Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Cortright, Ada 1902 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marilyn Ransom August 21, 2010, 6:00 pm The Lake Odessa Wave, July 10, 1902 The saddest home coming that we have been obliged to chronicle in a long time was that of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cortright last Sunday morning, when they returned home from Grand Rapids, where Mrs. Cortright went on the Thursday before to undergo an operation at the U.B.A. hospital for cancer. Mrs. Cortright came home a corpse while her grief stricken companion was hardly able to hold up under the terrible shock. The case was sad because it takes from the town a bright young woman whom all knew; and because it deprives a husband and son of the nearest and dearest one on earth. Outside of the family it came as a bolt of lightning from a clear sky. Hardly anyone who knew Mrs. Cortright was aware of her ailments, and that she intended submitting herself to an operation in order to prolong her life which must soon end under existing conditions. She appeared the same jovial, kind self to all who knew her, and if she suffered it was not evident to those who came in contact with her. Tuesday noon, with her husband, she went to Grand Rapids to consult the physicians with regard to her condition. Dr. Charles N. Snyder accompanied them. On this day she was acquainted with her condition and that her only hope to lengthen her days was to submit to an operation, although she may live a year or two without it. She insisted that she did not want to be eaten up by the cancer and was ready for the operation. But she was prevailed upon to return home and make preparation. Thursday noon she again returned to Grand Rapids, Mr. Cortright and her mother accompanying her. Friday morning at about ten o’clock the operation was performed by Dr. Wm. Fuller, one of the most successful surgeons of the city. Mrs. Cortright seemed to recover nicely from the operation, and seemed to be getting along as well as could be expected, those with her having every reason to believe that she was getting well. Saturday evening at about 8:30 o’clock a change was noticed by the nurses in attendance, and within a very few minutes her life had ebbed away. The husband and mother were with her about five minutes before the end came, having just stepped out for a short time. The remains were brought home Sunday morning, the funeral was held at the home Tuesday forenoon, and the remains interred in Lakeside cemetery. Rev. Wm. Skentelbury preached the sermon. Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright and son and daughter, Will and Jennie, of near Vermontville, Mr. and Mrs. John Cortright, son and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cortright, of Kalamo; Mrs. Wm. Ball, of Charlotte, and Harry Ostrander, of Adrian. Mrs. Cortright was born at Adrian, January 31, 1871. A short time after her birth her parents moved on a farm in Kalamo, where she lived until nine years ago, when she was married to W. Cortright. To this happy union was born a son, who remains to mourn the loss of a mother’s care and influence. Shortly after the birth of the son, who is now nearly eight years old, the family moved to Lake Odessa, where they have lived ever since, acquiring a broad circle of friends. All who had ever met Mrs. Cortright speak kindly of her. She possessed a character unassailable, a true womanly grace not commonly met. Although she took a great chance to free herself of the terrible disease that had fastened itself upon her, she realized fully her danger, and bravely met it. After the operation had been performed those in attendance had every reason to believe that it had been successful and that she would speedily recover; but through one of the baffling little mishaps that some times occur in surgery, her life was snuffed out before a step could be made toward her relief. A clot of blood formed in the end of an artery cut off, and instead of dissolving and returning as is the rule, the clot floated back to the heart intact, and there lodged and stopped the work of that organ. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.5 Kb