Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Allen, Lizzie 1881 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marilyn Ransom August 24, 2010, 5:54 pm The Ionia Standard, Thursday, March 17, 1881 It is our sad task this week to announce the death of this most estimable and highly respected lady. She had been sick only about two weeks, and no very serious apprehensions were entertained of her condition. Friday she was much better and passed a very quiet night. Saturday morning her symptoms were very favorable and her friends were very hopeful until about 9 o’clock, when a change for the worse became apparent to Mrs. Allen as well as to her friends, and bidding all an affectionate farewell, she became unconscious and died at about 10 o’clock. During her short residence here, she has made a host of friends, and all who knew her had a high opinion of her as a woman and true friend. She was exceedingly affable and kind-hearted and wherever she went she carried sunshine. Although modest and retiring in her disposition, those who had the good fortune to know her intimately could not help loving her. In the home and in her circle of friends the loveliness and purity of her character were best exhibited. As a wife and mother she was kind, patient, sympathetic, and her constant endeavor was to make the home happy and cheerful. Mrs. Allen was born in Vienna, Canada, and had resided in Ionia about nine years. She was thirty-two years of age. A cancer caused her death. She leaves a stricken husband and a sprightly little girl six years old. The funeral took place from the house Tuesday afternoon, Rev. L. L. Noble of the Episcopal church officiating. The music was furnished by the quartet of the church and was of a high order. The large house was filled to overflowing with sympathetic friends, being probably the largest funeral ever held at a private house in the city. The ceremony was impressive and there was scarcely a dry eye in the house. At the close of the service the remains of Mrs. Allen were taken to their final resting place, followed by a long procession of mourning friends. Among those in attendance at the funeral, were Mrs. Finch and John Finch, the mother and brother of the deceased, Mr. and Mrs. Edison, the latter being Mrs. Allen’s sister, all of Vienna, Canada; G. R. Allen, brother of Dr. Allen, from Belmont, Canada; Dr. A. C. Allen and Mrs. Hope of St. Johns, John Ridell of Greenville, and Drs. Allen and Smith of Portland. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb