Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Lantis, James 1916 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marilyn Ransom June 25, 2012, 7:32 pm The Ionia Daily Sentinel, Monday, June 12, 1916 The funeral services for James Lantis were held from the home on Adams street Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The services were conducted by the pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of which he was a member. The bearers were J. L. Fowler, Julius Taubert, Robt. Carpenter, L. Tingley, Geo. Pettingill and W. E. Normington. Interment was in Highland Park cemetery. James Lantis was born at Rockland, Pa. Feb. 9, 1831, and was the third son of Jacob and Lydia Lantis. The family moved to Michigan in …(illegible)…and settled in Jackson county, at Waterloo. It was here that James Lantis grew to manhood and at the age of 24 married Miss Lucy Reed at Jackson. Three children were born to this couple, J. Adelbert of Glochester, Mass., Mrs. Cora Coldburgh of Rochester, M.Y., and Arthur of Denver, Co. Mrs. Lantis died in 1884 in Rochester, N.Y. Mr. Lantis was married to Mrs. Jane Vincent of Ionia and to this marriage two children were born, Mrs. Fred Sayers of Lake county, Mich.; Roy, deceased at the age of …(illegible)….years. Mr. Lantis lost his wife in death in…(illegible)… On July….(illegible)…he was married to Mrs. C. E. Ennis at Ionia, who survives. Mr. Lantis enlisted in the army nearly at the beginning of the rebellion and was discharged at the close of the war, returning to Michigan, a few months later coming to Ionia, where he has since resided. His health failed about a year and a half ago and for nearly a year he has been confined to the house. On the 9th of June he died, leaving a widow and….(illegible)….children. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb