Partial Listing of Mable Luthern Cemetery, Mable, Fillmore Co., MN

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Mabel Lutheran Cemetery (Partial)
Fillmore County, Mabel, MN

Surname		First & Maiden	Born		Died

BACON		Georgiana	Apr. 21, 1871 - Aug. 6, 1897
		wife of F. W. Bacon
BACON		Leland		June 6, 1897 - Sept. 14, 1897
		son of F. W. & G. Bacon
BAKKE		Clarence	Mar. 29, 1897 - Aug. 8, 1969
		MN PVT CO. B 125 Engineers  WW II
BAKKE		Rose		Dec. 9, 1895 - Mar. 21, 1978
BILLMEYER	Rose Marie	1912 - 1961
BURKHOLDER	Clifford R.	1915 - 1987
		f. of Richard, Ronald & Gary
BURKHOLDER	Phyllis C.	1917 -
		m. of Richard, Ronald & Gary
CARPENTER	Gertrude S.	Oct. 31, 1894 - Jan. 6, 1895
		d. of M. A. & L. L. Carpenter
CARPENTER	Lrena L.	Sept. 2, 1868 - Oct. 16, 1896
		w. of M. A. Carpenter
FOSSUM		Else Maria	Mar. 8, 1854 - Jan. 4, 1917
FOSSUM		Embret J.	Sept. 26, 1841 - Jan. 15, 1916
FOSSUM		Herman O.	1885 - 1980
HAGEN		Geneva R.	1895 -
HAGEN		Henry L.	1888 - 1962
HANSON		George G.	1898 - 1983
HANSON		Gunvald	Sept. 24, 1896 - Oct. 1, 1919
HANSON		Irene E.	1912 -
HARKNESS	Ann A.		1907 -
HARKNESS	Charles E.	1875 - 1941
HARKNESS	Clarence E.	1903 -
HARKNESS	Luella L. GordonSept. 5, 1873 - Aug. 1, 1914
		w. of Charles Harkness
HEGG		Elmer		Feb. 7, 1896 - June 9, 1948
HELLIKSON	Anna		Dec. 26, 1863 - Aug. 5, 1941
HELLIKSON	George C.	Dec. 14, 1860 - July 24, 1904
JOHNSON		Albert K.	1887 - 1948
JOHNSON		Hazel B.	1893 - 1972
JOHNSON		Iva L. 		Apr. 16, 1891 - Nov. 28, 1978
		d. of Frank Todt and Carrie Reynolds Todt Nelson
JOHNSON		Kenneth E.	Feb. 3, 1919 - Jan. 7, 1974
		s. of Leonard & Iva Johnson : TEC 5  US Army  WW II
JOHNSON		Knute		1917 -
JOHNSON		Leonard J.	Mar. 16, 1894 - Nov. 14, 1987
JOHNSON		Lois A.		1919 -
JOHNSON		Maynard E.	1924 - 1945
		s. of Leonard & Iva Johnson : 
		PFC  US Armored Inf. 12th Div. WW II	
KINGSBURY	Curtis L.	Dec. 7, 1931 - Sept. 22, 1974
		S. Sgt. USAF  Korea
MUNSON		Eliza		1856 - 1924
MUNSON		John		1844 - 1928
NELSON		Carrie E.	1872 - 1929
		Caroline E. Reynolds Todt Nelson
NORELL		Margaret Bacon	Apr. 25, 1891 - Sept. 4, 1960
ONSGAARD	Ida		1871 - 1982
OPSAHL		Baby		born & died 1961
OPSAHL		Marilyn		1942 - 1969
RANDALL		Lew L.		1863 - 1936
RANDALL		Mary		1881 - 1959
REYNOLDS	Charles B. P.	Aug. 15, 1826 - Dec. 26, 1895
		CO. F  18th MN Infantry  Civil War
RICH		Sarah A. Reynolds Jan. 1, 1850 - Oct. 30, 1899
		Sarah Ann Cater Reynolds Rich
ROLLINS		Borghild J.	1917 -
ROLLINS		Royal F.	1916 - 1971
SEEGMILLER	Florence	1915 - 1974
SEEGMILLER	Jesse		1910 - 
SELLMAN		Charles F.
SHERBURNE	Carrie Mytten	1886 - 1918
		w. of Merton Sherburne
SHERBURNE	Charles		1869 - 1955
		h. of Hannah Gorder
SHERBURNE	Charles		1905 - 1965
		s. of Charles & Hannah Sherburne
SHERBURNE	Darol M.	Mar. 15, 1916 - Sept. 4, 1943
		Stf. Sgt.  2 AAF Anti Sub Sq. WW II     
		s. of Merton & Carrie Sherburne
SHERBURNE	Fannie Watkins	1898 - 1975
		w. of Merton Sherburne
SHERBURNE	Gertrude S.	1914 - 1915
		d. of Merton  & Carrie Mytten Sherburne
SHERBURNE	Hannah Gorder	1879 - 1966
		w. of Charles Sherburne
SHERBURNE	Hial N.		1838 - 1919
		h. of Susan Copeman Sherburne
SHERBURNE	Louisa Carrier	1837 - 1920
		w. of William Sherburne
SHERBURNE	Merton		1881 - 1963
		h. of Fannie Watkins Sherburne
SHERBURNE	Susan Copeman	1844 - 1921
		w. of Hial Sherburne
SHERBURNE	William		1832 - 1914
		h. of Louisa Carrier Sherburne
SHERVEN		Andrew O.
SHERVEN		Hannah Maria
SINCLAIR	Wilhelmena
SKAAR		Josephine
SOBERG		Alfred O	Oct. 21, 1903 - Nov. 25, 1952
SPANDE		Albert N.	1889 - 1974
SPANDE		Minerva		1891 - 1982
SWENSON		Anna		Mar. 29, 1869 - Feb. 13, 1928
SWENSON		Anna K.		Oct. 12, 1834 - June 3, 1913
SWENSON		Knud B.		Sept. 7, 1828 - Dec. 29, 1897
TABER		Charles D.	1858 - 1933
TABER		Infant		Sept. 8, 1898 - Sept. 9, 1899
		s. of C. D. & L. E. Taber
TABER		Laura E.	1862 - 1938
THOMAS		George		1857 - 1945
THOMAS		Rettie		1860 - 1945
THOMPSON	Clifford	1898 -
		h. of Eva; f. of Janis P.
THOMPSON	Eva		1900 -
		w. of Clifford; m. of Janis P.
THOMPSON	Janis P.	1937 - 1962
		d. of Clifford & Eva Thompson
THOMPSON	Ronald L.	1928 - 1963
TOLLEFSON	Ellen		July 13, 1851 - Dec. 7, 1930
TOLLEFSON	Leonard		1884 - 1918
TOLLEFSON	O. L.		May 7, 1851 - Oct. 6, 1903
TREANGEN	Inga		1894 - 1961
TREANGEN	Oscar		1892 - 1967
WHITE		Amy T.		1880 - 1975
WHITE		J. C.		1876 - 1947