Mecosta County MI Archives Biographies.....Falardo, Joseph July 28, 1837 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jan Cortez April 18, 2009, 1:21 pm Author: Chapman Brothers JOSEPH FALARDO, resident at Big Rapids, was born in St. Esprit, Province of Quebec, July 28, 1837. He is a son of Louis and Lucille Falardo, the former a carpenter and a wagon-maker by trade. Mr. Falardo is of French descent, his ancestos having emigrated from that country to America. The family name has been changed from Falardeau to its present fomr. Mr. Falardo began life for himself as a clerk in a general store, where he was employed two years, and at the end of that time went to New Hartford, Conn., where he worked in a cotton mill about 18 months. His father moved to Brooklyn, N.Y., and he learned the carpenter's trade with him, and pursued it five years. At the end of that time his parents removed to Cohoes, N.Y., where he went to work in a sash, door and blind factory, and was thus employed one year, when he bought the machinery and fixtures of the concern, and began operations on his own account, associated with John De Cillier and his father Louis Falardo. Mesrs. Falardo and De Villier bought out the interest of the senior Falardo at the end of a year, and continued operations six months, when the mill was sold, and it became necesary to remove their machinery. In December, 1861, Mr. Falardo formed a partnership with E.B. Hayes, and established a sash, door and blind factory at Vergennes, Ct., where they employed an average working force of 100 men, and usually turned out between 300 and 400 doors daily. There business was extended and prosperous, and at the end of eight years Mr. Falardo bought the interest of Mr. Hayes and connected himself with Charles C. Parker. The latter relation existed over three years, but the financial crisis which wrought such mischief in every avenue of business, affected them seriously and the affairs of the concern were brought to a close. Mr. Falardo went to Essex, N.Y., and entered the employ of his two brothers in the same line of business. A year later he went to Whallonburg, in the same county, and manged the mills of Capt. Root one year. His next business venture was at Whitehall, N.Y., where he formed a partnership with Mr. Hayes, and leased a mill, which they operated about 18 months, and in February, 1882, they came to Big Rapids, buolt their mills, and established themselves in business. The concern is under the proprietorship of Joseph F. Hayes, and is conducted by Mesrs. Hayes and Falardo. A working force of 50 men is employed, and the daily products are 125 doors and 80 pairs of blinds. The machinery employed is the best known in the business. Mr. Falardo was married at Cohoes, N.Y., Aug. 23, 1859, to Apolline Le Boeuf, a native of Canada, bonr April 8, 1841. The household includes six children: Eli V.R., Mary, Theodora, Charles, Edward and Lucille. During his residence in the city of Vergennes, he was Alderman two years and Justice of the Peace three years. The family belong to the Roman Catholic Church. Additional Comments: 1883 Portrait & Bio Album of Mecosta Co. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb