Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Amsden, Jane (Strong) 1922 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandy Heintzelman July 5, 2011, 11:44 am Lyons Herald, 28 Dec 1922 While death was not unexpected, quite a shock to the many old friends came Sunday morning with the announcement of the death of Mrs. Jane Amsden shortly after midnight, aged 98 years, 11 months and 14 days. Until about eight years ago, Mrs. Amsden had been a great reader, but when sight no longer remained was ready and eager to answer the final summons. While in poor health for the past eight weeks, it was only three weeks ago when her condition gave warning that death could not be delayed. The end came peacefully a half hour after midnight Sunday morning, December 24. Deceased was born in Rochester, N.Y., January 10th, 1824, and came to Michigan when about twenty years of age. Shortly after that she was united in marriage to Roswell Strong and they moved to Joliet, Ill., where Mr. Strong died in 1861. To them were born three children, two of whom died in early life, and she has made her home with the only surviving son, Frank M. Strong. There are also left two grandsons and three great-grandchildren. The family came to Lyons in 1868, and in July of that year she was married to Albert Amsden, who died in 1885. She had the care and was mother of five step-children, four of whom are now living. At the request of the deceased, funeral services were very quietly held from the home yesterday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. T. Woodhouse of Ionia, an old friend and pastor, as she had been a life-long member of the Baptist church. The bearers were H.R. Curtis, G. D. Faxon, W.C. Hawley, H.A. Ranger, W.H. Ranger and E.W. Buchanan. Interment in the family lot in the Lyons cemetery. The following relatives and friends from out of town were here to attend the funeral: Mark Strong of Lansing; Mrs. Lottie Lewis, Ovid; George Amsden, Monroe; Mrs. Frankie Hartman, Mrs. Nellie Kent and Jane Kent, Pontiac; Mrs. Don Merriam, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hawley, Mrs. L.H. Hale, Mrs. W. T. Woodhouse, T.A. Carten and L.I. Hale of Ionia. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb