Obit of Mrs. D. G. CHISHOLM (b.1855 d.1902), Mille Lacs Co., MN 

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Wenatchee Advance, Wenatchee, WA. Aug 16, 1902
Death of Mrs. D. G. Chisholm
	It becomes our painful duty to announce the death of Mrs. D. G. 
Chisholm, which occured at the family residence on Saturday, resulting 
from a complication of cancer of the stomach and liver, accompanied by 
	She had been at the hospital in Seattle, but returned without 
relief and died soon after, leaving a husband and twelve children.
	The funeral took place from the Stemilt school house on Monday, 
conducted by Rev. Victor f. Martin, and the remains were laid to rest 
in the cemetery near the school house.
	Mrs. Chisholm was beloved by all who knew her, and the funeral 
was attended by over two hundred people.
	The earnest sympathy of this people goes out to the husband and 
childrenin this, their hour of great sorrow.

(Mrs. D. G. Chisholm is the former Ida Groff. Ida and Daniel Chisholm 
lived in Princeton in the early 1870 - 1888, at which time they moved 
to Bucato, WA.. In 1889 they moved to Stemilt area west of Wenatchee, 
WA..They were married in Sherburn Co., June 4 1972..Ida was born in 
Livonia, Sherburn Co. MN. 21 of Dec 1855, the daughter of Paul and Susan 
Groff. Daniel was the son of Allan Taylor Chisholm and Ester Gerow long 
time residence of Milo, MN.)