Gratiot County MI Archives Photo Tombstone.....Kline, Pearl ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandra Moore May 15, 2010, 11:39 pm Cemetery: Oak Grove Cemetery Name: Pearl Kline Date Of Photograph: April 1, 2010 Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 182.9 Kb Headstones located in Square Hill Block I Lot 43 EMMA KLINE 1862 - 1902 WILLIAM M. KLINE 1889 - 1902 PEARL KLINE 1885 - 1902 WALLACE KLINE 1882 - 1900 Note: Emma E. (Adams) Kline date of death March 6, 1902 (cemetery record) Death certificate shows she was the daughter of Samuel Adams and Sarah Lay, both of Ohio, female, white, married, married at age 20, parent of 5 children, 1 living, born in 1865 Ohio and died on March 6, 1902 in Bethany Twp., Gratiot Co., MI at the age of 37 years, cause of death Typhoid Fever. Burial was on March 8, 1902 St. Louis, Mich. Pearl Kline date of birth April 3, 1885 and date of death February 3, 1902 Gratiot Co., MI. Death Certificate shows she was the daughter of Daniel Kline and Emma Adams (both of Ohio) female, white, housekeep born April 3, 1886 Ohio and died on February 3, 1902 Bethany Township, Gratiot Co., MI at the age of 16 years and 10 months, cause of death typhoid pneumonia. Burial was on February 6, 1902 St. Louis, Mich. Death certificate signed by Daniel Kline. Wallace Werthy Kline death certificate shows he was the son of Daniel Kline and Emma (both of Ohio), male, white, occuation farming, born August 21, 1882 and died on January 19, 1900 in Jasper Twp., Midland Co., MI at the age of 17 years 5 months and 28 days, cause of death typhoid fever. Burial was on June 21, 1900 St. Louis, Mich. Death certificate was signed by Daniel Kline, St. Louis, Mich. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb