Clare-Lapeer County MI Archives Obituaries.....Harvey, Carson June 2, 1950 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Wilkinson Schwartz May 9, 2007, 5:46 pm The Clare Sentinel Friday, June 9, 1950 CARSON HARVEY PASSES AWAY AT SON’S HOME HERE Early Settler of Sheridan Township Laid At Rest At Brown City The Clare Sentinel Friday, June 9, 1950 Carson Harvey, son of Coridon and Evelyn Harvey, was born in Imlay City, Michigan, November 7, 1859, and died June 2, 1950, aged ninety years, six months and twenty-seven days, at the home of his son, Coridon Harvey, in Clare. He was married to Susan L. Foster, December 25, 1879. Five children were born to this union, Coridon D., of Clare, William D., who died in infancy, Calvin J., Eslie J., of Farwell, and Ada L., who preceded him in death in 1918. His wife died in 1912. They lived in Lapeer and Sanilac county until March 17th, 1898, when they came to Clare county with their family and settled in Sheridan township, where he spent the remainder of his life until the past few years spent in Clare. He had ten grandchildren, twelve great-grandchildren and five great- great-grandchildren. Mr. Harvey was a good father and a good neighbor at all times. He sought and found the Saviour nearly seven years ago. Funeral services were held from the Thurston Chapel at 11:30 o’clock Tuesday morning, with Rev. N. C. Davis of the Clare Church of God officiating, and interment at Brown City. Relatives and friends from out of town were from Marlette, Beaverton, Flint, Saginaw, Coleman, and Videl, Calif. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb