Copyright © 2004 Submitted by: Jan Cortez This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** Pioneer Magnet: January 13, 1881 KILLED - Samuel Friar was instantly killed last Friday afternoon at Grandell's lumber camp, some three or four miles northeast of this city. He was driving past where choppers were at work, and the topmost end of a falling tree struck and crushed him into a shapeless mass. His face and head were not mangled nor bruised, but almost every bone in his body below the neck was broken. The team was not injured, neither were the sleighs broken. Deceased was driving one of Anderson & North's teams, and had been thus employed since early in November last. He was an uncle by marriage of R.H. Anderson, of this city; was about 48 or 50 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child - nearly grown up - whose home is at York, Ontario. Mr. Anderson left for Canada with the remains last Monday morning.