Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Anderson, James D. 1938 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandy Heintzelman August 5, 2017, 7:52 am Ionia County News, 3 Nov 1938 Rites Held Thursday for J.D. Anderson Prominent Muir Resident, 90, Succumbs Tuesday Morning Funeral services for James D. Anderson, 90, life-long and prominent Muir resident, were held Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the Presbyterian church in the village. Burial was in the Muir cemetery. Mr. Anderson died Tuesday morning after a lingering illness of two years. Surviving him are his daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Anderson Smith, and two sisters, Mrs. Ione Faulkner and Mrs. C.O. Miller, all of Muir Officiating at the funeral services Thursday were Rev. Paul L. Stewart, Mayor Foss O. Eldred and Montgomery Webster, of Ionia. Pallbearers were Lloyd Burger, Owen Smith, Harry Probasco, George MacGillivray, Frank Burtraw, and Coral Estep. Had Birthday Recently Mr. Anderson, who celebrated his 90th birthday anniversary two weeks ago, was born in Ionia township October 24, 1848, and lived his entire life in Ionia county. His parents were among the county’s earliest settlers, moving here from New York state in 1835 on a government land grant. After attending Michigan Agricultural college at Lansing, Mr. Anderson became a school teacher in this county, being the first teacher in the Chittle, Spaulding, Maple Corners and Hubbel schools. He married Miss Helen Edwards of Ionia county in 1869. Later, he entered the woodworking trade, being employed at the Hayes-Packard mill in Muir and the Ionia Furniture factory in Ionia. Became Jeweler Later, when the lumber industry began to drop off in this area, Mr. Anderson started in the watch-making trade, and opened a jewelry store in Muir, which he operated for 45 years, until May, 1937, when he suffered a stroke which caused him to drop from further active work. He told acquaintances, however, that the watch-making trade was his favorite of the number of varied pursuits that he had followed. Extremely active in affairs of the village of Muir and the township, Mr. Anderson served successively as town board member and on the village school board for 40 years, as town clerk, and as justice of the peace. It was in the latter position that he gained county-wide renown through his fearless and direct statements as to what he believed to be rightful and just, and as a result became one of the most popular justices the county has known. Although very progressive in business and community affairs Mr. Anderson had not attended a moving picture theater until ten years ago, when he marked his 80th birthday anniversary by viewing a movie. Favorite of his hobbies was music, and he was an accomplished musician on several instruments. Prized among his possessions was a Stradivarius violin more than 200 years old, which he frequently played. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb