INDEX TO: THE OSCODA PRESS, October 10th 1957 Oscoda Iosco County Michigan ********************************************************************** April 15 2014 Copyright c2014 by the Huron Shores Genealogical Society (HSGS), c/o the Robert J Parks Public Library, 6010 N Skeel Ave, Oscoda MI 48750, 989-739-9581, home page The Original Documents were hard copies of the Oscoda Press Newspaper. Indexing of the names was completed by Joan Doerr. Editing and published were done by Alonzo J Sherman. Listed below is an index to about 435 name citations printed in the Oscoda Press. Format of this index: 1. Name (m/m = Mr & Mrs) 2. Event Codes: ~mil Military ~milw Military, WAFB ~orc Other Record, Church ~ore Other Record, Education ~orl Other /Recrd, Legal ~orm Other /record, Medical ~oro Other Record, Occupation ~orpc Other Record, Property, Real Chattle ~orr Other Record, Relatives ~orx Other Record, Misc Mention ~phogn Photograph, Group, Person Named ~vrb Vital Record, Birth ~vrd Vital Record, Death ~vrdo Vital Record, Death, Probate ~vrdp Vital Record, Death, Obit ~vrm Vital Record, Marriage ~vrma Vital Record, Marriage, Aanniversary ~vrmd Vital Record Marriage, Divorce 3. Newspaper Date (Mo/Dy/Yr). 4. Newspaper Page & Column (Pg/Co). A copy of an indexed article is available for $4.00, post paid. Send your order and a check payable to The Huron Shores Genealogical Society, to the above address. Compiler: Alonzo J Sherman- Database Manager. ********************************************************************** Name Event Mo/Dy/Yr Pg/Col ********************************************************************** A Adams, Lyle ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Affelt, Anne Chaplain ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c1 Albert, Si ~oro 10/10/1957 p10c2 Albright, D J m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c5 Allen, Jack ~orr 10/10/1957 p3c4 Allen, Percy Mrs ~orr 10/10/1957 p3c4 Alliason, L B m/m ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c3 Alton, W A Mrs ~orr 10/10/1957 p3c2 Alverson, Louie ~phogn 10/10/1957 p8c1 Alverson, Louie ~orx 10/10/1957 p8c2 Amley, J M Mrs ~orx 10/10/1957 p5c4 Anderson, John ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c1 Auker, Chloris ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Awalt, Louis Cass III ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 B Bade, Arnold ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 Bailiff, Sandie ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Baker, Billie m/m ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c2 Baker, John m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c2 Ballor, Albert m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c2 Barkman, Debbie ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Barnes, Jerry ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Barnum, Robert ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Beck, Bob Secretary ~phogn 10/10/1957 p1c3 Beebe, Leo C ~oro 10/10/1957 p3c2 Belanger, Warren Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Belcher, Margaret ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c2 Bentley, Sgt ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c1 Bethel, Rose Ann ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Black, Robert Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Blesh, Inez Sergeant at Arms ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c1 Bollinger, Wilber m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c2 Bolton, Vern m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c3 Borosch, Nancy ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Botline, Joy ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p5c4 Braaksma, Leona ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c1 Bristor, John B Col ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c2 Broadwood, Lloyd ~orm 10/10/1957 p13c1 Broadwood, Mary ~orx 10/10/1957 p13c2 Browne, Mrs ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c2 Brubaker, Howard ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 Brumer, Casper ~phogn 10/10/1957 p13c1 Bukowski, Don ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Byrd, Janice ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 C Cady, Mary Lu ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Callahan, Aleta Faye ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Callahan, girl of m/m James Dennis Callahan ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Callahan, Zella Bean ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 Callison, C ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c3 Cameron, Sandy ~orm 10/10/1957 p13c1 Campbell, James m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c3 Carlson, C W "Doc" ~phogn 10/10/1957 p13c1 Carmack, Bob ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Carmack, Robert 1st VP ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c2 Carter, Bob Mrs ~orx ~milw 10/10/1957 p16c3 Catto, "Scotty" ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c5 Catto, "Scotty" ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Cederberg, E H "Al" Congressman ~phogn 10/10/1957 p13c1 Ceglarek, Jean ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c4 Ceglarek, Victor ~vrm 10/10/1957 p11c4 Ceglarek, Victor m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c5 Chapman, Les ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 Christeson, Ann ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Christie, J L Mrs ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c4 Chrivia, Dennis ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Clayton, Bonnie ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Clemens, Janet ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Coenen, Alphonse Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Colbath, Jessie (Harriet) ~orm 10/10/1957 p15c4 Colberg, John ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Cole, boy of m/m Marshall Cole ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Cole, Emily Superak ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 Cole, Mark Pearson ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Collins, boy of m/m Emmit Luther Collins ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Collins, Eileen Fagan ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 Collins, Michael Robert ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Cottrill, Bill ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 Cottrill, William ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Coulter, Ralph ~phogn 10/10/1957 p13c1 Crooks, Dick ~phogn 10/10/1957 p8c1 Crooks, Frances Habitzruther ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 Crooks, girl of m/m Robert James Crooks ~vrb ~mil 10/10/1957 p6c3 Crooks, Robin Kay ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Cullivan, E P m/m ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c1 Cullivan, Edward Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Curley, Harry ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Curley, Harry m/m ~orr 10/10/1957 p3c3 Curley, Jerry ~vrd 10/10/1957 p3c3 D Damerau, Herb m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p15c5 Dehnke, Herman Circuit Judge ~oro 10/10/1957 p2c3 DeLisle, girl of m/m Armond DeLisle ~vrb ~mil 10/10/1957 p16c2 DeLisle, Kathleen Anne ~vrb 10/10/1957 p16c2 DeLong, Leon ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Derr, Herbert Col ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c3 Derr, Herbert Col ~phogn 10/10/1957 p1c3 Derr, Herbert Col ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c3 Dewey, George Lt Col ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c3 Dimmick, Peggy ~vrm 10/10/1957 p13c5 Doak, Eddie ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c2 Donnely, George Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Dora, Joyce ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Draper, Howard "Bud" ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c5 Draper, Howard "Bud" Pres ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c2 Duncan, Dora ~orx 10/10/1957 p13c5 DuRussel, Henry P Fr ~oro 10/10/1957 p11c4 E Ecker, Edna ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Ewer, Belford R ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Ewing, Ray ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 Ewing, Ray ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Eymer, Howard ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c4 Eymer, Howard m/m ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c3 Eymer, Janice ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c3 F Fabera, George ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Fellows, David ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 Fellows, David ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Fellows, David A Mrs ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c1 Finnerty, Shelly ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Fletcher, Allen Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Foley, Ted m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c1 Folwell, Jane ~orr 10/10/1957 p16c2 Folwell, Thomas ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Forsten, Lurissa ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c2 Forsten, Lurissa ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c3 Forsyth, Warner m/m ~orm 10/10/1957 p2c4 Forsyth, Warner m/m ~orc 10/10/1957 p7c3 Fox, Otto E ~oro 10/10/1957 p15c3 Fralick, Saba Ann ~orr 10/10/1957 p7c2 Frank, William ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Frank, William Mrs ~orr 10/10/1957 p3c3 Frayer, boy of m/m John Herbert Frayer ~vrb 10/10/1957 p13c3 Frayer, Herbert m/m ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c3 Frayer, Leo Stanley ~vrb 10/10/1957 p13c3 Frayer, Nancy ~orm 10/10/1957 p13c4 French, Martha ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Freund, Guido ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c3 Frewen, William Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Fricke, Dorothy ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Frosh, Arno ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Fuerst, Lois ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c2 Fuller, Anne ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p5c5 Fullerton, Bob ~orr 10/10/1957 p3c1 Fullerton, Robert m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p15c5 Fullerton, Robert 2nd VP ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c2 Fullerton, Tim ~orr 10/10/1957 p3c1 Furtaw, C ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c3 G Gabruch, Miss ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c2 Gayfield, B ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c3 Gilbert, Dave ~orr 10/10/1957 p8c3 Gilbert, David m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c5 Gilbert, Mike ~ore 10/10/1957 p8c3 Gipson, Charlotte ~orx 10/10/1957 p13c3 Gould, Harold L ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c3 Graham, George ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c3 Graham, Kaye ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Grasser, Albert Sr ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c3 Grasser, Harriet ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c4 Greenwood, Carolyn ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c1 Gregory, Jack ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Griffin, ~orx 10/10/1957 p13c4 Gwinette, Al Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c3 H Hall, Bill Maj ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Hallock, Maurine ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p5c4 Hamilton, David ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Hans, Charles ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c3 Hans, Charles ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Hart, Bill ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 Hart, Bill ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Hass, Leonora ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c1 Hawkins, Vern Treasurer ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c2 Hayden, Sud ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c5 Hayden, Sutherland ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Heierman, Deann ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Hence, H C Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Henry, Sue ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Hess, Ruth ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c1 Hilliard, Shelly m/m ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Hofacer, Howard Chief ~orx ~phopn ~mil 10/10/1957 p1c1 Hofacer, Sie m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c1 Holder, Estelle 1st VP ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c1 Holder, Estelle Vice Pres ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c2 Holmes, Essie Corresponding Secretary ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c1 Hopcroft, Bill ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c3 Hoppe, Henry Deputy ~oro 10/10/1957 p16c4 Horton, Ila W ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Hubbard, George m/m ~orr 10/10/1957 p3c4 Humerickhouse, Ronnie H ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Hunt, boy of m/m Loren David Hunt ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Hunt, Loren David Jr ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Hunt, Loretta Martinez ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 Hunter, Karen ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 I Immel, Lavina ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c1 J Jackson, Bobby m/m ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c1 Jackson, Bobby m/m ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Jackson, Bobby Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 James, Norman Mrs ~orx 10/10/1957 p7c4 Janiski, Harry ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Johannes, Phyllis ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Johnson, boy of m/m Robert Doyle Johnson ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Johnson, Howard "Russ" ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 Johnson, Joanne King ~orx 10/10/1957 p6c3 Johnson, Ruth ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c1 Johnson, Timothy Doyle ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Jones, Wenford D ~orl 10/10/1957 p16c4 Jung, Kenneth Norman ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 K Kahn, David ~orm 10/10/1957 p13c4 Kahn, Maureen ~orx 10/10/1957 p13c5 Kaufman, Genevieve Treasurer ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c1 Keating, Michael S ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Kelly, Henry m/m ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c1 Kelly, Henry Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Keltner, Patricia ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Kennedy, Mae 2nd VP ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c1 Kennedy, Phelps ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c3 Killmaster, Ada Marie ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c1 Killmaster, Dick ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Kirkpatrick, Clinton Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Klein, Bruce Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Krefeldt, Henry ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 Kuenzle, Dale ~orx 10/10/1957 p13c4 Kuenzlie, John Treasurer ~phogn 10/10/1957 p1c3 Kutsche, W F Blake Dr ~oro 10/10/1957 p12c3 L Lane, Seanley Mrs ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c3 Langile, F G m/m ~orr 10/10/1957 p16c2 Langile, Jack m/m ~milw 10/10/1957 p16c2 Langile, Mike ~orr 10/10/1957 p16c2 LaPeral, Janet H ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Larson, Jack ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Lasure, Bryon ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Latosky, Betty ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Latosky, Cathy ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 LaVack, Gene ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c3 Lee, Herschel ~orm 10/10/1957 p12c3 Lennox, Em Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c3 Lennox, Monty m/m ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c1 Leslie, Arlene ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c2 Lewis, Nellie Sarah ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Lindow, Clarence F ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Loyer, George Jr ~vrm 10/10/1957 p13c4 Lynch, Helen ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c3 M MacCluer, LeRoy Detective ~oro 10/10/1957 p16c4 Main, James ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Mallak, David F m/m ~mil ~orx 10/10/1957 p7c1 