Mary a Crandall’s obituary, Ensley, Newaygo County, Michigan Copyright © 1999 by Dennis Zank. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. _________________________________________________________________________________ OBITUARY-CRANDALL Mrs. J. V. Crandall passed away at her home in Ensley, May 23, 1909, age 77 years and 26 days. She was formerly Mary A. Clawson, daughter of Gerrett and Lydia Clawson, was born April 27, 1832 at Hector, Schuyler county, N. Y. November 10, 1852, she was united in marriage to John V. Crandall at Hector, N. Y., and in the spring of 1856 they came to Michigan settling in Ensley township, which has been her home for 53 years, and to this union two childern were born, Ida (Crandall) Bailard, who is now dead, and Eugene E. Crandall of Luther, Mich. She was a member of the Baptist church of Cedar Springs for several years, later uniting with the Ensley Center Baptist church. About nine weeks ago she had a stroke of paralyses from which she never recovered, death at last releasing her suffering. She leaves a son and two grandchildren to mourn her loss, besides other relatives and hosts of friends. The funeral was held at the home, May 25, Elder Spring of Ensley officiating; interment in Crandall cemetery. Paper and date unknown.. dz