Le Sueur County MN Archives Obituaries.....Kopet, James October 5, 1934 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/mn/mnfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jack B Copet jbcopet@sbcglobal.net July 13, 2009, 4:30 pm Montgomery Messenger, October 5, 1934 Obit; from Montgomery Messenger, October 5, 1934: James Kopet James Kopet, one of the highly respected residents of this community, passed away at the Community hospital in New Prague at 1:10 o'clock last Sunday morning following an operation. He was taken ill with bowel trouble on Friday, Sept. 21st and was removed to the hospital the same day in a critical condition. He rallied for a time following the operation, but complications developed and he rapidly sank until death came to relieve his suffering. The deceased, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Kopet, was born in Czecho-Slovakia on September 28th, 1870. At the age of two years he emigrated to America with his parents and settled on a farm in Montgomery township, southeast of this city. He grew to manhood in this community and on January 6th, 1890, was united in marriage to Catherine Chlain at the Catholic church in Veseli. Following their marriage they took over the old home farm and operated the same until 1923, when they retired and moved to this city. He was possessed with a pleasing disposition which gained him a vast friendship throughout the entire community. He was a practical, matter-of-fact man, who had his own way of extracting merriment from life as it went along, and he was not disposed to worry about matters that could not be bettered in any way. This cheerful spirit remained with him to the last, and he retained his clearness of intellect up to his closing days. The funeral was held from the Church of the Holy Redeemer in this city at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday forenoon. Rev. Emil Polasek conducted the servicesand entoned a requiem high mass. The Z.C.B.J., I.O.F. and C.O.F. lodges, of which the deceased was an active member, attended the funeral in a body. Interment was in the family lot in Calvary cemetery. The pallbearers were E.J. Dvorak, Frank Mladek, J.M. Petricka, Mike Filipek, J.A. Kaisersatt and F.J. Turek. He is survived by his sorrowing wife, three daughters, Mrs. Albert Kotek, of Kilkenny township, and Mrs. L.G. Haber and Mrs. Wm. Pere, of St. Paul, three sons, Frank of Fairbault, James, of Montgomery township, and Thomas Kopet, of Erin township, and one sister, Mrs. Jacob Sirek, of this city. Additional Comments: Information came via Maggie Stewart for the USGenWeb Archives Obituary Project. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/mn/lesueur/obits/k/kopet9ob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/mnfiles/ File size: 2.9 Kb