wrote to Lizzie. Wednesday, Aunt Fogg and Aunt Perkins here. Thursday, Mrs. Mitchell moved to town. Friday night, in to Frosts', Lois there. Saturday eve, down to Aunt Nabbie's. Oct 9th, a very rainy morning. At home all day. Monday, washed, then went to bed. Tuesday night, Philip and Lizzie here - spent the evening. Wednesday, I picked hucks. Friday, Willis and Mary went to Bakers', came home Saturday. Mrs. Fogg in the evening. Oct 16, very pleasant but cold. Tuesday, cold rain storm. Wednesday, cold and windy. Thursday, very cold. I went down to Villa's and to Chandlers'. Friday, I went to Philip's and Lizzie and I went to Sarah's. Saturday, snow in the forenoon, pleasant afternoon. Oct 23, a very pleasant day. W and Mary went to church and I stayed at home. I called on Villa at night. Monday, Mary sick. Tuesday, I washed. Lois and her Mother called. Thursday, I went to Skowhegan. Friday, made hood. Saturday, John Currier and Sophronia came - stayed all night. Sunday, Oct 30, 1859. A very pleasant day. Company left after tea. I went to Villa's at night. Tuesday, Willis and Mary went to Sarah's. I went to Mrs. Mitchell's in the afternoon. Wednesday, Father and I went to Athens. Thursday, I spent with Jane Greene. Friday, snow storm. Nov. 6. A very pleasant day. Tuesday, very pleasant. Thursday, made apple sauce. Friday, 11th Nov, Jane Greene died. Was buried Sunday. Willis, Mary and I went. Very bad day, rainy at night. Monday, cold and windy. Tuesday, Jose went to Lynn. Thursday, I went to office, bought boots, had letter from Lizzie. I went to Merrills' at night, got Marie's dress. Friday, threshing done. Ardra and Ellen in the eve. Sat, very rainy. Worked on old cashmere dress. Sunday, Nov 20th. We are all at home. Roads very muddy. I wrote to Marie. Monday, very pleasant. Tuesday, snowstorm. Thursday, thanksgiving. Sis Baker came. We went to Philip's at night. They went home Friday. Saturday, snow storm. Sunday, Nov 27th. Very pleasant. At home. Wrote to Lizzie in evening. Monday, I went to Frosts' in afternoon. Esther cut her mother's dress. Tuesday, I finished my cashmere dress. Made calls in evening. Wednesday, I cut my cloak. Thursday, I went to Skowhegan. Called to Aunt Fogg and Uncle Able's. Friday, it rained. Not very well. Saturday, cold day. I worked on cloak. Dec 4th, Sunday, very cold snow storm. Monday, Rev. Miller called. Tuesday eve, I went to Villa's. Dec 11th. At home all day. I went down to Philip's one day -- the rest of the week have been very busy on cloak. Dec 18th. A very cloudy morning, afternoon, very windy. Winslow at home Monday. Mitchells and all hands here. Tuesday, all down to Ellen's. Thursday, left. Dec 25th. I stayed home. Willis and family went to church. It was William's last day with them. Monday, very cold and snowed. Tuesday, blew like fury. Wednesday, cold day as ever there need be. Thursday, I worked on pants for Laye. Saturday, had all kinds of work to do: ironing; baking; and, so on. Mother the same as usual, and so the year passes. Jan 1st, 1860. I have been at home today. I went in to Ardra's at night. It has been a very pleasant day, clear and cold. And the evening is very beautiful, almost light as day. Monday, very cold and boisterous. Wednesday, I was in to Foggs. Thursday night, we all went to Judkins. Friday, Lizzie here, spent the day. Chandlers here in the evening. Saturday, warm. Jan 8, very warm and pleasant. I went to meeting on East Ridge. Monday, Sarah and Joseph here. Mrs. Fogg here in the evening. Tuesday, very pleasant. Thursday evening, we went to Ellen Robinson's. Friday, cold and windy. Saturday, very pleasant. January 15th, very warm and pleasant. At home. Tuesday, went to Skowhegan. Went to Chandlers' in the evening. Jan 22. Philip and wife here. Father gone to church. Monday, pleasant. Thursday, I cut Ellen's dress. Went down to McDaniel's in evening. Friday, I went to Philip's. Jan 29th. Sunday, very pleasant, clear and cold. Tuesday, I went to Baker's. Very cold and windy. Came home Wednesday. Thursday had evening party. Feb 5th. I went to Uncle Henry's. Mrs. Fogg in the evening. Monday, snow storm. Tuesday, went to William Morrill's funeral. Very warm and pleasant. Wednesday, I went to the corner. Found Willis and Sophrone Currier here when came home. Thursday, Selvin and Cora here. Friday, a severe snow and blow. Saturday, cold and fair. Feb 12th. Very fair and pleasant. Father and Mary gone to Church.Winslow in town. Monday, Mary and Winslow went to Skowhegan. Wednesday, very warm and pleasant. Friday, very cold and boisterous. Aunt Joseph Whittier buried. Natt Eastman came here at night. Saturday, all hands came. Feb 19th, a very cold and boisterous day. Eastmans here. Monday, fair and pleasant. Company left afternoon. Tuesday, very pleasant. Thursday, Ellen here, spent afternoon. Friday, Ann here. Saturday, Uncle Abel and Aunt here. Feb 26, cold and windy. Willis and mary gone to Bloomfield. March 9th, Friday. Fair and pleasant. Father and Mary went to meeting on East Ridge. Monday, Sarah here. Lizzie and Walter here. Saturday, Baker and family came on visit. Windy day. March 11th. Cold and windy. Monday, I went to Philip's with Bakers. Tuesday, they went to Judkins. Willis and wife went with them. Thursday, to Uncle Henry's. March 18th, very warm and pleasant. I went to meeting, Reed preached. Monday, very warm and pleasant. Thursday, Mary had quilting. Friday, Villa here in afternoon. Saturday, Ardra and I went to Corning in sleigh on bare ground. March 25th, very pleasant. Monday, very lovely day. I went to Merrills' afternoon. Wednesday, Mary sick. Thursday, Villa here at work on dress. Friday, Jose Robinson here on visit. Saturday, very pleasant. Finished dress. Went in to Ardra's. Apr 1st, 1860. Sunday, very pleasant. At home all day. Esther and Villa called. Monday, very fine day. Thursday, had letter from Marie and one from Eliza Eastman. Apr 8, Sunday, pleasant morning, stormy afternoon. Went to Sophrone's. Monday, cold day. Tuesday, windy. Wednesday. I went to Villa's at night. Thursday, Uncle Ben here. Friday morning, snow storm. Cleared off warm, grew cold at night. Saturday morning, I went to Philip's. Came home at night in wind. Apr 15th, very cold and boisterous. At home all day. Thursday, I went to Sarah's. Saturday, to Skowhegan. Apr 22, very lovely day. Esther and I went in woods. Willis and family to Philip's. We have very fine weather. Monday, took up carpet. Tuesday, in to cleaning, painting in Mary's room. Saturday, Willis and family gone to Bakers'. Apr 29, very lovely day. Philip and family here. Wednesday, went .... with Hannah Judkins. Friday, all hands down to Jenny's. Saturday, I went to Skowhegan. Very warm and dusty. May 6th. A very warm day. At home all day. Monday, warped web for Eben. Tuesday, went to Philip's. Wednesday, had dress cut. Friday, Hanna Judkins here on visit. Saturday, Uncle Currier and Aunt here, very hot day. May 13th, very warm. Went to meeting on East Ridge. Tuesday, went funeral - old Mrs. Woodman. Friday, I helped Villa. Saturday, Mrs. Mitchell. May 20th. Very cold and windy. At home all day. Father and Mary gone to meeting. May 27th. Very warm and dry. Tuesday, went to Bloomfield. Very hot day. Wednesday, Villa went to Madison. June 3rd. Cold and windy. Friday, Rosewell and family came. Saturday, they went to Philip's, back here at night. June 10th. Very cloudy. Wrote to Marie. Tuesday, mary down to Ellen's. Wednesday, all hands to Chandlers'. Thursday, mary went to Skowhegan. Saturday, I went to June meeting. June 17th, very cloudy, very little rain, pleasant at night. Monday, Sarah and Widow Flanders here. Wednesday, rainy. Thursday, Philip came after me. I went home with him - found little fellow. Saturday, I went to Sis Baker's. Found them all well. June 24th. Came home from Bakers'. Very fine day. Tuesday, Willis and family went to Sarah's. Wednesday, fitted dress for Mrs. Mitchell. July 1st. Down to Philip's. Spent the day. Tuesday, to Philip's picking strawberries. Wednesday, Willis and family gone to Bakers' to spend the fourth. Mrs. Frost and I went strawberrying up to Brown place. July 8th, very hot day. Old Mr. Kincaid buried today. Thursday, Mrs. Mitchell and Annie here. Friday, Lizzie and Anna here. Showery. Lizzie stayed all night. Saturday, Sarah here. I was sick all day. July 15th, very warm day. At home as usual. Sunday, July 29, 1860. A very pleasant day. All hands gone berrying. Wednesday, Lizzie came. Thursday, Aunt Perkins came. Saturday, Lizzie went to Philips, came back at night. Sunday, Aug 5th, very lovely day. Tuesday, Lizzie and I went to Bloomfield and to Bakers' at night. Stayed till Saturday, then came to Uncle Abel's. Came home at night. Sunday, Aug 12th. Mary and Lizzie went to meeting. Monday, Lizzie went to Sarah's. I went Wednesday, Jude with me. Friday, I went to Philip's with Uncle Henry. Aug 19th. Bakers came in morning. Lizzie came back at noon. We had a good time. Baker's left after dinner. Monday afternoon, we made calls and went to the graveyard. Tuesday, some rainy. Wednesday, Lizzie left for home. Aug 26, Sunday. Willis and family down to Philip's. Wednesday, Uncle Able and Aunt here. In to Mrs. Frost's afternoon. Home at night. We have very pleasant weather. I stay with Villa nights -- her health is very poor. Saturday, Aunt Nabby sick. Sunday, Sept. 2, 60. I was at home all day. Cold and windy. Monday, mary and I went to Sarah's. Tuesday, I went to Philip's. Stayed all night. Thursday, Mary and Mrs. Fogg down to Ellen's. Sept. 9th. Cold rain storm. Sept. 16th. Came home from Bakers'. Found folks all well. Sept. 23. I was with Villa all day. She is very sick. The Doctor came at night. I stayed with her all night. Friday, Aunt Eastman and Uncle came. Sept. 30th All hands down to Philip's . Monday, Uncle and Aunt left for Bloomfield. Tuesday, Father sick with cold. Saturday, Father some better. I have had a hard time this week. Oct 7th. A very pleasant day. I have been to Villa's. She is very feeble. Oct 14th, cold and windy. Mary and Winslow gone beach-nutting. Philip and Lizzie called. Friday, Willis and Mary went to Bakers'. Came home Saturday. Oct 21st, 60. Sunday. I went down to Philip's across the woods. Afternoon, raining. Philip came home with me at night. Tuesday, George W and family here forenoon. I went with them to Chandlers' in the afternoon. Wednesday, I worked for Mrs. Mitchell. Thursday, Mary and I went to Bloomfield. Friday, finished Sophrone's dress and Aunt Nabby's shoes. Oct 28th. I went to East Ridge to meeting. Tuesday cut dress for Frances. Wednesday, fitted one for Ellen. Thursday, Sarah came. Saturday, I went home with Philip. Nov 4th. Very rainy day. Philip brought me home. Found Baker family here. Monday, forenoon, they went home. Ellen came up in the afternoon. We finished her dress. Friday made apple sauce. Saturday, I went to Skowhegan for Lizzie. Nov 11th, very rainy day. Tuesday, Willis and Mary to Sarah's. Wednesday, Villa came up for first time. Went home. Thursday, commenced bedroom. Saturday, very pleasant. Tuesday Nov 20th. A snow storm -- the first this season. Wrote to Lizzie. Wednesday, Uncle and Aunt Atwood came. Went from here Thursday. Friday afternoon, rainy. Saturday, very rainy. Sunday, Nov 25th, 60. A very cold day. I went down to Villa's. Tuesday, we had plastering done. Thursday, Thanksgiving. I stayed at home with Father and Mother. We had a little Thanksgiving of our own. Willis and family to Ellen's. It is a lovely day. Dec 2nd. I have been at home all day. Not very pleasant. Mrs. Fogg in the evening. Tuesday, dressed chickens. Wednesday, Willis and Mary went to Skowhegan - bought tea set. Friday, I went to Villa's. Saturday, moved in my new bedroom. Dec 16th. Very cold day. I went to meeting forenoon, to Sarah's afternoon. Willis and Mary down to Philip's the evening. Tuesday, Sarah here. I fixed her dress. Wednesday, very cold. Friday, Aunt Mary and Ellen here. Saturday, I went to Philip's. We made short dress for babe. Dec 23rd. Very cold and boisterous. Philip brought me home. Monday, very windy. Snow flies beautifully. Tuesday, pleasant, breaking roads. Wednesday, Philip and Lizzie here. I have made my dress this week. Dec 30th. A very pleasant day. James Boardman and wife called. Tuesday, New Years. Very pleasant. At home. Saturday, Cora came. Jan 6th, 61. Pleasant day. Tuesday, willis went to Norridgewock to move Bakers. Friday, the family moved and a cold day it was. Jan 13th. Very cold and boisterous. Called to Bakers'. Wednesday, Sophrone and Cora here and I went to Bakers'- spent the day. Jan 20th. Very pleasant. Monday, windy. Tuesday, Charles Currier came to tell us Aunt is dead. We went to funeral Wednesday. Thursday, we went to Frank Folsom's. Friday to Tiltons'. Jan 27th. A very pleasant day. Tuesday, Mrs. Baker and I went to Bloomfield. Came home in storm. Wednesday, we worked on coat for Baker. Very boisterous at night. Did not get home. Thursday, all hands breaking road. Saturday, finished coat. Bakers dined with us on clam chowder. Feb 3rd. Pleasant day. Tuesday went down to Bakers'. Wednesday, commenced another coat. Thursday, I went to Bakers' again. Came a very severe storm and blew. Could not get home till Saturday. Feb 10th. Pleasant day. I have been at home all day. Tuesday, it rained. Wednesday, pleasant. Sis Baker here. Thursday, all down to Charles McDaniel's. Friday, spinning. Feb 17th. A snow storm and very windy. Tuesday, went to Jane Folsom's. Wednesday, to Judkins. Thursday, to Bakers. Saturday, Uncle Currier and Mary came. Feb 24th. A very pleasant morning, boisterous afternoon. Monday, company left. Afternoon Ellen and Mrs. Warren here. Tuesday, all hands here. Wednesday, I went to Sarah's. Uncle Henry and Aunt came. March 3rd. Very warm and pleasant. Mother not quite as well. Monday, warm. Tuesday, I went to Philip's on crust. Came home Wednesday. Friday, Villa here. Mary had quilting Saturday. Very rainy. March 10th. Warm and pleasant. Tuesday, finished quilt. Thursday, Charles Currier and Sophronia came. March 17th. Uncle Henry and Aunt came. Stayed all night. Monday, they went home. Cold day. March 24th. Warm and pleasant. Father and Mother both sick with cold. Baker and family gone to Sarah's. Aunt Parker died this morning. Tuesday, I went to funeral. Natt Eastman and wife came at night. Wednesday, they went to Bakers'. I went down at night. Friday, Uncle Abel and wife and daughter here. March 31st. Very pleasant day. Mother quite sick. Saturday, Rosewell started for Lynn and the west. Frone and Lois here. We went to Aunt Butler's funeral. Apr 7th. Very warm and pleasant. Aunt Fogg here morning. Sarah here - spent the day. Monday night, I went to Sophronia's. She is very lonesome. Wednesday, Etta and Walter came up on crust. Thursday, very pleasant. All hands went down to camp. Apr 14th. I have been almost sick with cold and toothache. Apr 21. A very dreary day. Philip and Walter came up. I went down to Sis'. Some rainy. Apr 28th. Cold and cloudy. Willis and Mary gone to Philip's to spend day. Sophronia came up. Friday, Esther and Sis and me went to Philip's. May 5th. A very pleasant day. Philip and family called. Tuesday, I commenced cleaning paint and whitewashing, taking up carpets, and so on. Saturday, Willis and Mary went to Skowhegan. I finished my room. May 12th. Very pleasant. Sister Baker and the children here. We are very busy painting kitchen, weaving carpet, and so on. May 19th. Very pleasant, but windy. Father and I went to funeral to Westons. Wednesday, the two Mrs. Folsoms here. Aunt Mary stayed all night. Thursday, Sis Baker and I went to Skowhegan. Friday, Lizzie and children came up. We went to Bakers' afternoon. Saturday, rainy. May 26th. Willis and Mary went to Bloomfield. Tuesday, cold and rainy. Wednesday, finished carpet and nailed it down. Saturday, Father and I went to Skowhegan. Jun 2nd. Very lovely day. I went in orchard after greens. Found bird's nest in tree - five eggs. Philip and Waltie came up across. Wednesday, Sis Baker and I went to Bloomfield. Jun 9th. A very warm day. Bart Eastman here. I went to Philip's with him. Wednesday, Willis and Mary gone to railroad ride. Sis Baker here. Sarah and Jose came in afternoon. Thursday, I went to Mrs. Drew's funeral. Saturday, rainy. Mother feeble. June 16th. Very rainy - cleared away very warm and pleasant at night. Wednesday, Laura and I went to Skowhegan. Saturday, Aunt Perkins came. Jun 23rd. Warm morning. Aunt Perkins and I went to Sis Baker's at night. All hands went to graveyard. Cool at night. Wednesday, Sophronia and Mary went to Skowhegan -- caught in shower. Thursday, Mary went to Philip's - spent the day. Friday, she had ear ache. June 30th. Delightful day. I have been home all day. Thursday, the fourth. Willis and wife to Skowhegan. July 7th. Pleasant day. Tuesday, Uncle Currier and Eliza came. Wednesday, they went to Mrs. Baker's, then home. Friday, Willis and Mary went to Skowhegan - sold horse. Saturday, I went with Mrs. Baker and Ellen strawberrying. July 14th. Very warm. Mary and Willis gone berrying. I went to Sophronia's. Helped her hull her plums. Wednesday, Sis and the children went to Philip's. I went Thursday. Brought them home at night. July 21st, 61. Sunday, very pleasant. I went plumming. Lou and Emma went with me. Mother is better. Monday, commenced my dress. Tuesday, to Bakers'. Wednesday, I went to Skowhegan. Friday, went raspberrying, then to quilting. Saturday, at home. Sophronia here afternoon. July 28. Very rainy forenoon. Pleasant afternoon. Aug 4th. Father and Sis Baker gone to Sarah's. Aunt Mary Folsom here. Saturday, Jose came. Aug 11th, Sunday. We went to Philip's, found Mrs. Baker there. Wednesday, to Sophronia's. Sarah and Cora there. Jose went home. Saturday, Gilman and wife came. Aug 18th. Father, Emma and I have been to meeting. This week I have been very busy preparing to go to Lynn and helping Sis what I can. Dunton and wife here on a visit. Aug 25th, Sunday. Uncle Henry and Aunt here. Monday morning, left home - arrived in Lynn at night. Tuesday, arose early - went to beach. Came home, took breakfast, went again. All hands had baths. Wednesday, went to high rock. Thursday eve, Ruth came in. Friday, we visited her. Saturday, we had pictures taken - one ounce camphor. Mr. Nutter and wife came. Sept 1, Sunday. Marie came. They all went to cemetery, but Marie and I.We had a grand time. Monday, Lizzie and Sophrone went to arcade. I went to Clifford's at night - stayed with Marie. Tuesday morn, arose early went to Lizzie's, then back to see Marie and let her know we could not go to Boston with her and bid her goodbye. then to Hanson's again and help Sophronia pack for her long journey. George and Fred came eleven. We had an early dinner and at one o'clock, Sis and the children left Lynn for the far West. I went to the depot with them, saw them in the cars, and then went to Clifford's, then to Lizzie's, feeling lonesome. Wednesday, we went to Nahant. Thursday, Nette left. Friday, Mary Adams came. We called on Mary Swett and Barb Roberts. Saturday, we washed. Sept 8, Sunday. Very pleasant. We went to church. Gilman and wife called at night. Monday, I went to George W - he starts east Tuesday, we called on Mrs Marston and to Cliffords on visit. Wednesday, very rainy. Thursday, to Gilmans'. Friday, to Ruth's. Saturday, at home. Ruth her. Mrs. Marston called in evening, and Ada and Marie. Sept 15th, Sunday, delightful day. Lizzie and I spent the most of the day in the attic. The evening is lovely, with a full moon. Ann, Augusta, Marie and Adelia called in the evening. Monday, Lizzie and I went down town. Tuesday, I left Lynn for home. Willis and Emma were waiting for me at the depot. We had a pleasant ride home - found all well and glad to see me. Friday, George W. here and Winslow and Annie. Saturday, rainy. Sept 22. I went to Philip's and to see George W. Tuesday, Father and I went to Fairfield. Came home Wednesday - went to Uncle Abel's to tea. Friday, Willis and family went to fair. Sargent and wife and E. Morrill and wife came home with them. They went to Philip's Saturday night. Sept 29. We all went to Philip's. Monday, Esther and I went to Skowhegan. Tuesday, Grand Robinson died. Friday, Mary and I went to Sarah's. Lot rainy. Oct 6th. Very rainy. Monday, Pleasant. Tuesday, work on silk dress. Thursday, Mary and Ellen went to Skowhegan. Saturday, rainy. Oct 13th, Sunday, Pleasant. Mr. Robinson's funeral, East Ridge. Wednesday, Aunt Mary Folsom here. Saturday, rainy. We had thrashing done. Oct 20. Cold and windy. Monday, Uncle Nat Whittier died. Wednesday, I went to funeral. The rest of the week, doing sewing for Mrs. Robinson. Oct 27th. A pleasant day. Father, Emma and I went to meeting. Tuesday, I worked children's clothes. Wednesday, I went to Skowhegan - heard a fried express his feeling very freely on interesting subject - saw Mrs. Coolidge - had a very pleasant time. Friday, very pleasant. Willis and family to Philip's. I finished dress. Saturday, cold and windy. Nov 3. A very cold northeast rainstorm, heavy wind. Tuesday, very pleasant. I went home with Lizzie. Bart Eastman and wife came. Wednesday, I came home. They came home with me. They went to Sarah's. Nov 10 Cold and cloudy. Tuesday, cold and windy. Thursday, Willis and Mary went to Skowhegan. Uncle Currier and Mary came. Philip and wife here afternoon. Saturday, finished work for Mrs. Robinson. Nov 17 Cold, windy and cloudy. Writing to Lizzie. Wednesday, Mary and I went to Skowhegan. Thursday, I was at home. Had Thanksgiving with Father and Mother. Saturday, Lydia Whittier called. This week the weather has been fine. Mother is not quite as well as usual. Nov 24. Snow and rain storm. Monday, Lois came to stay a few days and ..... Wednesday, Willis went after Foss. Thursday night, I went to L..... Friday night, to lecture. Dec 1. Very warm and pleasant. I went to lecture. Monday, cold and cloudy. Thursday, killed hogs. Dec 8. Very warm. Snow going fast. Monday, Mrs. Barker's funeral. Thursday, I went to a sing on East Ridge eve. Dec 15th. Fair and cold. Tuesday, Mary to Ellen's Dec 22nd. Very pleasant. Philip came up across. No sleighing yet. Thursday, Mrs. Frost, Mary and I visited Mrs. Warren. Friday, snowed forenoon, afternoon pleasant. Saturday, boisterous. Dec 29th Fair and cold. Monday, pleasant. Willis and wife went to Skowhegan. Tuesday and the last day of the year. We are getting along the same as usual. The years pass, one after another, and we are growing old. I will now bid good bye to the old year and wish happy new year to all. Jan 1st, '62, snowy forenoon. Pleasant at night. Thursday, very cold and windy. Friday, very cold. Saturday, colder still. January 5th, very cold, boisterous day. Monday, pleasant. Tuesday, Willis and I went to Skowhegan. I had a tooth drawn. Bought print for dress, had a grand time. Jan 12th. At home alone. Willis and family to Philip's. Writing to Sis Baker and Hanson. Monday, wind blew a gale. Wednesday, spinning knitting yarn. Friday, ironed and done lots of work. I have most of my sewing done. Jan 19th. A very mild snowstorm. All hands at home. Had a letter from Sis Baker. Tuesday, I went to Philip's with Frost. Came home Wednesday. Thursday, pleasant. Friday, very lovely day. Philip and wife went to Skowhegan - left children with us. Jan 26th. Cold, boisterous day. Write to Sophrone. Monday, very cold. Tuesday, all hands breaking roads. Wednesday, I'm most sick with cold. Saturday, Willis and wife went to Skowhegan. Feb 2nd. Cold and boisterous. Monday, sick all day. Wednesday, Uncle Henry and Aunt here. Thursday, Feb 6th, Hanson and family arrived. Feb 9th. cold and windy. Hanson gone down to Philip's. Monday, pleasant but cold. Tuesday, we all went to Philip's. Came home evening. Found Sarah and Joseph here. Wednesday, very find snow. Thursday, Father and I went to Skowhegan. Father bought coat. I had a good social talk with the friends. Friday, snowing slowly. Saturday, Father and I went to Sarah's. Found Hansons there, had a good visit. Feb 16th. Cold and windy. I went to Nat Flanders' funeral. Called at Philip's when came home. Monday, Hansons came again. Tuesday, they all went to Bloomfield. Wednesday, to Charles Morrill's. Thursday, good snowstorm. Friday, Lizzie and I were to Jude's. All hands down evening. Saturday, Willis and George gone to Skowhegan. Feb 23rd. A very pleasant morning. Monday, a good snowstorm, rainy at night. Tuesday, very cold, wind blows a gale. Wednesday, fair and cold. Thursday, mold and cloudy. Snow at night. Friday, regular drifting snowstorm. March 1st. Cold and windy. Sunday, clear and cold. Hansons and I went to Philip's. Monday, very pleasant. Clothes dried beautifully. Tuesday, snowed steadily all day. Wednesday, breaking roads. Thursday, mild and warm. Friday, very mild and warm. Hansons left for home. We visited Clara afternoon. Saturday, warm and pleasant. Moved stove. March 9th. Warm and fair - good Spring weather. Tuesday, Willis Currier and sisters came. Weather warm and fine. Thursday, Charles Morrill and wife and Samuel and family came. Went to Philip's afternoon. We went with them. Friday, I went to Jane's to party. Saturday, snowy. March 16th. Sunday. A very driving snowstorm. Monday and Tuesday, men breaking roads. Thursday, in to Frosts', spent afternoon. Friday, most sick with cold. Saturday, down to Villa's. She is very feeble. Jose starts for L. March 23. Very warm and cloudy. Villa sick again. Monday, very warm. Went to see Villa - quite sick. Tuesday, Father and I went to Skowhegan. The sleighing bad, snow deep and some lumpy. I don't expect to go so far from home again till settled going, and don't know as I want to. Thursday, very lovely day. Uncle Abel and Aunt here, spent the day. Frosts here afternoon. Friday, I went to Philip's. He brought me home Saturday morning. I spent the night with Villa. She is very sick. We did not get much rest. March 30th. Very lovely day. Philip and family here. Tuesday, we had company, Jude and the Mrs. Robinsons. Wednesday, Ardra here helping Mary on vest. Friday, Mary spent the day to Mitchells'. Saturday, I had walk on crust - went as far as Mrs. Warren's. Called on Villa. She is better. Apr 6th. A very pleasant day. Monday, cold and rainy. Tuesday, pleasant. Mary gone to Ancel Russell funeral. Thursday, I went to Philip's on crust - came home Friday. Saturday, very pleasant, but not very warm. Apr 13th. A very lovely day. We went up in woods on crust. Tuesday, we all went to Ellen's. I went to see Jude's hair flowers. Thursday, Aunt Phebe Whittier funeral. Friday, very warm day. Saturday, warm. This week the snow has gone very fast. Apr 20th. Cloudy and warm. Neither sleighing or wheeling. Monday, rather cool and windy. Tuesday, rainy and cold. Saturday, more pleasant this week. We have been cleaning paint. The weather has been very cold and snow going slowly. Apr 27th '62. Fair and pleasant, with cool wind. I wrote to S and L. Tuesday, rainy. Thursday, pleasant. Villa came up to spend a few days. It is the first time she has been out since her sickness. Clara, Ardra and Esther were here afternoon. Friday, it rained. Saturday, we were to Frosts', spent afternoon, had a good time. May 4th. Warm and pleasant. Villa gone home. Philip came up across the fields. I am very lonesome of late. Hardly know what to do with myself, especially Sundays. Tuesday, all down to Clara's on visit. Friday, Hanna Judkins and Ellen here. Saturday, I went to Joseph's. May 11th. Cold windy day. Willis Currier, Mary and Sarah here - spent the day. Tuesday, warm. Wednesday, all hands to Frank Folsom's. Thursday, I went to Philip's. Friday, Mary and her mother went to Skowhegan. Saturday, Very hot with drying wind. May 18th. Very warm and dry. Tuesday, Esther and I went to Skowhegan. I bought shaker and grey cloth for dress. Friday, Father and I went to Bloomfield. May 25th. Very warm and pleasant. I wrote to Frone. Monday, trimmed Mary's shaker. Tuesday, commenced my dress. Friday, Sarah came - spent the day. Saturday, Willis and family went to Bloomfield. Louisa stayed with me. June 1st. A very lovely day. I stayed at home. Monday night, called on Lois and to James Folsom's. Wednesday, I went to railroad ride. Friday and Saturday, made Louisa dress. June 8. Sunday, cold, cloudy day. Sarah, Cora and Jane called at night. I have written to Frone. Monday, Mary and I went to Skowhegan at night. Waited for the cars, expecting Winslow. He didn't come. Tuesday, Esther and I went to Skowhegan - bought bonnets. June 15, very cold, windy day. Went to meeting Weld house. Tuesday, went to Skowhegan with Mary. Wednesday, worked for Mrs. Robinson, and so on. June 22, 1862. A very cold, windy day. Wrote to Bakers. Tuesday, made dress for Ava. Thursday, went to Chandlers, get more work. Winslow and Mary went to Skowhegan. Friday, I went to Philip's. Made jacket for Walter. June 29. Cool and pleasant. Went to church, heard Crawford. Monday, most sick - didn't work. Wednesday, Esther trimmed Mary's bonnet. Thursday, my birthday. Very rainy Fourth. Mitchell and Frost here and Susan Low. At night all went to fire works. July 6th. Very warm and pleasant. Philip and family here. Thursday, down to Clara's. Villa came home. Saturday, Uncle Phineas and Mary came, and Uncle Henry and Aunt. July 13th. Very pleasant. I stayed at home. Monday, rainy. Tuesday, Esther and I went to Skowhegan. Thursday, all went berrying on new road. July 20th. I went to Athens to meeting. Wednesday, Ardra and I went to Athens with wool. Thursday, I went home with Philip. Came home Friday night. July 27th. Very pleasant day. Father, Emma and I went to meeting on East Ridge. Monday, Mary down to Ellen's. Tuesday, I worked for Ellen on dress. Wednesday, Ellen and Pamela Tilton here. Spent the afternoon. Thursday, very showery. Saturday, I went to Mr. Greene's funeral. A very warm day. Aug 3rd. Very hot day. Mary, Emma and Winslow gone church. Tuesday, commenced spinning. Friday, rec letter from Frone. Saturday, showery afternoon. Twisting yarn. Aug 9th, Saturday. Very cool. I walked to Philip's. Charlie came after me at night and a splendid evening it is. Tuesday, pleasant but cold. Went to school. Wednesday, very cold. Thursday, Willis finished haying. Saturday, Father and I went to Skowhegan. Aug 17th. Fair and cold. Sarah and Selvin here. Tuesday, Charlie Currier, Sophronia and Hannah came. Wednesday, Hannah and I went to Athens. Friday, I went to Skowhegan. Had tooth drawn, then went to mass meeting. Bought boots. Saturday, Mary Adams buried. I went to graveyard. Aug 24th. Very cool and pleasant. I went to Philip's. Uncle Eddy and wife here when I came home. Monday, Jenny went home. Tuesday, Ellen here. Friday, Mrs. Currier and Miss Hoyt here. Spent the afternoon. Saturday, Mrs. Jona. Folsom called. Aug 31st. Very pleasant day. I went to George Robinson's funeral. Tuesday and Wednesday, Mary gave to Soldier's Aid; Sobriety; and, Begging. Friday, Willis and Family gone to Fairfield. Sept 7th. Very cloudy. Had fine rain last night. Willis and Mary came home. Monday, we were here and prepared for journey. Tuesday, we left home for Exeter - arrived there at three afternoon. Found folks all well. Wednesday, went to Ephraim's. Went to Uncle Eddy's - stayed all night. John left Thursday for Iowa. We came to Exeter at night. Friday, to Nat's. Saturday, to Bert's. Sept 19th, Sunday, Father went home and Nat, Eliza and I went to advent meeting. Tuesday, to Ephraim's again. Thursday, Nat, Eliza and I to camp meeting again. Friday, Mary and I went to Lucia's forenoon, to camp meeting afternoon and evening. Stayed with Lucia all night. Saturday, she went with us to Sargent's, then Mary and I came home to Uncle's. Sept 21st. I was to Eastmans'. Carltons called. Tuesday, Uncle Atwood and Aunt came. Wednesday, I went down to Berts - stayed all night. Thursday, I went to Eddy's - they were gone, I came back.Went again Friday, found company there - Uncle Abel and Aunt. I went home with Lucia at night. Came home Saturday night to Uncle's. Sept 28th. To Eastmans'. Nat gone to Bangor. Tuesday, all hands went to fair at Corinth. Had a grand time. Saw great many people. Wednesday, feel rather blue, got some cold. Thursday, little party at Uncle's. Friday, down to Corinth. Saturday, rainy. Nat came after me at night. Wind blew a perfect gale all night - very little rain. Oct 5th. A very cold, boisterous day. Nat and I left for Exeter at nine in the morning, arrived home safe at night pretty well blown, but all right. Found the folks all well. Tuesday, Mary went to Aid meeting. Nat and I to Philip's, forenoon. Willis and Nat to Skowhegan. Wednesday, we all went to apple bee at Judkins'. Had a good time - good game cards after supper. Thursday, call to Frosts' - Lois and Vine called there. Friday, I went to Sarah's alone. Saturday eve, Lois and Lavina here - spent evening. Oct 12th. A very lovely day. Willis and family gone to Philip's. Tuesday, down to Philip's. Wednesday, to Skowhegan to horse fair. Evening had company. Saturday, went to Skowhegan shopping. Oct 19. Fair and windy. Mary and I went to meeting afternoon. Tuesday, I went to Philip's. Uncle Atwood and Aunt came. I came home at night. Wednesday, Mary down to Ellen's. Esther came in, trimmed her bonnet. Thursday, I went to Philip's again. Stayed all the week. Oct 26th, '62. Cold, cloudy day. Wrote to Maria and Mrs. Hanson. Tuesday worked on cashmere dress. Lasted all the week for work. Saturday, Uncle Abel and wife and Martha here. Spent the day. Uncle Henry and Aunt came afternoon. Nov 2nd. Cold and cloudy day. I went to Woodmans' evening. Monday night, went to hear Mr. Ripley lecture. Tuesday, went to Philip's. Wednesday to Whittier's funeral. Thursday to Philip's again. Watched with Nabby the night, then again, Saturday night. Lizzie and I have done a good week's work weaving. Nov 9th. Cold, rainy day. Philip brought me home in rain. Monday morning, Nabby died. Tuesday, I helped Lizzie . Wednesday, went to funeral. Friday, Willis went to Skowhegan after the boars. Aunt Betsey and Hattie Smith here. Nov 16th. Fair and cold. Dea. Fogg's funeral today. Tuesday, butchering. Wednesday, cleaning pain and so on through the week. Making candles. Sunday, Nov 23rd, '62. Fair and cold at home. Tuesday, cold and cloudy. Wednesday, snowed all day. I went to Philip's at night with Charlie. Thursday, Thanksgiving. Spent the day at Philip's, came home at night. Had company in the evening. Friday and Saturday, at home. Finished Charles' mittens. Nov 30th. At home all day and a lovely day it is, and very good sleighing. In to the Frosts' in the evening. Monday, snowed. Tuesday, Mary and I went to Skowhegan. Mary bought cloth for cloak and dress. We cut the cloak Wednesday and then I camped down on lounge. Saturday, a very severe snowstorm. Dec 7th. A very cold, windy day. Men breaking roads. Monday, cold and windy. Wednesday, I went to Athens with Lois - went to Uncle Henry's - came home about noon. Mrs Mitchell here. Thursday, Father and I went to Sarah's - found them all at home. Had a very good visit. Saturday, Philip and wife went to Skowhegan. Arthur stayed with us. Dec 14th, '62. Sunday, warm and pleasant. Monday, very mild and cloudy. Mary gone to Ellen's. Willis went down in the evening. I am in the old kitchen, writing all alone. It seems lonesome when they are gone. Wednesday, Father and I went to Uncle Currier's. I bought Mother black lace cap. Thursday, Mary Flanders funeral. Very cold day. Ellen and teacher here, spent eve. Saturday, very cold day. Dec 21st, Very cold day. All hands at home. Monday, more mild. Tuesday, Sarah here. Wednesday, Mary to Mitchells'. I twisted my thread. Dressed Emma's doll evening, put it in her stocking at night. Thursday, Christmas, cloudy and cold. Mary and Emma to Mitchells'. I at home alone eve with Mother and Father. Friday, warm and fair. Snowed in the evening. We went to hear Foss lecture. Saturday, went to Miller's meeting on East Ridge. Sunday, heard Foss, again. Monday evening, to Mitchells'. Wednesday, a lovely day and the last of '62 and good bye old year and give us a Happy New Year. Dear David Young, I borrowed the original of the diary from a lovely lady in Skowhegan by the name of Helen C (Hight) Brown [Mrs. William S. Brown]. I have been unable to reach her for some time now and I am concerned that she may have passed away [she would be 91 this year]. What has happened to it I do not know. She had one son whom I understand is a retired, senior official of your state police and who lives in Bangor. If any one has it, he might. There is no copyright and you may treat it as in the public domain. No attribution is required. Ed Fitzgibbon NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. 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