Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Hosford, Samuel O. 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marilyn Ransom August 1, 2010, 3:17 pm The Lake Odessa Wave, Friday, November 17, 1893 “The last enemy that shall be destroyed” has been very busy in this community within the last score of months. He has taken the aged, weary with the burden of years and toil. He has taken infants unaware of the love showered upon them by fond parents, but our village was thrown into deep mourning this morning by the announcement of the death of Samuel O. Hosford which happened at his residence on Third Avenue this morning at five minutes before 2 o’clock. The deceased was taken sick Sunday evening October 8th with typho- maleral fever and gradually grew worse up to the time of his final demise. He was familiarly known by everyone in and about the county and was a warm and persistent friend when he once formed that relation. The sympathy of the whole community goes to the stricken heart of the wife in her great bereavement. Minerva Fullar of Omaha, Nebraska is the only surviving relative. The deceased will be buried under the auspices of the Masonic and K of P orders. The funeral will occur at the Cong. Church at 12 o’clock Sunday, Rev. Arney preaching the funeral sermon. The deceased was born in Livingston county, N.Y., March 7, 1833, and remained there until he was twelve years old, in the meantime he had been pursuing his studies taught in the district school, and after the removal of the family to this state he continued his studies in Hillsdale county until he was seventeen years old. He then secured a position as clerk in a store at Jonesville, where he stayed about three years, then clerked in Hillsdale for twelve months. The gold fever attacked him and going to New York he took passage for …(illigible)….. On his arrival amid the gold fields he engaged in mining and followed the pursuit industriously almost 4 years, after which he took up the profession of teaching. For two years he taught and the remaining time until October 1864, he devoted to farming. At that time he returned to New York by the water route and came to his parents’ home. The following spring the deceased bought property in North Plains township, Ionia county, which, after farming three years, he exchanged for a tract in Odessa township. He operated the second estate until 1872, then he engaged in mercantile business at Bonanza and divided his attention between the two occupations. Upon giving up his store he gave his time entirely to his farm until the fall of 1886, when he was elected county clerk, which position he filled until January 1st, 1879. At the close of his official life he returned to the farm and occupied it until 1888 when he moved to Lake Odessa and gave his attention to insurance and collections. The fall after the removal of town he sold his farm. The deceased has been school inspector, highway commissioner, secy. of school board and was justice of the Peace at the time of his death. He was a member of the Masonic order and the K of P lodge. He was a man of much public spirit, and toward the advancement and improvement in the vicinity in which he lived he done all that was in his power. The deceased was an ordained deacon in the Congregational church. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb