Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Miller, Henry G. March 5, 1900 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nan Wheaton October 5, 2016, 10:16 pm Ionia Sentinel - Thursday, May 10, 1900 IONIA GIVES ANOTHER Believed that Henry G. Miller is Dead OF SMALLPOX IN THE PHILIPPINES Letter Received Here by His Parents, Giving Detail of His Supposed Illness - Another Letter Previously Received Makes Dates Conflict. It is believed that the life of one more brave Ionia boy has been added to the list of heroic martyrs who have responded loyally to the call of their country. The following letter, received late Saturday, May 5, brought sorrow and anguish to the relatives and friends of Henry G. Miller, who has been serving with the volunteers in the Philippines: Manila, P.I., March 10, 1900 - Miss Elizabeth Miller, Ionia, Mich., My Dear Unknown Friend- It grieves me much to write these few lines to you, but I feel it my duty to do so. I took the principal part in nursing a man who died here in this hospital, of smallpox, March 6, 1900, whose name was Henry G.. Miller. While Mr. Miller was delirious he called a great deal for his sister, whose name was Elizabeth. It seemed from what I could gather from his talk that he had told how he was a soldier over here, but he was not. I told home I would write you and tell you all about it, which seemed to ease his mind. Your dear brother is laid in the national cemetery here. I thought you would like to know when you get this, if there is anything I can do for you while here. Allow me to sympathize with you in the hour of your deepest sorrow. From your unknown friend, Harry Sylvester First Reserve Hospital, (Smallpox ward.) Manila, P.I. Henry G. Miller is the son of Henry Miller who lives north of the city. The father feels that possibly there is some mistake, as he received a letter from the boy a few days ago which said he had recovered from the injury to his foot, received from a shell, and was ready to rejoin his regiment; that he had then been three weeks at the harbor in China. This letter was dated March 7, while the above letter, it will be noticed, says he died March 6, or the day before. But the boy's only sister's name being Elizabeth, and the fact that the letter is addressed accurately to her, makes the matter confusing, though it is to be hoped later developments may be of a more hopeful nature, and bring proof countermanding the news of his alleged death. Henry G. Miller is well known in Ionia where he has lived all his lie. He was a bright and energetic young man, of youthful appearance, but strong and rugged until he went with Co. I, to Cuba, where like all the others, the malaria fever made a more shadow of him. His father brought him home from Boston hospital where he had been taken to spent two months. He was 20 years of age last Christmas. His mother is dead, her only other child being the heartbroken Elizabeth, to whom he was warmly attached, though there are a step-mother and other members of the family. As soon as he became well, Henry wanted to enlist again and did so in Company H, at Grand Rapids, joining the Thirtieth regiment of volunteers for Philippine service. This was in August, 1899. His army record has been without a blemish, he has had active service in and around Manila, and he will dome home with an honorable record if the reported fatality proves to be unfounded. Prosecuting Attorney Chaddock has taken the matter in hand, and has written Congressman Smith for an investigation of the circumstances. Additional Comments: Death date is 6 March or 5 May, 1900 National cemetery @ Philippines File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb