Obit for BRUBER, Oscar (d.1904), Goodhue Co., MN
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Red Wing Daily Republican - Thursday, September 8, 1904 3:2
Oscar Bruber died at 11:30 last evening at his home in Hay Creek, of 
dropsy of the heart.  He had been ailing for a considerable period and 
during the past six weeks he was constantly confined to his bed.  Mr. 
Bruber was born in Red Wing about 43 years ago.  The family resided in 
this city for some time and then removed to Paririe Island.  Oscar bought 
a farm near Mazeppa, where he resided for a number of years and about 
five years ago he bought a farm in Hay Creek, where he has since made 
his home.  He was twice married, and his second wife and four children 
survive him.  Mr. Bruber is also survived by his mother, Mrs. F. W. Bruber, 
his sisters, Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mrs. Lillie Lundgren, Mrs. Hugh Facinsci 
[sic Krasinsky] of St. Paul, and Mrs. Geo Day of Prairie Island; and three
brothers. Victor, Joseph and Theodore, all of whom live in St. Paul.  
The arrangement for the funeral have not been completed, but it is likely 
to take place on Saturday.
Red Wing Daily Republican - Thursday, September 8, 1904 
Oscar Bruber's house in Hay Creek caught fire last night, probably from 
a defective chimney, and only by heroic efforts of those present, was the 
house saved.  The damage done is estimated at $400 or $500.
Red Wing Daily Republican - Monday, September 12, 1904 3:2
Funeral services over the reamins of Oscar Bruber were held at the 
residence in Hay Creek Saturday afternoon at 2 0'clock, Rev. E. H. 
Moore officiating.  The funeral was largely attended and the floral 
tributes were many and beautiful.  Interment was in Oakwood cemetery 
in this city.  The relatives who attended the funeral were Mrs. Frank 
Johnson, Mrs. Hugh Facinsci [sic Krasinsky], Victor, Joseph, and 
Theodore Bruber of St. Paul, and Mrs. George Day of Prairie Island.