Obit for FREMBERG, Mrs. John (Christine Thompson) (b.1860 d.1942), Kandiyohi Co., MN ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. If you have found this file through a source other than the MNArchives Table Of Contents you can find other Minnesota related Archives at: Please note the county and type of file at the top of this page to find the submitter information or other files for this county. FileFormat by Terri--MNArchives Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Pam Kantola Submitted: February 2004 ========================================================================= CHRISTINE THOMPSON - FREMBERG Willmar Weekly Tribune, March 11, 1942 (page 3) Obituary Mrs. John Fremberg The funeral rites for the late Mrs. John Fremberg, of Lake Andrew township were held at New London last Saturday. Brief services took place at the Johnson Funeral home where the officiating clergyman, Rev. O. E. T. Peterson, sang a song and Miss Karine Larson sang a solo. The old bell in the steeple of the Lebanon church tolled as the cortege wended its way through the village and arrived at the church, parrying the remains of one who was in all probability the first white child born in the original Nest Lake congregation. Eighty-one years ago Rev. Peterson delivered a very telling discourse, read a brief biography and gave the names of donors of gifts for worthy causes which had been given in honor of the memory of the deceased. Rev. Peterson sang an opening song; Misses Loraine and Maxine Fremberg, nieces of the deceased, and Misses Hazel and Sylvia Olander sang duets; and Miss Karine Larson sang the closing song. Miss Hazel Olander presided at the pipe organ. It was and i! mpressive service. The interment took place in the church yard close by. The pallbearers were Arnold Henjum, Wallace, Clarence and Arthur Lindahl, Waldon Nelson and Alvin Nordin. Grandsons of the deceased. There was a large attendance of friends to pay their respects to the memory of the deceased. Mrs. Christine Thompson Fremberg was born at Nest Lake may 5, 1860. The first boy born in the township was Oliver Thompson, a cousin of the deceased, who was born a year later. The Thompson family came from an estate called Grönäs in Järfsö parish, Hälsingland, Sweden in the summer of 1850, and lived the first nine years at Waupaca, Wisconsin. In 1859 they came to the Nest Lake area, what was then Monongalia county. The head of the family was John Thompson Sr., and his wife's name was Karin. They had three sons-Thomas, John, and Peter Jr. and one daughter Brita, who became Samuel Stoner. The year after the Nest Lake area John and his wife Ellen became parents to the daughter known as Christine. The daughter Carrie who became Mrs. P. O. Johnson, who was born at Waupaca is now deceased. In 1862 at the time of the Indian uprising the family had to flee for their lived to the eastern settlements. The grandparents and the uncle Peter Thompson, Jr., never! returned to this community. the latter became on of the leading citizens of Worthington. The John Thompson's came back and lived on Section 30. Later in life they moved to Section 16, near the village. Other children born in the family were Peter G. (now deceased) John O. of Lake Andrew and Mary (Mrs. Emil Johnson) of Minneapolis. The two survivors were present at the funeral. Christine was confirmed by the pioneer paster Rev. Andrew Jackson. and was confirmed into he Lutheran faith under the instruction of Re. Eric Hedeen. She attended the public school in District No. 9. On July 31, 1882, she was united in marriage with John Fremberg. They have made their home in Lake Andrew township. Seven children were born to them. One of whom, Philip, died in infancy. The others are Ella; Mrs Peter Lindal; Elmer, Josephine, Mrs Paul Nordin; Alice, Mrs. Geo Nelson; Louis and Edward - Three sons live at the old home and all live in the neighborhood except the Nelson's at Kerkhoven. The deceased Mrs. Fremberg has been failing of late with infirmities of old age and passed from this life February 23, at the age of 81 years, nine months and 18 days. Leaving her husband and the children to mourn her departure. With eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren, one brother in law; August Fremberg, the twin brother of her husband, his family and many other relatives Peace to her memory.