Ionia County MI Archives Obituaries.....Wells, Ellen A. 1874 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marilyn Ransom August 15, 2012, 11:40 pm The Ionia Standard, Friday, September 4, 1874 Died. WELLS—In Ionia, on the 23rd instant, after a brief illness, Ellen A., wife of Hon. Willard B. Wells, of this City, aged 36 years. The deceased, whose maiden name was Ellen A. Hatch, was born in the State of New York, in 1835. After pursuing her preparatory studies she entered the Young Ladies’ Seminary, at Mount Holyoke, Mass., from which institution she graduated in 1850. She then removed to Ionia, where for a time she taught in the Union School, and also in a select school. In 1861, she returned to her parental home, and in August of that year was united in marriage with Hon. Willard B. Wells. Mrs. Wells was a lady of finished education, and of a superior mind. She was well informed upon all the topics of the day, and notwithstanding the pressure of her daily duties, she perused the choicer works of our modern literature, and generally pursued some branch of study. With all these, however she was not wanting in the domestic virtues. She fulfilled to a remarkable degree Solomon’s description of the excellent wife and mother, in that “she looked well to the ways of her household.” Industrious in her habits, economical and prudent in her management and marked by energy and indomitable perseverance she accomplished results as would scarcely have been expected from one with a so naturally frail constitution. Few there are whose ambition, and whose interests were so closely associated with home. It was the height of her wishes, so far as this life was concerned, to render it attractive and pleasant for her family, and train up her children to faithfully serve God and their generation. As a wife, “the heart of her husband did safely truest in her.” She interested herself in his business, and was his wise and judicious counselor in all matter in which they had a common interest. As a mother, she loved her children with a self-sacrificing devotion. But far from injuring them with indulgence, she sought to cultivate in them habits of industry and self- reliance. She took a deep and lively interest in their studies, and watched most carefully over their mental and moral development. But with all her faithfulness as wife and mother she was also an attentive and kind neighbor, and the various moral and public interests of the community such as those of education, temperance and the promotion of literary cultivation and taste, were dear to her heart. Mrs. Wells was a sincere Christian. While at the Seminary at Mt. Holyoke, she consecrated herself to the service of her Savior. When about to leave the Institution, she resolved, with her class, to live “as seeing him who is invisible,” and this principle was indeed the mainspring of her activity at home, in the church and the community. Her piety was marked by the strength of her convictions, the firmness of her faith, the evenness of her daily experience and by a cheerful hope. The funeral of Mrs. Wells was attended from the Presbyterian Church, on the 26th inst., by a large number of our citizens, testifying in their deep sorrow that the blow had fallen not merely upon the afflicted husband and family, but upon the entire community. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb