Lapeer County MI Archives Obituaries.....Ferns, George M. January 9, 1913 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Hal Prentice February 26, 2006, 1:10 am Lapeer County Press abt. January 11, 1913 George M. Ferns was born in Aafa (Jaffa), Ontario, Elgin Co, Canada October 8, 1842, and at the age of 21 came to Almont, Michigan remaining there about 4 years and from thence to Oregon Township, Lapeer County, where he bought a farm, clearing it up and helping to make the first roads in that section (Ferns Road). He was a hard working and upright man. He remained on the farm until about 10 years ago, when through ill health he was obliged to leave the farm and move to Lapeer where he resided until his death January 9, 1913. He was married to Miss Susie (Susan) Clark and by her leaves five children: George, Alfred, Herbert, Viola (Mrs. George Crawford) of Detroit, and Flora (Mrs. James Sweeney) of Hadley. January 1 1880, he married Miss Sophia Sites and this union was born 2 children: Myra (Mrs. David Broadworth) and Ezra of Twining to mourn his loss. Additional Comments: From "Descendants of William & Eliza Ferns: Ontario & Michigan" by George William Ferns, Lansing, MI, September 1999; also from Ferns family bible in my possession. This bible was possibly owned by George Ferns. The bible has George M. Ferns' obituary pasted in front cover by son Ezra L. Ferns. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb