Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Simmons, Emeretta Gibson 1926 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: LaVonne I. Bennett May 17, 2010, 7:37 pm Ionia Sentinel Standard SIMMONS, EMERETTA (GIBSON) (MRS. NELSON COY): THE IONIA SENTINEL-STANDARD, MI, 6-26-1926, Saturday, front page: "Mrs. Emeretta Simmons, 73, died at Blodgett Hospital, Grand Rapids, at 12:30 Friday night following an operation Wednesday for goiter. Mrs. Simmons had lived in Ionia County for most of her life, living on a farm in Berlin township. She was a member of the LeValley Methodist Episcopal Church. She is survived by two sons, Verne of Berlin township and Lyman of Orange, and a daughter Lena, at home. Mr. Simmons died five years ago. The funeral service will be from the residence at 2 o'clock sun time Monday afternoon." 7-3-1926, p 6: "Obituary - Emeretta Gibson was born in Crawford county, Pa., May 2, 1853, and died June 26, 1926, aged 73 years, one month and 24 days. Her parents came to Michigan when she was about four years of age settling in Middleville, Barry county. Here she spent her girlhood, receiving her education in the district schools, as all pioneer children did. She was united in marriage to Nelson Simmons October 25, 1871. They began their married life on the farm of his father, which had previously been purchased of the government. Here they helped to clear the farm and built their home, where she lived her entire life. Two sons were born to this union, and a niece was taken into their home in early childhood, who was loved and cared for as their own. Five years ago the husband was taken to his reward, and for the first time in nearly 50 years this happy home was broken. In early life she united with the Methodist Episcopal church, and lived a conscientious and devoted Christian life.. Being of a retiring and quiet disposition, her life was spent for her family and those she loved. In 1912 her health failed her, and after 14 years of patient suffering, as a last effort to gain relief, she entered Blodgett Memorial hospital, Grand Rapids, submitting to an operation, as were her wishes. There everything was done that loving hands and medical skill could do, but her Heavenly Father called her, and she quietly fell asleep to awaken on the resurrection morn. There are left to mourn the loss of a loving mother, two sons, Vernon L. who still lives in the old homestead, Lyman J. of Orange township, a niece, Miss Lena Simmons, also three grandchildren and one great grandchild, one sister, Mrs. Arlin Martin, of Ada, and a host of relatives and friends. The funeral services were held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, being conducted by Rev. E. L. Sutcliffe, of Scottville. The music was furnished by Mrs. Robert Weisgerber and Mrs. Frank Baker, with Mrs. Albert Hinds at the piano. The flowers, which were many and beautiful, and the large assembly of neighbors and friends gave silent tribute to the respect and the esteem in which she was held. She was tenderly laid to rest in Balcom cemetery by her two sons, two grandsons, Alden and Harold Simmons and two nephews, J. A. Week and Myron Griswold. "Let me rest," she whispered softly, and we hushed our busy breath; For we knew the rest she sighed for Was the endless peace of death. Once her white hands fluttered gently As they lay upon her breast, Then a quiet fell upon her, And we knew she was at rest. Card of Thanks - We wish to thank the many neighbors and friends who have so kindly assisted us at the death of our loving mother and grandmother; also for the many acts of kindness shown her during her long illness. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Simmons and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simmons and ____" File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb