Biography of James Montauge, Clinton County, Michigan Copyright © 1998 by Jan Sedore. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ MONTAGUE FAMILY CLINTON COUNTY MICHIGAN PAST AND PRESENT OF CLINTON COUNTY PAGE 147 JAMES MONTAGUE James Montague, deceased, who in his business and private life won the respect and confidence of his fellowmen and became known as a representative citizen of Clinton county, was born in Middlesex, Canada, March 30, 1847, his parents being William and Mary Elizabeth (St. Clair) Montague. The mother was a native of Canada and represented families of English lineage. William Montague, however, was from Maine. When seventeen years of age James Montague came to Clinton County and settled in the village of Ovid, where he followed the blacksmith's trade until twenty-six years of age. He then married and located on section 24, Olive township, near the town line between Olive and Victor, having there eighty acres of land. He also had eighty acres of unimproved land on section 7, Victor Township. Only ten acres of his home farm had been cleared when he took possession of the place. He remained on the farm for about three years, during which time he cleared fifty acres. He then sold the property and on the 8th of March 1877, removed to Sciota Township, Clinton County, on which his widow now resides. Here he secured one hundred and twenty acres of land which was partially cleared and he made the farm his home throughout his remaining days. He also added a tract of eighty acres so that at the time of his death his realty possessions were represented by a valuable farm property of two hundred acres. He built numerous outbui8ldings upon his place and added all modern equipments and accessories, carrying forward his farm work along progressive lines that resulted in the acquirement of a handsome competence. He was very careful and painstaking in all his business affairs and in his public duties as well. On the 8th of March, 1873, Mr. Montague was married to Miss Harriet Parker, a daughter of John and Sarah (Cronkite) Parker, the former a native of New Jersey and the latter of New York. They came in 1837 to Michigan, settling in Laingsburg. This was the year in which the state was admitted to the Union. The father spent his remaining days upon a farm in that locality, passing away in 1863, at the age of fifty-eight years. His wife departed this life in 1901, at the age of eighty-six years. In their family were thirteen children, of whom seven are yet living. Unto Mr. and Mrs Montague were born six children: James Wesley, who was married, February 19, 1902, to Della E. Shumaker, by whom he has two children, Blanche Mourea and Evora Irene, and they are now living on section 9, Victor Township: Henry N., who was married, March 12, 1901, to Lizzie Eiseman and resides upon the homestead farm; Rubie, the wife of Daniel Shumaker, of Olive Township; Fonda Ethel, at home; and Sarah Cressy and John C., twins, at home. At the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Shumaker, January 26, 1905, the guests were served with strawberries that had been canned almost twenty-six years and were pronounced delicious. It was at the request of her father that the berries were saved for that occasion and although he did not live to be present his wishes were carried out. Mr. Montague was a stanch republican in politics and at one time served as treasurer of his township. He was also United States juror in Detroit for two weeks in September 1899. He was always loyal to the trust reposed in him whether of a public or private nature and he lived an upright, honorable life that won him the respect and confidence of his fellowmen. He passed away March 21, 1900. After an illness of five days, respected by all who knew him, and his loss was deeply regretted by many friends as well as his immediate family. Since her husband's death Mrs Montague has erected her present residence and also the barns upon the place and has bought eighty acres of land additional on section 9, Victor Township. She also bought eighty-two acres on section 10, Olive Township, for her daughter Rubie. She has superior business qualifications as is shown in the management of her valuable farming property and at the same time she has the social qualities which have endeared her to a large circle of friends, making her a welcome visitor in many of the best homes of the county. dz