Mecosta County MI Archives Biographies.....Kent, Rufus March 16, 1820 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jan Cortez April 17, 2009, 3:57 pm Author: Chapman Brothers RUFUS KENT, farmer on sec. 1, Mecosta Tp., was born in Hampshire Co., Mass., March 16, 1820. His parents, Samuel and Loretta (Borden) Kent, were natives of New England, of English ancestry. His mother died when he was six years old, and he remained under the care of his father until he was of age, attending school winters and working on the farm summers. On attaining to man's estate in 1841, he went to Pennsylvania and found employ with his uncle, remaining one year, and was afterward in the service of various other persons. He rented the farm of the McCoy estate in 18--, and there remained until the winter of 1856, when he settled on the place where he now resides, in Mecosta Tp. The family first lived in a rude house of logs, with one room and one window. Ventilation and light were secured by the style as well as method of the architecture. Succeeding seasons have gradualy improved their condition until Mr. Kent now owns a farm considered second to none in the county, containing 310 acres, worth $100 an acre, and supplied with first- class buildings. At the date of their location the wilderness was in its primal condition, bears and wolves disputing the right of possession with the settlers. One instance is related of a bold Bruin, which approached near enough to a blackberrying party to devour a pail of the fruit which had been gathered and left to await the end of the picking. Mr. Kent occupies a prominent position in his township as a pioneer and a man interested in all that can affect the substantial and material growth and prosperity of the community. He is a Democrat in political sentiment, and although he has held the post of Supervisor two years, he has, with that exception, declined all elective positions save that of Township Clerk, which he held two years. He was married June 3, 1847, to Mary, daughter of David Butler. The family were of English descent. Mrs. Kent was born in 1826, and died June 27, following her marriage, a period of a little more than three weeks. Mr. Kent was again married Dec. 18, 1848, to Mrs. Mary McCoy, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Lock) Greer, of Scotch and Irish descent. Mrs. Kent was born May 14, 1825, in Mercer Co., Pa., She was left an orphan at the age of 13 years and secured such educational and other advantages as she could under the circumstances. The 12 children of Mr. and Mrs. Kent were born as follows: Laura, Oct. 9, 1849; Sadie, Sept. 8, 1851; Edward, Sept. 17, 1854; Mattie, May 16, 1858; Thompson V., Sept. 20, 1859; Monroe, Aug. 3, 1862; William G., June 17, 1865. The above are the survivors, seven in number. Following is the record of the deceased: Franklin, born, Feb. 12, 1853, died Oct. 19, 1855; James L., born Sept. 17, 1856, died June 28, 1860; Ernest, born Feb. 14, 1861, died Feb. 22, 1861. John G. McCoy, a son by the first marriage of Mrs. Kent, was born April 28, 1847, and died Feb 14, 1871. The parents are members of the M.E. Church, and take a great interest in the moral and intellectual developmet of their children. The daughter Mattie is a teacher in the high school at Cadillac, Mich. Additional Comments: 1883 Portrait & Bio Album of Mecosta Co. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb