Inhabitants of Kanabec County 1865 Minnesota State Census ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. If you have found this file through a source other than the MNArchives Table Of Contents you can find other Minnesota related Archives at: Please note the county and type of file at the top of this page to find the submitter information or other files for this county. Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Kathryn Kelly ========================================================================= The following lists the inhabitants of Kanabec County, Minnesota on the first day of June, 1865 according to the 1865 Minnesota State Census enumerated by Alvah T. Louge. The families are listed by household, six total households. (F = female, M = male) 1 G. W. Nesbitt M Martha Nesbitt F C. A. Nesbitt M Mary Nesbitt F Ella Nesbitt F Norah Nesbitt F Hattie Nesbitt F F. W. Nesbitt M 2 G. Koppler M Phillippine Koppler F Chatrina Koppler F Louisa Koppler F George Koppler M David Lord M Andrew Johnston M Alex Craig M E. Thompson M B. F. Bishop M S. A. Hutchinson M B. L. Gifford M 3 Alvah T. Louge M Mariah R. Louge F Samuel R. Louge M Sarah Aien Louge F Franklin A. Louge M 4 Joseph P. Woodman M 5 Daniel Gordon M Clara Gordon F Damari S. Tallman F Jane Ann Tallman F 6 Samuel Estus M