Mallak, Sandy LaVack ~orr 10/10/1957 p7c1 Marvin, Fr ~oro 10/10/1957 p12c1 Matherson, Diane Louise ~vrb 10/10/1957 p2c2 Matherson, Diane Louise ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Matherson, girl of m/m Matherson ~vrb ~mil 10/10/1957 p2c2 Matherson, girl of m/m Robert Louis Matherson ~vrb ~mil 10/10/1957 p6c3 Matherson, Marie Goodwin ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 Mausolf, August ~vrdo 10/10/1957 p12c1 Mayer, Jack Mrs ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 McCluskey, Grace President ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c1 McCluskey, Grace President ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c2 McCord, Gertrude B ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 McCracken, Elsie ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c1 McDonald, George ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c5 McDonald, Mary ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c1 McGill, Bruce ~oro 10/10/1957 p1c2 McGillis, Bill ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c1 McGillis, Jim ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c1 McGuire, Donald Jr Director ~phogn 10/10/1957 p1c3 McKenzie, Beatrice ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 McKenzie, John Mrs ~orm 10/10/1957 p3c5 McLaughlin, Anne ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c3 McLaughlin, Frank ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c3 McLaughlin, Frank (Red) ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c2 McLaughlin, Leo ~vrdo ~mil 10/10/1957 p12c2 McMaster, Hugh Mrs ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c1 McMullen, Dorine ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c2 McNeill, Stewart ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c3 Miliron, Marvin ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c3 Miller, Larry ~ore 10/10/1957 p8c3 Mills, ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c2 Minard, Sue ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Mirach, Robert ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Molnar, Nancy ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Monroe, Charles ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c2 Moore, Gwen ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c1 Musick, Shelby ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 N Nagel, John ~vrma ~mil 10/10/1957 p2c2 Nagel, Margaret ~vrma ~mil 10/10/1957 p2c2 Neff, Margo ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Nelson, boy of m/m Roger Duane Nelson ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Nelson, Jane Bolen ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 Newton, Mary ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Newvine, Grace ~orm 10/10/1957 p10c5 Newvine, Sandra ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Nixon, Don ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c2 O O'Neil, boy of m/m Richard Delano O'Neil ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 O'Neil, Eugenia Gos ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 O'Neil, James Eugene ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Osborn, W S Dr ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c2 Osborn, W S Dr ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c3 P Parent, Mary Lou ~vrm 10/10/1957 p13c4 Parent, Ray m/m ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c4 Perry, Frank ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Perry, Howard ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c2 Perry, Jenny ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c2 Plachta, Judy ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Plew, Mrs ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c1 Ploughe, Selma Secretary ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c1 Ploughe, Selma Secretary ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c2 Pomaville, Betty ~ore 10/10/1957 p11c2 Pomaville, Betty ~ore 10/10/1957 p7c5 Poole, Berma Jean ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Porter, Alberta ~orr 10/10/1957 p16c4 Porter, Willard A ~orpc 10/10/1957 p16c4 Powers, Cherry ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Powers, Robert m/m ~orm 10/10/1957 p7c2 Prescott, George A Co Clerk ~oro 10/10/1957 p10c1 Prescott, George A Co Clerk ~oro 10/10/1957 p10c2 Pringle, Beulah ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Procunier, Dick ~orm 10/10/1957 p13c1 R Rasdorf, Robert ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c4 Reasner, Barbara Ann ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Reeves, Warren ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Reider, Sam m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c2 Rettelle, Pauline ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c3 Richardson, Robert ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Richardson, Robert ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c2 Richardson, Robert ~orx 10/10/1957 p7c5 Richardson, Robert Supt ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c2 Rickert, John m/m ~vrma 10/10/1957 p13c5 Ritenour, Don ~milw 10/10/1957 p16c2 Ritenour, Patty ~orr 10/10/1957 p16c2 Roach, Mary Jean ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Rollins, Betty Porter ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 Rollins, boy of m/m John Dudley Rollins ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Rollins, James Mark ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Rosen, Sherman ~oro 10/10/1957 p6c1 Rosenfeld, Max Dr ~oro 10/10/1957 p6c1 Rowell, Donald ~orx 10/10/1957 p12c3 Ruedisueli, James ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 S Satin, David ~oro 10/10/1957 p10c2 Sawyer, Ralph ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c3 Schmidt, Carl E ~oro 10/10/1957 p6c1 Secosky, Walter Sr Director ~phogn 10/10/1957 p1c3 Senter, Ken ~phogn 10/10/1957 p8c1 Sheets, Patricia ~orm 10/10/1957 p11c3 Shellenbarger, Linda ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Skillman, Harry ~orr 10/10/1957 p7c2 Skillman, Harry Jr ~orr 10/10/1957 p7c2 Skillman, Harry m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c3 Smith, Charles E Supervisor ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c3 Smith, Charles E Supervisor ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c4 Smith, E ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c3 Smith, Frances ~vrm 10/10/1957 p11c4 Snide, JoAnn ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Sommers, boy of m/m Raymond George Sommers ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Sommers, Evangela Fitzgerald ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 Sommers, Ronald Edward ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Spaid, Imogene ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c1 Spencer, Blanche ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Spraag, Warren ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c4 Spragg, Coach ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c5 Spragg, Warren ~orx 10/10/1957 p8c3 Steffes, Leo ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c3 Steffes, Peter Anthony ~vrdp 10/10/1957 p11c3 Stickney, Bert ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c2 StJohn, Betty ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Strelecki, Carolyn ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Strelecki, Marian ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Sturtevant, Janice ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Svanberg, Carol ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Sweek, Barbara ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 T Taft, R ~orx 10/10/1957 p11c3 Tate, Edward ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c1 Tate, Jack m/m ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c1 Tate, Pat ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c1 Tate, Raymond Mrs ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c3 Taylor, Richard ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c3 Taylor, Richard ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Thacker, Buford Capt ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c3 Thayer, Mary ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Thomas, Sandra ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Thomas, Walter m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c3 Thornton, Kenneth ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Thrasher, Rosemary ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p5c5 Tibble, Ralph m/m ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c2 Tible, Ralph Capt ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p13c1 Todd, Thomas Major ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p13c1 Todd, Tom m/m ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c1 Tolgo, Alice ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Trafford, Roy ~oro 10/10/1957 p10c3 Trafford, Roy ~orx 10/10/1957 p16c3 Trafford, Roy Mrs ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c4 Trigger, Harold m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c3 Trigger, Harold m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p15c5 Trombley, Corrine ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 V VanUnen, Cheryl Dawn ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 VanUnen, Elaine Zuist ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 VanUnen, girl of m/m Rolland Glen VanUnen ~vrb ~mil 10/10/1957 p6c3 Vaughan, Kirk ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c4 Vaughan, Kirk President ~phogn 10/10/1957 p1c3 Vecotte, Jane ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c1 W Wagner, Jerry ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c3 Wald, Fred Maj ~orx ~milw 10/10/1957 p16c2 Waldeck, Herman Mrs ~orr 10/10/1957 p13c1 Warner, girl of m/m Cecil Alwood Warner ~vrb 10/10/1957 p6c3 Warner, Rose Anschuetz ~orr 10/10/1957 p6c3 Waszkiewicz, Marianne ~orx 10/10/1957 p4c2 Weaver, Clarence m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p3c2 Weaver, Floyd ~orm 10/10/1957 p3c3 Webster, Pat ~phogn 10/10/1957 p8c1 Weed, S E m/m ~orx 10/10/1957 p10c5 Weis, Lester ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c3 Welton, Carl ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c4 Welton, Earl ~orx 10/10/1957 p1c4 Welton, Earl ~phogn 10/10/1957 p8c1 Welton, Earl Vice President ~phogn 10/10/1957 p1c3 Westerlund, Carol ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c1 Whistler, Betty ~milw ~orx 10/10/1957 p2c1 White, Annette ~oro 10/10/1957 p4c2 White, Sue ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Willing, Barbara ~orr 10/10/1957 p12c4 Wilson, Billy ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Wilson, T N Col ~orx ~milw 10/10/1957 p16c2 Wilson, Talmadge Mrs ~orx ~milw 10/10/1957 p16c2 Wilson, Thomas Col ~orx ~milw 10/10/1957 p5c1 Worden, Margaret ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Worrick, Mark Mrs ~orx ~milw 10/10/1957 p16c3 Wright, Betty ~ore 10/10/1957 p4c2 Y Young, Viola ~oro 10/10/1957 p13c1 ********************************************************************** MIGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. 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