Members of Minnesota Territorial Pioneers, 1901, Lincoln Co., MN

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Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by: Shawne FitzGerald

Members of Minnesota Territorial Pioneers, 1901.
Source: Minnesota Territorial Pioneers Souvenir No. 2, 1901, p.79.

The booklet is available at the Hennepin County Historical Society 
library (  My list is incomplete for the 
entire state but the lists are "complete for the counties" themselves.  
Membership was limited to territorial pioneers, their spouses, and widows/
widowers of territorial pioneers.

(Note: if year is incomplete this is the way it is in the book.)
The date stands for the year of arrival in Minnesota.


Davidson, James B.
Enke, John C.
McCartney, John S.
McArthur, Daniel
Roberts, Wm. H.
Rierson, Knute