Genesee-Bay County MI Archives Biographies.....Westover, Charles G. 1822 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher July 12, 2007, 9:25 pm Author: Chapman Bros. (1892) CHARLES G. WESTOVER is a farmer residing on section 8, Genesee Township, Genesee County. He was born in Canaan, Conn., December 29, 1839, and is a son of James and Julia (Hall) Westover, both natives of Massachusetts. The father was a farmer by occupation and after marriage they located on a farm in their native State and pursued their chosen calling. Thence they removed to Connecticut in 1838 and located in Canaan. After living there for a few years they moved back to Massachusetts and spent five years on the farm, thence moving to Indiana where the head of the family died at the age of about forty-two years. He was the victim of the dread disease -consumption-which he had contracted while working in an ax factory in Collinsville, Conn. Our subject's mother still survives and makes her home in Indiana. Our subject's paternal grandsire, Luther Westover, lived and died in the old Bay State. James and Julia Westover were the parents of six children, five sons and one daughter. All grew to manhood and womanhood and were named as follows: George C., Warren D., James P., Charles G., John W. and Juliette. John is a resident of San Francisco and has been engaged in the United States mint for the past fifteen years. Our subject was reared in Massachusetts and there received his schooling at the village of Sheffield. He lived for the most part with his grandmother, Catherine Westover, but when twenty-one years of age he started out for himself. He first worked by the month on a farm receiving for his labor $12 per month. He was thus engaged for seven months and during that time saved money enough to take him to Canada. He located about sixty miles south of London and there carried on his uncle's farm for four years. In 1865 he returned to the States and came to Michigan. He first located at Bay City and there ran a sawmill for one season. He was also engaged in lumbering and in the grain business, remaining at that place until 1869. At the above mentioned time our subject returned to Canada and was married to Mary E. Carpenter, a native of Norfolk County, Canada, who was born September 1, 1850. She was the fourth in order of birth of eleven children, of whom John B. and Rachel (Sterling) Carpenter were the parents. Immediately after marriage Mr. Westover and his bride located on the farm where they now reside and which has been their home ever since. They have four bright children, three sons and one daughter. The eldest is Clarence L., who was born August 13, 1870 in Bay City and is now Assistant Teller of the First National Bank there; William E., born August 23, 1872, is an attendant, at the Business College at Flint; Bessie M., born October 26, 1873, and J. Brock, October 27, 1881, are at home. Mr. Westover is the owner of one hundred and seventeen acres of well improved land. He does a general farming business and has been very successful. He has upon the place a fine two-story frame residence that was erected at a cost of $2,500. He also has two good barns and other valuable improvements. Politically he has always been a Republican. He, however, favors the Prohibition party at the present time. He has been School Inspector and is a member of the Congregational Church of which he is Deacon and Clerk. Socially he belongs to the Knights of the Maccabees. Additional Comments: Extracted from: Portrait and Biographical Record of Genesee, Lapeer and Tuscola Counties, Michigan, Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies of all the Governors of the State, and of the Presidents of the United States Chicago: Chapman Bros. 1892 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb