Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Webster, John 1937 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marilyn Ransom May 8, 2012, 7:57 pm The Portland Observer, May 13, 1937 Death Takes John Webster at San Diego Was Former Well Known Resident and Business Man of Portland Sad News of Death Received Wednesday Relatives Here Awaiting Further Information as Details Were Meager Relatives here received word Wednesday morning of the death of John Webster Tuesday at San Diego, California. The information received was meager, merely stating he had died Tuesday. Mr. Webster was a former well known resident and business man of Portland, having for a number of years been engaged in the jewelry and shoe business here. He was born on the farm north of town known as the old Webster homestead, now owned and occupied by Mrs. Jack Sykes, fifty- nine years ago. In 1918 Mr. Webster left Portland and located in Detroit, remaining there two years when he went to California engaging in the jewelry business in San Diego. Three years ago he and his daughter, Mrs. Bryant Chandler, visited Portland and at that time his health was not the very best as he was suffering from heart trouble and the knowledge of that leads relatives here to believe that his death was sudden as they had not been advised of any other illness. On June 26, 1907 Mr. Webster was united in marriage to Miss Clara Smith, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Smith, who, with one daughter, Mrs. Bryan Chandler, of Honolulu, survives. One sister and two brothers also survive. They are Mrs. Dan Smith, of Portland, and Ira and James Webster, of Seattle, Washington; also one granddaughter, Debra Chandler, of Honolulu. Mrs. Veryl Tyler, of Portland is a sister-in-law. When the funeral will be held and whether or not the body will be brought here for burial is not known at present, as relatives here are awaiting further advices from California. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb