Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Russell, Edwin A. November 14, 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Pat Blood April 4, 2010, 1:40 pm Belding Banner – Thursday, 23 November 1899 Edwin A. Russell was born in Virgil, Courtland Co., N. Y., July 24th, 1826, and died at his home in Portland, Nov. 14, 1899. He came with his parents to Otisco, Mich., in 1838 where he lived until fourteen years ago when he came to Portland where he lived until called to the home above. He was married to Miss Henrietta Thornton, in 1850; in Washtenaw county, Michigan. He was converted to God forty years ago under the ministry of the Rev. W. W. Johnson, and united with the M. E. Church. He remained a faithful member to the close of his earthly life. Most of the time he held official position in the church, being a steward at the time of his death. Mr. Russell possessed a quiet, retiring disposition, never self-asserting but always considerate of the interests of his fellow man. He was true in all the relations of life, a manly Christian man. He held the respect and confidence of all who knew him in life, and was mourned by all when he passed away. He was the oldest of seven children and the first removed by death from that devoted circle. Three brothers and three sisters survive him, all of whom reside in Michigan, save one sister whose home is in Kansas. All were present at the funeral. Mr. Russell enjoyed exceptionally good health through life until about a year ago when it began to fail him. For the last few weeks he was a great sufferer, but he endured with marked patience and Christian fortitude. His devoted companion of nearly 50 years who survives him and all of the family are comforted by the thought that he lived well and died in good hope of the better life beyond. The funeral services were held at his late residence Thursday at 2 pm before a large concourse of relatives and friends. The services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. J. W. H. Carlisle, assisted by Re. D. E. Millard. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb