David M Mitchell's biography, Charlotte, Eaton County, Michigan ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://usgwarchives.net/mi/mifiles.htm ************************************************ SUBJECT: David M. MITCHELL SUBMITTER: Jan Lubitz Sedore EMAIL: am0773@a1access.net DATE: Apr 24, 1999 SURNAMES: MITCHELL, WRIGHT, WHITCOMB, JONES, WHEATON PAST AND PRESENT OF EATON COUNTY Page 449 DAVID M. MITCHELL DAVID M. MITCHELL, who is now living practically retired in the city of Charlotte, has passed his entire life in Eaton County and was long and prominently identified with the agricultural interests of this section, while he still retains possession of his fine farm property, in Chester Township. He was born and reared in that township, the date of his nativity having been November 3, 1851, and his early education advantages were those afforded by the schools of the locality. He is a son of Asa W. and Lydia L. Mitchell, the former of whom was born in Genesee County, New York, September 14, 1815, being reared to manhood in the old Empire State, where he continued to reside until 1842, when he came with his wife and one child to Michigan settling in Chester Township, Eaton County, where he purchased land, reclaiming the same from the forest and developing one of the valuable farms of the county. He was a business man of much sagacity and was prospered in material affairs, overcoming many obstacles and pushing steadily forward to the goal of independence and prosperity, which he attained through honorable means and without sacrificing the rights and privileges of others. He was guided and governed by lofty motives and was a citizen worthy of the uniform confidence and esteem in which he was held. September 27, 1836, he was united in marriage to Lydia L. Wright, who was born at Lake Pleasant, Montgomery County, New York, September 7, 1817, and who died April 16, 1891, his death having occurred December 7, 1888. They became the parents of six children, of whom four are living, namely: Mrs Lucy A. Whitcomb, of Charlotte; Mrs Sylva C. Jones, of the same city; David M., the immediate subject of this sketch, and Chauncey R., residing on the old homestead farm. Mrs. Lydia L. Mitchell was a woman of gentle and gracious character, gaining the affectionate regard of all with whom she came in contact. She was a zealous member of the Free Baptist Church in Lansing and was actively identified with the neighborhood aid society in her home community. David M. Mitchell remained associated with the work and management of the home farm until he was twenty-two years of age, when he initiated his independent operations as a farmer and stock-grower. He began with but thirteen acres of land available for cultivation, and he personally brought about the reclamation of the remainder of his farm, acquiring greater acreage with the passing years and making the best of improvements on his property. His energy and good management brought the due measure of success and prosperity, and his landed estate today comprises two hundred and forty acres of as fine land as can be found in this favored section of the old Wolverine State. He continued to reside on the farm until 1893, since which time he has lived practically retire, in Charlotte, where he has an attractive home. He is a stanch supporter of the cause of the Republican Party, but has never had any ambition for public office. In 1873, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Mitchell to Miss Lanie Wheaton, who was born in Hillsdale County, Michigan, being a daughter of Otis Wheaton, and they have four children, namely: Gertrude, who is now teacher of Latin in Charlotte high school; Guy, who has charge of the operation of the homestead farm; P.T., who is taking a course in electrical and mechanical engineering in the University of Michigan; and Goldie, who was graduated in the Charlotte High School, as a member of the class of 1905, and is now attending school at Ypsilanti, Michigan.