Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Shores, Martha E. December 16, 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patricia Currigan March 16, 2025, 9:26 am Clarksville Scrapbook - December 1924 Martha E.Shores was born near Wheeling,West Virginia, in Tuscaon County, Ohio, on March 12,1843 and departed this life Dec.16,1924. In 1855 she came to Michigan with her parents, who settled on the farm now owned by Mr.Dodson, near Warnerville. In 1864 she was united in marriage to John R.Barnum, who passed into the Great Beyond on Mar.24,1904. They began their homemaking, and always lived on the farm where they passed a happy and useful life. They were the parents of 8 children, 3 girls and 5 boys. One boy, John L., died in infancy, and in June of this year, Mrs.Rosa Roach was called hence. At the age of 14 she accepted Christ as her leader and always followed him faithfully. She early joined the Freewill Baptist church, and in late years transferred to the United Brethren church of the village. She personally experienced the hardships and dangers of the early pioneers.These helped her to develop a rugged constitution, which enabled her to be always ready and ale to aid the sick and comfort the distressed. She hardly knew a day's illness in her youth or middle life until 20 years ago and again 2 years ago, however she was able to throw off the ravages of disease and regain her strength. eight weeks ago she suffered a stroke of apoplexy which left her blind and was the cause of death.During this last illness she was conscious to the end and suffered no pain. There are left to mourn seven children; Geo.N.Barnum of Woodland,Mr.and Mrs.Anton Euper of Flint,Mr.and Ms.Royal Barnum of Hastings, Mrs.Daily Tyler of Woodland, Mrs.and Mrs.Eugene Barnum of Nashville, Mr.and Mrs.Wm. Miller of Beaverton, Mr.and Mrs. J.Leon Barnum of Woodland, three sisters; Mrs.Jerry Shores of Missouri,Mrs.Anna Hunter of Charlotte, Mrs.Albert Barnum of Woodland; 34 grandchildren, 27 great-grandchildren, a lot of other relatives neighbor and friends. And some blessed beautiful morning When we press with eager feet, Through the gates of the Golden City Our loved lost ones to meet. Among the happy number Before the great White Throne She will greet us with joyful welcome where partings are unknown. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb