Obit for SWENSON, Anton (b.1864 d.1937), Ramsey Co., MN ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. If you have found this file through a source other than the MNArchives Table Of Contents you can find other Minnesota related Archives at: Please note the county and type of file at the top of this page to find the submitter information or other files for this county. FileFormatted by Terri--MNArchives Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Laurie Keller Submitted: January 2005 ========================================================================= Chisago County Press 15 April 1937 FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR ANTON SWENSON MONDAY Death Came Last Thursday After Week's Illness; Was 72 Years Old Funeral services were held from the Trinity Lutheran Church Monday of Anton F. Swenson, age 72 and one of the oldest members of that church, who died at his home last Thursday. Death came to Mr. Swenson from the result of a stroke following a week's illness. He passed away quietly being unconcious [sic] during his last hours. Born in Aringabrodd, Broddmola, Kronoberg's Lan, Sweden June 21, 1864 Mr. Swenson came to America in 1884 going first to Stillwater. For ten years he worked as a lumberman in the woods and on the river seeing much of the colorful days of this country during the boom period. He married Charlotte Fredeen of Taylors Falls in July 1894 and then settled on the farm 3 miles south of Lindstrom where he has remained during the past 43 years. To this union five children were born, one Eben who died in infancy. Leeft to mourn his loss are his wife, Mrs. Charlotte Swenson and the following daughters, Mrs. A. W. Nicklason of Lindstrom; Mrs. William F. Dabelsteen of San Francisco and Mrs. E. Sutherland of Denver, Colorado; one son, Abner residing at home; six brother [sic] namely Charles W. Swenson of Lindstrom, Emil and Frank E. of Stillwater, Albin, Manfred and Otto Swenson of Sweden. Two sisters preceded him in death. He also leaves 13 grandchildren and a arge number of friends and neighbors who mourn his loss. Officiating at the services was Rev. M. A. Haker, pastor. The pallbearers wer esix nephews: Leo and Guy Fredeen of Minneapolis, Rueben, ed and Harry of Stillwater and Waldemar Swenson of Lindstrom.