Graceton Cemetery, Graceton, Lake of the Woods Co., MN ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. If you have found this file through a source other than the MNArchives Table Of Contents you can find other Minnesota related Archives at: Please note the county and type of file at the top of this page to find the submitter information or other files for this county. FileFormat by Terri--MNArchives Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Pat Lehto Submitted: April 2004 ========================================================================= The cemetery of Graceton, Minnesota is located at the junction of Highway 11 and County Road 65. County Road 65 is one mile west of Graceton, Minnesota, or 12 miles west of Baudette, Minnesota in Lake of the Woods County. Graceton Cemetery Lake of the Woods County Graceton, Minnesota transcribed by Pat Lehto NAME DATES NOTES Asmus, Erwin, E. 1914-1999 Asmus, Margaret E. 1917-1979 Baker, Nellie B. Mar 09,1869-Feb 19,1935:At Rest Brown, Margaret P. 1909-1998:Married Apr 05,1927 Brown, Monroe R. 1907-1976 Canfield, Calvert Dec 09,1879-Jun 11,1917:May He Rest In Peace Canfield, Calvert Sr. 1845-1935 Cooper, David 1846-1917:In Loving Memory (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Craig, Frederick T. 1900-1969:Father Craig, Margaret O. 1911-1988:Mother Craig, Teddy Allen Dec 27,1946-Nov 25,1969:MN SSG US Army Vietnam Den, Axel W. 1872-1953 Dix, George A. 1883-1955 Dix, Matilda E. 1906-1954 Dopp, Inez J. 1908-1999 Dopp, Theodore, R. 1904-1980 Eickhoff, Anna H. 1866-1936 Eickhoff, Dot Jan 28,1893-Nov 04,1960:Rest In Peace Eickhoff, Ernest Aug 08,1899-Sep 29,1953 Eickhoff, Jerry May 30,1888-Aug 26,1968:MN Pvt HQCo5 Pioneer Inf. WWI Eickhoff, Lyle Edward May 26,1935-Dec 03,1935:Our Baby Everet, Jacob Apr 08,1939-Mar 01,1940:Son Ferguson, Joe Burr May 15,1879-Apr 10,1948 Ferguson, Lorne Judson Aug 28,1907-Sep 09,1907 Ferguson, Rose Glen Webster Jan 27,1873-Apr 24,1947:Rest In Peace Halvarson, Axel 1884-1951:Father Halvarson, Caroline 1887-1958:Mother Hochstetler, Eldon R. Jun 07,1957-Nov 24,1958 Horner, Betty 1936- :Married Sep 19,1959 Horner, Bob Jan 17,1932-Dec 18,1992:footstone to this: Robert Lorrain Horner A 2C US Air Force Korea Children: James Thomas Kelly Also a large headstone with "Children" in the center Ronald Kelly Gary Kelly Betty Horner Nancy Bucklin Judy Tobin Johnson, Clifford S. Jul 31,1912-Jan 15,1987 Johnson, Baby Boy 1915-1915:Son of Merle Johnson (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Johnson, Baby Girl Del 1943-1943:metal mortuary marker Johnson, Grace W. 1921- :Married Jan 11,1941 Johnson, Russell G. 1914-1984 Kelly, Henry A. Dec 14,1864-Jun 06,1936:Father Kelly, Nancy S. 1866-1952:Mother Kelly, Ronald Jan 17,1933 Ketola, Cinde Dian 1955-2000 Knutson, Baby Girl 1920-1920:Child of Ole Knutson (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Koch, Raymond Feb 19,1921-May 20,1997 Krull, Carl 1894-1971 Krull, Marian C. 1901-1994 Lawrence, Victor 1869-1919:In Loving Memory (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Lilja, Ellen 1868-1923:In Loving Memory (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Lilja, Fred August Apr 21,1889-Nov 30,1917 Lund, Arley Justin Sep 09,1919-Dec 19,2002:Sgt. US army WWII Lund, Laura Clara Dec 20,1925- Lund, Arthur Conrad 1889-1957 Lund, Jennie A. 1889-1972 Lund, Marna A. -Mar 03,1957 Madoll, Barbara A. Jun 15,1940- :Married Jun 22,1958 Madoll, Eugene R. Sep 09,1937-May 22,1988 Mahan, Emma Nov 08,1878-Jun 16,1914 Malicote, Anna Dec 15,1884-Feb 22,1911 McClernan, David A. 1879-1962 McClernan, M. Oletta 1878-1962 McClernan, John Edwin Dec 29,1907-Oct 21,1992 Merry, Marguerite Aug 07,1920-Jun 31,1989:nee Skrivseth Moore, Augusta -1958:metal mortuary marker Nelson, Esther 1867-1938:Mother Nelson, Henry C. Jun 18,1893-Dec 21,1950 Nelson, Nels 1880-1958:metal mortuary marker Odegaard, Boy 1940-1940:metal mortuary marker Oftedahl, Charlotte J. Mar 11,1947- :left corner of headstone "Kim" Oftedahl, Leonard C. Mar 11,1942-May 20,2000:right corner of headstone "Amy" We Are One Oftedahl, Clarence 1903-1954 ?? ?? no dates:new burial, I assume the wife of Clarence Oftedahl, no headstone Olson, Lars Christian 1917-1996:In Gods Hands Olson, Mildred Anna Vratisovsky 1918- Paton, George 1910-1912:age eighteen months (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Patterson, John V. 1852-1918:US Army (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Pearson, Donald J. 1927-1927:Son of Axel Pearson (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Pearson, Lars Helmer 1913-1914:Son of Lars Pearson (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Pedersen, Clara A. May 17,1898-Mar 24,1937 Pedersen, Frederick Nels Jul 03,1895-Nov 07,1982:Pvt. US Army WWI Pedersen, Nels Henry Dec 28,1926-Oct 02,1946:Minnesota CPL 364 M.P. BN WWII Pedersen, Paul Oscar Feb 07,1922-May 25,1980:Pfc US Army WWII Pedersen, Raymond H. Sep 12,1924-Oct 23,1975:Pfc US Army WWII Pedersen, Roberta Lois Feb 20,1931-Aug 14,2002:Loving Wife & Mother Peterson, Dorothy A. Aug 08,1922- :Wife Peterson, Ernest W. Feb 14,1921-Nov 22,1991:Tec 4 US Army WWII Peterson, Ernest 1887-1959 Peterson, Herbert Thomas 1914-1968:and wife Verna Peterson, Mary E. 1883-1972 Peterson, Wm D. 1890-1970 Phillips, Ruth McClernan Aug 08,1911-Aug 28,2001:Wife of Walter Phillips Rebarchek, Betty Renea Feb 28,1968-Jun 25,2000:In Loving Memory Rebarchek, John C. Nov 22,1919-Sep 10,1995:Capt Inf 8th Regt 4th Div WWII Rebarchek, Marjorie R. Nov 18,1924-Aug 02,1990:Married Aug 12,1942 Rebarchek, Marion A. 1922-1991 Rebarchek, Mitchell W. Jul 11,1916-May 03,1999:Sgt. US Army WWII Rebarchek, Martin A. Feb 25,1956-Jul 19,1983 Reese, Brian Ellis Oct 12,1943-Feb 08,1999:1st Lt. US Army Vietnam PH wife: Nhung children: Thuy Susie Dian Reese, Edward H. 1879-1952 Reese, Eva E. 1899-1979 Reese, Florence N. 1907-1980 Reese, Harriet Jane 1920- Reese, Herbert Paul S. 1910-1998 Reese, Raymond J. 1914-1953 Reynolds, Sidney S. Aug 23,1861-Jan 28,1953:Grandfather Ronstadt, Harold D. Jan 15,1918-Apr 09,1919:Baby Rose, Nancy L. 1938- :Mother Our Father which Art In Heaven Rose, Ray M. Jun 21,1930-Oct 27,1996:Father A2C US Air Force Korea Rowley, Wilber 1866-1925 Sandvold, Milton 1937-2001:metal mortuary marker Schuh, Edward J. 1892-1978:Pvt US Army WWI Schuh, Frances 1899-1981:Wife Schuh, John 1883-1980 Schuh, Wayne A. 1952-1973 Skrivseth, Jacob. N. 1884-1978 Skrivseth, Richard May 25,1914-May 31,1992:US Army WWII Skrivseth, Ruth L. 1892-1959 Skrivseth, Theodore E. Nov 11,1910-Jun 15,1981:In Memory Of Smith, Harry 1860-1910:In Loving Memory (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Stromberg, John 1858-1916 Stueber, Christopher David Jul 29,1984-Sep 27,1990 Stueber, Jack D. -Jan 29,1962:Father:Married May 21,1983 Stueber, Muriel E. -Dec 15,1962:Mother:Our Father Which Art In Heaven Sward, Axel 1896-1924:US Army (6"x6" aluminum headstone) Sward, Martina 1865-1924:Mother Sward, John 1864-1924:Father Tyamchik, John 1879-1951 Walker, Marissa 2000-2000:metal mortuary marker Ware, Anna G. Jul 20,1903-Dec 25,1998 Ware, Percy Dalbert Jun 06,1900-Jul 26,1957:MN Pvt Btry A 73 Coast Arty WWI Ware, Dalbert T. Mar 07,1926-Mar 15,1934 Ware, Donald Morton Jan 17,1928-Sep 24,1986:Sgt. US Army Korea Williams, Axina 1891-1963 Williams, Frank W. 1883-1968 Williams, Ethel M. 1893-1956 Williams, George A. Feb 25,1898-Feb 24,1970:Ill Pvt. Co G. 108 Ammo TN WWI Williams, Margaret May 28,1881-Nov 07,1949:Mother Williams, Morgan Mar 27,1906-Apr 18,1956:Father I walked this cemetery April 2004