Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Stockholm, John C. May 9, 1888 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nan Wheaton March 24, 2014, 2:56 am Greenville Library/ Pioneer Scrapbook pg. 3 The following was read by C.C. Merritt, secretary of the Washington Club, at the funeral of the late John C. Stockholm. Brothers and Sisters of the Washington Club. – We meet here today to express by our presence the deep sympathy we feel for an afflicted family, and to mingle our tears with theirs over the remains of a loved one. A dark cloud hangs over the heretofore bright and happy home, and the shadows of that cloud falls upon the heart and home of every member of the Washington Club. Death has again entered our ranks and removed from us the happy, genial face of a worthy and esteemed brother. His fraternal relations to our club were of the most pleasant nature, and he leaves with us only pleasant memories. Brother John C. Stockholm was born in Fishkill, Duchess county, New York, Oct. 24th, 1822. He came to Michigan in 1845 and settled on Sec. 33 in the township of Eureka, and became one of the pioneer farmers of the country. He lived upon his farm for twenty years, and then moved to Cook’s corners and engaged in mercantile business, and with his energy and push, with which he was so bountifully endowed, built up an extended and prosperous trade, and his by his active industry and strict integrity has, for the past twenty-three years, held the trade he so well and thoroughly established. He was the father of two children, Helen, who died in 1866, aged twenty-one years, and Warren, who died fourteen years ago, aged twenty-five years. He leaves a wife, to whom he has been a devoted husband, a granddaughter, to whom he has been more than a father, many sorrowing relatives and a host of friends, near and far, who feel that in his death they sustain a great loss. As a husband, he was ever devoted; as a father, loving and affectionate; as an adviser, careful and judicious; as a friend, faithful and true; as a member of the Washington Club, ever loyal to all its interests. The Washington Club have placed upon the casket of our brother, an anchor- the emblem of hope. By this beautiful floral tribute they would express their faith in a world beyond these clouds and tears, and their hope of again meeting the brother who has passed on to the Great Beyond before us, - only passed on before, - to that bourne to which we are all hastening. While we give to our sorrow stricken sister and the bereaved family our deepest sympathy and warmest love, we would prayerfully commend them to the perfect sympathy and more perfect love of a kind Heavenly Father, who has promised to be a Father to the fatherless and the widows’ God. John C. Stockholm, one of the most highly respected citizens of this township, died very suddenly yesterday of dropsy of the heart. He had not been feeling very well for a few weeks past, but no one had any idea that it would be fatal. Mr. Stockholm came from Eureka, Montcalm county, in 1865, and has been engaged in business at Cook’s Corners ever since. He leaves a wife and granddaughter and a large circle of friends who mourn his loss sincerely. The funeral services will take place at the home of the deceased on Sunday next at 10:30 a.m. and at the church at 12:00 p.m. Probably five hundred friends attended the funeral services of the late John G. Stockholm, at Otisco, May 13, so widely was he known and beloved. The Washington Club, which originated in Grattan, of which he was a member, were present from far and near, to testify to their brother’s worth. He was a man in a thousand in everything that tends to make this life right and better and the life to come supremely blessed. Dear ones are crushed with grief, but heaven rejoices at the entrance of one so just and good. The stricken wife and grand-daughter have the tender sympathies of all. A son and daughter preceeded this beloved father to the better world. Additional Comments: Otisco Cemetery – Lot #173 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.5 Kb