Nov. 8, 1881 Machias Union (Washington Co. Maine) Date: 97-12-09 22:26:12 EST From: (Ken) This has been a year of triumph for women suffragists. In Rhode Island, Connecticut and Colorado, bills granting women the right of suffrage have passed one branch of the legislature, and were only defeated in the other by small majorities. In Maine, where women have had the right to act as Justices of the Peace, a bill has been passed giving them the right to serve on school committees, and Vermont has granted them absolute equality in school affairs. The legislatures of Nebraska and Oregon have submitted to the people constitutional amendments giving full suffrage to women. Martin Lemont, a successful merchant of Fredericton, N.B., died last week at the age of 74. He was a native of Bath, Me., and had been in business in Fredericton since 1843. During all those years he remained an American citizen, never having changed his allegiance or voted in New Brunswick. Susanna Pope of West Gardner, Maine, died Aug 29, aged 91 years 10 months. Mother Pope was of the oldest citizens of West Gardner at the time of her death. She was a faithful Christain and a member of the Christain church of West Gardner, where she lived at the time of her death with her son, Hiram Pope, deacon of the church of which his mother was a member. Local and Miscellaneous Items Geo. Stone, about fourteen years old, died at Jackson Brook recently from hip disease. General Gorham L. Boynton is very critically sick with rheumatic fever at his residence at Bangor. In the early part of last week his condition was very critical. Later: he is better. Policeman Parker has notified all persons that the discharge of any kind of firearms within the village limits of Machias is a penal offence and will be proscuted as such. There has been altogether too great carelessness in the use of guns, pistols, etc. The above is seasonable warning. Mr. Arthur Ricker and family of Kansas have recently been visiting Cherryfield, his native place, after an absence of thirty-three years. Lieut. Fred Collins who recently died in the Navy, we learn was a son of the late Bradbury Collins, formerly Sheriff of Washington County. Col. Nathaniel Woods of Farmington, now in his 93d year, has husked over 250 bushels of ears of corn this fall, being the product of his farm which he has always been proud to call his home. After the last basket full had been deposited in the crib, he marched to the house with an elastic step, swung his hat with the spirit of youth, and gave utterance to expressions indicating his interest in the profession most enobling, that of tilling the soil. A dispatch from Davenport, Iowa, states that Alfred McCabe was among the lost by the disaster to the steamer Jennil Gilchrist at Rock Island, Oct 28. He was son of the late James McCabe of Machias, aged 34 and leaves a wife and two children at Davenport where they reside. He was a blacksmith, learned his trade with Mr. Lewis Foster; and has resided in the West thirteen years. From Ellsworth James T. Osgood, D.M.D., after a lingering illness died Thursday the 3d, inst. Geo. P. Cunningham whose store has been closed for several weeks on account of his financial embarrassment has opened again having compromised with his creditors. Cal Sargent, well known throughout the State as the champion one armed rowdy, after an unusually long period of good behavior is again incarcerated in Sheriff Devareux's brick house. His offence this time is assault upon officers. Policeman Larkin told him to go home and Cal knocked him down. The officer then summoned a posse and went to arrest him. He turned at bay and not till after a lively tussle in the course of which he lost most of his clothes and some of the officers gang, eight men all told, got pretty badly used did they succeed in securing him. He was tried and remanded to jail for trial at the April term of S.J. Court. MARRIED In Columbia Falls, Nov 3, by L.Leighton, Esq., Rufus M. Grant and Lucy Norton, both of C.F. In Calais, Oct 29, by Rev CG McCully, Augustus Cameron of St Stephen and Miss Isabel, daughter of EB Harvey, Esq. In Worcester, Mass, Oct 29, by Rev J Wheaton Smith, Albion H. Eaton and Annie M Whidden of Calais. In Sullivan, Oct 16, by FA Noyes, Esq., Jonas E. Lindsey and Miss Mary J. Ashley, both of S. DIED In Eastport, Sept 22, Henry Childs, aged 74 years; Oct 28, John A. Burnes, aged 32 years; Oct 30, James McGraw, aged 57 years 2 months. In Perry, Oct 28, Jason Boyden, aged 74 years. In Robbinston, Oct 29, Frank Doyle, grandson of the late Mr. O'Brien, aged 5 years. In Gouldsboro, Oct 26, Mrs. Lydia N. Moore, aged 75 years. In Newark City, NJ, Oct 12, Capt. Samuel Leighton, formerly of Eastport, aged 70 years. -- ************************************************* Kenneth A. Dill * * * ICQ# = 5097976 * * ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.