Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Brooks, Harold Vernon April 20, 1943 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patricia Currigan March 14, 2025, 7:53 am Clarksville Record - Thursday May 6, 1943 Harold Brooks Gives Life For His Country Mrs. Edna Brooks has received word from the war department that her son, Technical Sergeant Harold Vernon Brooks was killed in action by enemy fire in the South Pacific area. Sergeant Brooks was a radio operator on an army bomber and had seen action in a number of engagements with enemy forces.It will be remembered that he told some time ago in a letter of being a radio operator on the bomber, but also acting as gunner during action. Sergeant Brooks graduated from Clarksville high school with the class of 1939. He was popular with his school mates and associates and took part in all school activities and athletics. The action in which he lost his life took place on April 20 according to the war department. The mother, a brother, Pvt Lyle Brooks, also serving his country in the Pacific, a brother Arlen, at home, a sister, Mrs.Maurice Stebbins of Saranac, and a grandmother, Mrs.Della Case survive to mourn, with this entire community, the death of this fine young man who laid down his life for his country. But in mourning we must remember that he was a hero, and representative of a community which will always hold in prideful memory the record of his great achievements and great sacrifice. Additional Comments: World War II File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb