Obit for PETERSON, Victor T. (b.1872 d.1920), Kandiyohi Co., MN ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. If you have found this file through a source other than the MNArchives Table Of Contents you can find other Minnesota related Archives at: Please note the county and type of file at the top of this page to find the submitter information or other files for this county. FileFormat by Terri--MNArchives Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Joanne Peterson Submitted: May 2007 ========================================================================= Willmar Tribune, June 23, 1920, page 1 OBITUARY -- VICTOR T. PETERSON The unlooked for and sad news of the passing of the county-wide known and respected citizen, Victor T. Peterson of East Lake Lillian, cast a shadow of sadness among his many friends which persists to linger with them. His death was recorded on Thursday morning during the first hour when his spirit fled from his bodily abode. His period of illness was brief, enduring but a week, but his condition was so delicate that he succumbed in the Swedish Hospital in Minneapolis before an operation could be affected. Victor T. Peterson first saw the light of this world on February 11th, 1872, on the farm of his father near Acton, Meeker county in this state. Here he spent his boyhood days and those of his youth, securing his elementary education in the public schools maintained in that vicinity. In 1896 he married his good wife, who now mourns his departure, Christine Peterson, which union was blessed with two children, Mrs. Ernest Nelson of Lake Elizabeth and Leila Peterson who resides at the parental home in East Lake Lillian. The deceased was a resident in East Lake Lillian for 20 years; of Atwater four years; Saskatchewan, Canada for 3 years, and farmed, proved up a homestead and ran an elevator at Mortlach, Canada during one year. During the later years of his active life, he was vitally interested in the grain business and was known also as a real estate man in the county. He was very prominent in the affairs of business having been President of the Atwater Grain Company; supervisor of East Lake Lillian for 5 years, and was one of the directors of the Luce Electric Railway at the time of his death. He was the owner of the Victor T. Peterson Elevator Company of Atwater some years ago and at one time operated a store in Kandiyohi. The parents of the departed are both dead. Those who survive him besides his wife and 2 children are: one sister, Mrs. Charles Youngquist, Acton, Meeker county in this state; one half brother, Horace J. Peterson, Mortlach, Canada; and near relatives, Mr. and Mrs. S. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. F. Lawrenz of Center City all of whom were present at the funeral. The burial services were held at the Frank Danielson place and in the Methodist church in Atwater on June 20th. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Stromberg. During the services musical numbers were contributed by N. E. Nelson and the Misses Nelson and Johnson. Those who bore the revered man to his last rest were Messrs. Hemming Nelson, A. W. Johnson, E. J. Strom, Sumner Glader, Charles Swenson and John Knudson. Interment took place in the Union Cemetery where the remains were deposited in the earthly room. Thus closed the temporal career of a man, well loved by all whom came in contact with his kindly nature and sterling qualities. Obituary: (The Republican; Atwater, Kandiyohi Co., MN), June 25, 1920 Obituary – VICTOR T. PETERSON On Thursday, the 17th, at 1 a.m., occurred the death of Victor T. Peterson, one of the old settlers and well known persons of Kandiyohi county after a comparatively short, but severe illness and after having been taken to the Swedish Hospital at Minneapolis. Mr. Peterson was born the 11th of Feb. 1872 and was at his death 48 years, 4 months and 6 days old. In business circles, Mr. Peterson was well known, being interested in enterprises in Atwater and Kandiyohi and wherever he went he made friends, because he was of kind and friendly disposition. He leaves to mourn his death his wife, two daughters, and one brother, as well as many other relatives and a host of friends. The funeral was held last Sunday afternoon at the Atwater Methodist Church, Rev. Stromberg officiating. That Mr. Peterson was well known was proven by the tremendous attendance at the funeral. It was estimated that over 500 people attended. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. The whole community sympathizes with the bereaved family. ========================================================================= Copyright Joanne Peterson 2007. All rights reserved. =========================================================================