Mecosta County MI Archives Biographies.....Howd, Walter S. December 16, 1829 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jan Cortez April 17, 2009, 4:06 pm Author: Chapman Brothers WALTER S. HOWD, flour and feed merchant at Millbrook village, was born in Canada, Dec. 16, 1829. His parents, Samuel B. and Lovinda (Gould) Howd, natives respectively of New York, settled in Canada, finally returning to New York, where the mother died and the father married again. He located at Syracuse, N.Y., for a time and afterward went to Kansas and Missouri, where he died at the age of 74. When 14 years old Mr. Howd was apprenticed to learn the trade of molder, at which he served two and one-half years. He was afterward occupied about the same length of time as clerk in a grocery, when he resumed his trade, but was obliged by illness to quit it and seek other means of obtaining a livelihood. He was employed for some time in a grocery at Cleveland, and in the summer of 1855 came to Gratiot Co., Mich., where he bought 200 acres of land under the "Gradation Act." After clearing 30 acres of this land he sold out and purchased a similar farm in the southern part of the same county, in order to secure for his children the superior educational advantages of that section. Three years later he sold again and came to Mecosta County, where he entered a claim of 160 acres of land in the townships of Millbrook and Wheatland under the provisions of the Homestead Act. This he sold, and invested his money and interest in the mercantile business and located at Millbrook, where he is carrying on a flourishing trade. In politics Mr. Howd is a Republican. He has been Probate Judge four years and served 12 years as Justive of the Peace. He belongs to the Order of Masonry, and is a member of the fraternity of Odd Fellows. He was married in Cleveland, O., to Louisa M., daughter of Samuel Pease, a native of the State of New York. Mrs. Howd died in Gratiot County, leaving three children: Levant P., Martha E. and Albert J. Mr. Howd was married in Gratiot County, to Almira, daughter of Benjamin Hawkins, and their three children are: Francis A., Mry and Sarah R. Mrs. Howd belongs to the M.E. Church. Additional Comments: 1883 Portrait & Bio Album of Mecosta Co. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb