Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Unger, Frank R. 1900 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marilyn Ransom June 10, 2011, 2:46 pm The Belding Banner, Thursday, January 3, 1901 When the news was first received here Sunday morning that Frank Unger was no more, it seemed almost impossible of belief, but unfortunately it was only too true. A resident here the larger share of his life he was known to most every one, vigorous and in the prime of young manhood, with flattering prospects, wife, baby, and a large circle of friends he had everything to make life bright and hopeful and to be thus cut off almost without a moment’s warning seemed indeed one of the mysteries of Providence. Accompanied by his wife and baby he came here last week to spend the holidays with the parents and friends of both in this city and vicinity. He was suffering from a slight throat trouble and complained a little Friday. Dr. Ferguson prescribed for him and said he thought he would be all right in a day or two. Saturday he seemed better and Sunday morning seemed all right when he awaked. He joked with his wife who had arisen first, and she brought him his tooth brush and a mug that he might brush his teeth. He was in the act of doing so, sitting up in bed, when he suddenly fell back, gave three gasps and expired without a word. The cause of death was neuralgia of the heart. He had had trouble with his heart before and had been examined twice since his residence in Detroit, to learn if that organ was all right and had been pronounced sound. He leaves a mother and brother residing in this city. The funeral services were held from the residence of the wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fales, in Orleans, where he died, Tuesday afternoon, January 1st, Rev. A. P. Moors, of Greenville, officiating, he being the same one that had married them in the same house , two years ago Oct. 26th. The services were under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias fraternity, he being a member of the same, the lodge from this city attending in a body and furnishing the pall bearers who were: J. E. Ferguson, G. F. Smith, L. W. Holmes, J. G. Wilbur, W. L. Cusser, G. D. Weter. The interment was in the River Ridge cemetery here. Frank began his business career with H. J. Leonard’s dry goods store here where he remained from ’90 to ’97, then went to Albany, Ind. for a short time. He then went into A. Krolick & Co.’s wholesale establishment in Detroit, and from there to Edson, Moore & Co.’s, whom he had represented on the road for two and one-half years, his territory being southern Michigan and northern Indiana. The following tribute from a friend was read at the funeral service: Frank R. Unger, while in the full strength of vigorous young manhood, was cut off from a career glowing with all that makes life beautiful and homes happy. His whole nature was instinct with manly qualities, which endeared him to the hearts of all with whom he was associated and commanded the respect and admiration of all who knew them. Yet in the twinkling of an eye all of his life’s hopes, and ambitions and bright prospects were blighted and we have left only the remembrance of a noble life, the love of a fond husband and father, an affectionate son and brother, and a most worthy friend. Although his life’s work was only fairly begun, he had learned the pleasures and the benefits of success. Each year of his life, since he entered into its responsibilities found him higher on the ladder of attainment, and for the coming of the new year he had mounted another round and turned his eyes upward toward a higher goal. His place in the business world may be filled but his sudden and untimely death will leave in the hearts of his family and friends a sorrow which time cannot heal, but only soften. He was born near Smyrna in the township of Otisco, June 6th, 1878, and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Unger, moved to Belding when he was less than a year old. He was educated in the public schools there, graduating from the high school in the class of 1890. One of his classmates who graduated with him, was the young lady he was to marry a little later. The friendship of the classroom grew into the fondness of the lovers. When he left the school on that June day it was with the unfaltering faith that he could make a place for himself and that other one, which would gladden the lives of both. How fully he realized that hope, his bereaved wife knows, while his success and the happiness of their married life bear testimony. He and Miss Maude Fales were married Oct. 26, 1898 at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren C. Fales, in the township of Orleans, immediately taking up their residence in Detroit. On the 19th of April last their young lives were gladdened by the advent of a son, Fales Devon Unger, who remains as a bright, sturdy, blossom to bless and sweeten the life of his dear, heart- broken mother. Thus in but a span has been measured the heights and depths of human happiness and desolation—the union and blending of two sympathetic lives, the joy of motherhood, the pride of fatherhood, the healthful, innocent carelessness of babyhood and the deep, dark, yawning abyss of young widowhood. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.7 Kb